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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. InsideOut Clip wrote: I am just curious to how many people have created Multiple Avatars and why they decited to do so? Is it allowed? or is it frowned upon? I have three avatars. I created Maddy first, then I created a "Sugar Mommy" account to carry my payment details, with the hope that "security though obscurity" isn't just a cute rhyme. And finally, quite against my will, Snugs was created to hound me through mists of SL. Do I frown upon multiple avatars? No, that's Snugs' job.
  2. Just once. That flags your name in the database as "immune" and any vampires that go searching for victims will not see you in their HUDs. So, as I said... get it, wear it, delete it.
  3. Hi again, InsideOut! You get 117 prims with the house, and the house does not count against that. You can monitor your prim usage in "World->Parcel Details". (I think, I'm working from fading memory here. ETA: yep I got it wrong.) And here's a thread dealing with allowing guest access to your Linden Home... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/how-do-i-set-the-Access-for-my-linden-home/qaq-p/2417109 Have fun! ETA: Ignore me and follow Rolig's advice!
  4. InsideOut Clip wrote: ok thanks ... wasn't sure if I should be worried or not. Did not understand what they ment by it. No need to worry, I updated my first response with a link to the necklace. If you want to avoid future bite requests, get it (it's free) wear it, then delete it.
  5. Hi InsideOut (I love your name!), The Bloodlines Vampire game is just that, a game. Your name has been placed in an external database, from which it will never be expunged. You can obtain a garlic necklace (it's available in the marketplace here) which marks your name as "immune" rather than "limbo" once you wear it. But your name will still be in their database. Our RL names are in countless databases. I wouldn't fret about having the name of your avatar in yet one more. So, forget it and move on!
  6. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Ebbe Linden wrote: But, the edge cases and the potential cost to us in certain scenarios are quite substantial. im still wondering what are those "edge cases" you are talking about .... and what are those "certain scenarios" . What are they and what is the probability for they happen for justifying such paragraph in the TOS (what doesnt say anything else but LL can use our intellectual property as they want) LL's IP policy reads almost exactly like Google's. It's not suprising that the law can't keep up with technology. Almost nothing can. I think the best we can hope for is that LL explains their intent. I think a lot of the heat generated by the change in TOS is the result of mistrust caused by lack of communication. I found life a lot easier when I told my clients that I didn't quite know what I was doing, but I was working with them than when I just kept my mouth shut and let them wonder. When it comes to managing IP in a digital world, nobody quite knows what they're doing.
  7. Hi Neyvn, I can't think of a reason for this to happen, other than your draw distance is set high and when you swing around, you're causing a spike in texture loading as new scenery comes into view. But if this were the case, you'd crash upon teleporting as well. I had problems like this when I used a laptop with dust bunnies in the GPU fan. Upon encountering a heavy rendering load, the OS would throttle back the GPU to control temperature and SL, which is intolerant of such things, would crash. Did you recently increase your draw distance? Come back to edit your question via "Options" over there on the right, or post more information in an answer here so we can keep all our posts in the same thread, and not push others off the front page. Subscribe to the thread so you'll see posted responses. (We don't get updates for edits, so it may be better to post additional information as answers in this thread rather than editing your original question). Good luck!
  8. Ebbe Linden wrote: Agreed. Must talk to customers. And one must understand their actaul needs becuase that is real. But the solutions they ask for are very often wrong. Understanding the difference takes good product management skills that few have. But it's so fun to ask, particularly of the top avatar! All eyes are on ya, Ebbe! Whatever you do, please do NOT have focus groups. But if you do... Invite me? ;-)
  9. Hi ValleyGal, It sounds like you're dealing with at least two problems. First, your teleport history is stored in your avatar's folder in "teleport_history.txt". Go to Preferences->Network & Cache. The path to those folders will be shown in the "Conversation logs and transcripts location" text box. If you click "Open" you'll be taken to the folder above all your individual avatar folders (some of us have more than one ;-). Dive into the appropriate avatar's folder, and you'lI find "teleport_history.txt". Delete it. Second, as for your being a cloud, that sounds like a connection issue. Grab a glass of root-beer and read through Nalates Urriah's treatise on improving your computer's connection to SL.. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Good luck!
  10. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: I'm unable to TP to your sim at the moment, getting the "Sorry, you do not have access to that teleport destination." That's a first for me. Maddy, do you have payment info on file? If not, you won't be able to TP there. I do. ETA: Is it possible the method of ascertaining PIOF has changed? I removed my CC information immediately after obtaining PIOF years ago.
  11. JaedenDelanaire wrote: Tari Landar wrote: Oh I get that everyone isn't necessarily gifted in that area. Using another's emotes won't make you any less so, however. Quite the opposite actually. . . I actually disagree! :matte-motes-big-grin: But only in a certain context. Part of the reason why I can emote half as well as I do now is because I've copy-pasted erotic RPs I've had chance to witness into saved notepad files, or any emotes I happen to witness in passing that have made me go, "Wow, that's a good writer." I've used the files to study their sentence structures and why they're appealing to read. Good sentence structures are things that SHOULD be learned, and there's no better way to learn than to play copy-cat with the structure while switching out descriptive words and actions to taper to your scene. Ack, I certainly don't think sentence structure is what makes good writing. Maybe I'm just trying to hold out hope for myself, but I believe good writing doesn't require it, and goes well beyond it. I've seen this same copy/edit technique used in the creation of many things, and I do my best to avoid it. If I'm trying to build an idea or feeling in your head (which is what good writing is all about), I don't want to be restricted by someone else's scaffolding, no matter how neat I think it looks. The time I'd spend trying to wrench the scaffolding around a corner would be better spent constructing one from scratch, using my own tools and judgment. The best way to become a good writer is simply to... write.
  12. I'm unable to TP to your sim at the moment, getting the "Sorry, you do not have access to that teleport destination." That's a first for me.
  13. 2-20-2015 After a sweeping review that results in the FDA requiring whipped cream be labeled "For External Use Only", sales skyrocket.
  14. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Happy Thursday. Home sick today. Sigh. Maddy, better send me some chicken juice too! Peace! Will this be enough? Hi, Kids!!!
  15. Hi Bree, You may have better luck asking this question in the mesh section of the creation forum. This problem has been discussed there. Here's an example... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Dreaded-Dae-Parsing-Error-I-Have-NO-MORE-HAIR-to-pull-out-Help/m-p/2113917#M22717 Good luck!
  16. Hola vampiraclhoe, Suspensiones de cuentas temporales pueden ser tan misterioso como círculos de las cosechas. Si cumple con los Second Life Términos de Servicio y Reglamento de la Comunidad, debería tener nada de qué preocuparse. Si he entendido bien, tu cuenta ha vuelto a la normalidad. Estoy feliz de escuchar eso. No creo que la suspensión haya tenido algo que ver con el ajuste de Phoenix / Firestorm en el espectador. Esa es sólo una coincidencia. Disfruta jugando en el arenero!
  17. Bonjour seve, Si je comprends bien votre question, vous avez transféré l'argent de Second Life au PayPal et il n'est pas encore arrivé. Ces transferts peuvent prendre 5-7 jours ouvrables. Être un peu plus patient. Si l'argent n'arrive pas à la fin de la semaine, contacter Linden support de facturation ... Billing support phone numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Brazil: 0800.762.1132 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only
  18. Golly Observation, I sure haven't got an answer for you, but that sounds so cool! I do find myself stuck flying now and then, but that happens rarely and a relog fixes it. And when that happens, I don't float around. I just hover as you'd expect. If someone does figure this out, I want to make it happen to me! Good luck!
  19. Hi Nellie, Physical creatures should not be able to walk through other objects, unless those objects are set to "phantom". If they are walking through other objects, something is wrong. The animals themselves can't be phantom, as they'd then also fall through floors and the terrain. Now, even if your animals did correctly observe boundaries set by other objects, keeping them corralled is a challenge. I've seen physical things go astray because of server glitches. Once they get outside the pen, they can't get back inside again. I once had a globe filled with apples that could be shaken. It was great fun to watch. However I often logged in to find the ball empty and my apples laying on the floor of my home, or the ocean floor. Come back to your question and edit it to tell us more. You can do that via "Options" over there on the right.
  20. Hi Kasia, You'll probably never hear from Linden Lab regarding the abuse reports. You've done your part and now it's between LL and your harasser. You're doing the right thing by completely ignoring him. I found this webpage describing a method for filting out unwanted e-mail in a Gmail account. Perhaps it'll be useful to you... http://www.wikihow.com/Block-Senders-in-Gmail Good luck.
  21. Perrie Juran wrote: Bliss is a woman's breast. Well then, I'm a little tubeless.
  22. Hi Bria, We're SL residents, just like you, and this is an SL forum, not Firestorm's. So there's really nothing we can do to fix the problem. Here's a link to the Firestorm bug report... http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-12460 There's some mention about disabling Coverflow, but I've no idea how that's done. Perhaps they mean that if you browse for your files to upload using icon, list or column view, the crash won't happen. Coverflow view is the rightmost of the four view modes in the file navigation window that pops up when you wish to upload an image. I don't know if the SL Viewer shares the bug, it's worth trying an upload using that. Good luck!
  23. Perrie Juran wrote: Next time I will pay closer attention. Why the hell would you do that? You'll see stuff. Didn't anybody ever tell you ignorance is bliss? Well, I just did.
  24. Hi Lucianoroma, Without more information we'll have difficulty helping. What have you tried that didn't work? What payment method are you using? Come back to your question and add more information. You do so via "Options" over there on the right.
  25. Hi CookieFelia, IM "spike" and ask! Here's his profile... https://my.secondlife.com/spike.papp/#about_tab He's got a group and he probably posts his schedule to it. Search is your friend! ;-)
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