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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. It's been more than 26 years since that day, and I still shiver when I think of the potential for mayo to have actually touched me. Proximal Mayonnaise Syndrome is no laughing matter. Pity me.
  2. Well, I'll have to hear about it from you and others. I haven't got a TV and can't find a way to watch it online. :-(
  3. Hi Healer, Until very recently, I thought SL used only one CPU core. Although I do not see it using more than one cpu's worth of processing power on my iMac, I've been told that, since V2, SL Viewers can use more than one core. Here's a quote from Monty Linden last week, in response to my mistaken claim that SL still runs on only one core... "As a data point... a windows viewer performing texture and mesh downloads can keep 1.75-2.5 cores busy averaged over many seconds. Burst demand can be higher. Steady state after all assets are resident on the host will be lower. " Now, it may be that the additional cores are only used during texture and mesh downloads, I don't know. But it seems there should be times when you see SL crawl over to additional cores to get the job done.
  4. Hi Lilly, As Knowl said, your inventory has not been lost, it's still on the SL servers. It's only your local copy of the inventory list that's been corrupted, and it will have to be reloaded. If you have problems like this often, it could be that your connection to SL is fragile. If you are on wi-fi, you might try a direct cable connection to your router. This will minimize the potential for future corruption of local files on your computer due to glitches in the connection. If trying Knowl's suggestion doesn't bring back your inventory list, come back and edit your question via "Options" over there on the right and let us know, and we'll see what else we can recommend to help. Good luck!
  5. Hi MeiLaie, It's not our game. We're residents just like you. There are endless freebies, public sandboxs in which you can build things (though not for permanent placement) and many interesting places to visit. There are lots of nice people here that require only that you make some effort to meet them. That effort can seem formidible for the timid, but this is a grand place to work though that. I didn't spend a penny for my first six months in Second Life. If I'd wanted to, I could have gone another five years without spending a penny. There are compromises you make if you don't want to spend money, and I understand if you're not willing to make them, but the cost of participating here is largely up to you.
  6. Sephina Frostbite wrote: Giggles thanks for my morning laugh. It's not funny, Sephina! He liked mayo. I hate mayo. Can you imagine if he'd got mayo on me! At least I was kind enough to drop jelly donuts on him.
  7. Steph, Rolig was suggesting that people learn better by actually trying things, rather than being shown the way. And that's why she was holding back and not showing the OP how to do it. The famous American humorist Will Rogers made the wry observation that some people may learn only by doing, and that you probably can't show or tell them anything. That was not what Rolig was suggesting, though I think we've all met people who are a little like that, or we have been someone who is a little like that. You wouldn't have to search very hard to find someone who thinks that trying to teach me is pointless. ;-)
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: Maybe by your terms I should have taken Prok referring to us as 'kids' a complement. "Hi, Kids!!!", was Mom's usual greeting to Dad and me. She told everybody she had two children. As I've said before... As for adults behaving like children, there are times and ways in which that is a lovely thing to do. To paraphrase Mark Twain, the difference between childish and childlike behavior is like the difference between lightning and a lightning bug. I won't tell you how to take Prok's referring to us as kids, but I assure you that when I say it, I intend it as a compliment. ;-)
  9. Sephina Frostbite wrote: Have you ever dreamed about walking down the run way. I've done that, while my flight instructor tried to drop his sack lunch on me from 100 feet above!
  10. Rolig Loon wrote: Yes, of course, but I was letting the OP discover that and a number of other things for herself. She'll probably learn better that way. She's doing OK so far. :smileywink: Will Rogers said, "There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves." What Will Rogers neglected to mention is that peeing on the electric fence is still the fastest way for readers and observers to learn. And that, with a suitable substitution (in my case it was touching an electric fence with a buttered piece of bread), this applies to women as well. ;-)
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: You accused us of being "kids." Prove to us that you are an adult by acting like one here." Perrie, Prok is acting like an adult. People who believe the Earth is flat are acting like adults. People who won't vaccinate their children, even with vaccines containing no thimersol (mercury) are acting like adults. Scientologists are acting like adults when they probe each other with their E-Meters. People who believe JFK was assassinated by aliens are acting like adults. I believe adult behavior is highly overrated. If Prok were behaving (a better word than "acting") like a child, there would be a substantial likelihood of changes in position on various subjects as understanding is gained. Kids do that all the time. Do you see evidence that Prok is gaining understanding? Every one of us rejects evidence that challenges our belief systems. The trick is to recognize when we're doing it, and to try to open ourselves up to the challenge. In this regard, children should be our role models. ;-)
  12. valerie Inshan wrote: LOL! I was wearing shoes. Does that count? Good morning Maddy!!! Shoes definitely count! Wear two, no more, no less!
  13. Hi Katie, You really didn't state what's not working for you, but I'll guess. If you're wearing shoes that have prim feet, the feet are not matching your stockings. Stockings are a coat of translucent paint applied to the body of your avatar, just as system clothing is opaque. Many shoes come with replacement prim feet, so we don't have to look at those hand hewn totem pole feet we're all born with. And that's the problem. Since the prim feet are not part of the avatar, the stockings can't color them. Your boots work because they too are attachments, they cover the avatar foot and don't even have prim feet in them, just a foot shape modifier and an alpha texture to prevent any hint of avatar foot from poking through the boot. I've a pair of sandals I like, and wear with almost anything. I have, only once in my life, taken the effort to match the feet to a pair of stockings. I did it exactly the way I matched the feet to my skin. I made a copy of the shoes, donned them and the stockings and then attached the HUD and started playing with the RGB sliders until I got an acceptable match. I then renamed the shoe copy to associate it with the stockings. So long as your stockings are not patterned (sadly, that means no back seam, either) that method might work for you. Good luck!
  14. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Hippie! Oops, I'm late today. I've been working on some of my latest SL pictures. Not sure I can post them in the picture thread... they are not quite PG! At least you can post whatever you want on Flickr, which I did! Big Friday hugs to you all! PG is in the eye of the beholder... Good morning, Kids!!!
  15. Ansiri wrote: Thank you Hippie and Coby. Some old lucky shots, i think i need to start playing with windlights and settings more, haven't used them much. Tried them while taking halloween shots, were pretty nice to play with. Madelaine, that was funny! :smileyvery-happy: Though i think i've seen you in some place else also... I must be more careful when I'm sneaking about. I'm supposed to be stealthy.
  16. Good evening, Kids!!! I slept late today after spending the pre-dawn hours looking for comet Lovejoy... ... in all the wrong places.
  17. Welcome to Second Life, Teeny! Here's a link to many options for earning or purchasing Linden dollars... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_Earn_Linden_Dollars_in_Second_Life I'm not sure how current the information is. You can have a heck of a lot of fun in SL for zero money. I lived here for my first six months with not a dollar to my name, making new friends, visiting endless sims and making things in public sandboxes that I later gave away to friends. Don't let an absense of money rob you of fun, it's all around you!
  18. Hi, CallieDel, I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but I'll answer anyway. To restrict access to your profile, go to https://my.secondlife.com/settings/privacy and set the access controls as desired. You can restrict access to only those with Second Life accounts, only Friends, or Nobody at all. If you want to avoid having your posts placed on Facebook, then don't use the viewer's Facebook sharing features. Facebook sharing is something you must purposely do. Here's a link to more information about how the Facebook connection works, and how to avoid it... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Introducing-SLShare-an-Easy-Way-to-Share-to-Facebook-While/ba-p/2220951
  19. Hi Rayleen, Here's a link that may help you associate SLURLs with your viewer... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/slurl Good luck!
  20. Hi Gemina, Others have had this problem. Here's a link to the solution offered by KarenMichelle Lane... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Second-Life-I-can-not-open-it-with-Windows-8-1-What-can... Good luck!
  21. Hi Robina, Preferences->Privacy->LookAt->My look at targets: check "Don't send my look at targets to others" As for IMs, nobody can tell who you are IMing, so there's no privacy setting for them.
  22. Rolig has nailed the emotional/social side of your question, Redscar. I'm on my second Second Life. However, I do not recommend creating two new avatars and making them both known to the same circle of friends. This results in constant bickering between the alts, as they compete for the attentions of their common friends and suffer bruised egos when one is invariably preferred over the other.
  23. Hi Redscar, So long as you have a SL account, its profile will be visible. You can delete everything in your profile, empty your friends list and restrict access to your profile to "Friends", but the fact that the account exists cannot be hidden. To fold up your profile, go to https://my.secondlife.com/settings/privacy and set the access controls to Friends or, when allowed, "Nobody". The only way to make an avatar completely vanish from SL is to close the account. As for transferring inventory, you can only transfer items that have "Transfer" permissions. If you try a wholesale drag of folders if things from one avatar to another, only "Transfer" items will move. And anything you created under the original avatar will continue to show that avatar as creator, and you may find that if you were not careful assigning permissions on the things you created, your new avatar will end up with restricted permissions on the things you created. So make all your creations full perm before moving them. This includes making sure that the permissions on things contained inside things you've built, like textures and scripts, are also full perm. Good luck!
  24. Hi Rhea, Others have had this problem. Here's a link to the solution offered by KarenMichelle Lane... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Second-Life-I-can-not-open-it-with-Windows-8-1-What-can-I-do/qaq-p/2318907 Good luck!
  25. Hi Alshay, You are "Wear"ing, "Add"ing or double-clicking your furniture rather than dragging it from inventory onto the ground. And to do that, you must either own or rent land or have permission (perhaps from a friend) to rez objects on someone else's land. Here's a tutorial on using the "Build" tools, which you'll need to understand before rezzing and moving your furniture... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Build-Tools/ta-p/700039 And here's another with more advanced concepts to help you move collections of items... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-move-a-build/ta-p/919109 Good luck, and welcome to Second Life!
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