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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. While many. including me, use third party viewers, they've created a bit of a tower of Babel in SL. You can understand the concerns of third party viewer developers who may be locked out of creating viewers for LL's new virtual world. But, I'm looking forward to the elimination of the incompatibilities between viewers that so greatly complicate collaboration. The SL Answers area often gets questions from people who cannot understand SL tutorials because the UI of their viewer doesn't match that of the one used to create the tutorial. If you are a third party viewer creator, go ahead and panic. If you are anyone else, there may be reason to rejoice.
  2. Gavin Hird wrote: IDK how this works in the US, but where I live one can create all the TOS one wants, but if they are in violation of the minimum requrements of the law, they are null and void. Meaning those TOS executed in my country would give me, the creator, the full IP rights as stated in the law. When you join SL, you accept the TOS. The TOS contains terms that give them rights to your IP. If you accept the TOS, you accept the terms. You have willfully given LL rights to use your IP. Your country's laws will mostly likely expect you to respect those terms. If you wish not to give LL the right to your IP, don't enter SL. I haven't noticed anything in the TOS that violates US law, and the TOS reads very much like Google's TOS. I'll guess that Google's lawyers vetted their TOS with at least US and EU savvy lawyers. Your country likely gives you legal avenues to protect your IP. They're even more likely to give you legal avenues to give those rights away, as you do when you agree to the TOS.
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: I think you are dismissing the effect on users a little too much here. And by users I mean both Merchants and Consumers. Certainly I have gotten a lot of enjoyment in the present but I don't buy things with just gratification in the present in mind. I think about future use also. It would be a pretty rare thing for me to buy something for a one off use. So the current announcement is going to affect my buying habits. You are right that many Merchants still reap profits from things they made years ago. But what happens to that income when consumer confidence is shot? What about someone starting up a business today? There's a storm that is going to need to be rode out. Maybe it will turn out to be only a refreshing Summer rain. Or it could be more turbulent than that. Certainly it is always wise to prepare for a storm. But no matter how much you prepare, sometimes storms catch you by surprise, unprepared and with out shelter in the great outdoors. I don't spend enough time or money in-world to worry about this. But I don't think my purchasing habits would change much. I don't generally buy stuff for today only, but I don't buy it for a year or two out either. And I imagine it'll be that long before SL2 draws me away from SL1, if something else doesn't get me first. I didn't stop investing in SL when other competing virtual worlds were announced, let alone pre-announced. The fact that LL is pre-announcing doesn't change a thing for me. For some time, I've been searching for an explanation for the slow to non-existent progress in SL. Now I have one! ETA: I've grown up making transient art. Snowmen, sand-castles, carved pumpkins, crop circles, and (lately) community stage sets. SL is the same for me.
  4. Hi bateliii, When you upload an animation/pose, you must set the priority. You can learn more (but not all ;-) about animation priorities here... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Animation_Priority http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Animation_Upload_Priority http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_create_animations http://www.mermaiddiaries.com/2007/11/day-419-creating-poses-part-3-animation.html SL will not animate any joints that don't move at least a little from the initial "T" frame. So make sure you've nudged every joint at least a little before saving. Good luck!
  5. Woo hoo! If you two are going to clean up, you'll need something to clean. I'm going to teach the li'l neighbor girl how to play... Happy Wednesday, Kids!!!
  6. Years ago, I tried a collaborative build with some friends, and finally gave up because everybody was using different viewers. We spent more time trying to resolve misunderstandings than actually building. And now, as one who tries to answer questions from residents who use any number of viewers that all work just a little bit differently, I think I'll be happy to see third party viewers disappear. I'm having a hard time finding the downside to Ebbe saying that LL is working on a new virtual world that he hopes we'll want to move to. If they don't make it, someone else will.
  7. Hi Eagle, Here's a Knowledgebase page dealing with teleport issues, maybe it'll help... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Landmarks-teleporting-and-SLurls/ta-p/700123#Section_.1a Start by taking off attachments. Those may contain scripts (and lots of them) that prevent you from teleporting successfully. Good luck!
  8. Hi LordGeek, We're residents, just like you. So there is nothing we can do directly. As your purchase was a resident-to-resident transaction, LL will also not get involved. You may try contacting the creator/seller of the product. Tell them your story, but understand that they may have heard such stories before and could be cynical. When I get excited or angry, I usually count to ten. That doesn't stop me from making mistakes, but I like to think they're smaller as a result. ;-). Good luck!
  9. Duplicate of... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/is-sl-going-bye-bye/qaq-p/2756304
  10. Hi Sammantha, According to Ebbe Altberg, LL's CEO, they'll be directing considerable development effort to a new platform, but will continue to support SL as well. We'll hear more about this as things progress. If this new world draws us all away from SL, we won't mind if they close it down. If this new effort doesn't draw us away, something else probably will. SL is simply too difficult to drag into the future. Let's hope the same can't be said about us! ;-).
  11. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Let me rephrase... Name any Virtual world that allows the same abilities as SL that is actually competition. That's like asking me to name any other male who could compete against my ex-husband for my attention. There aren't any, not even him. He's remarried. He has a lovely family. I'm happy for him. ;-).
  12. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Ebbe Linden wrote: So you think SL can continue forever and still be competitive enought to matter in the future? We are going to do our best to make it smooth, but if we have to make a crappy product with crazy complexity and poor user experience to preserve some very specific content compatability we don't want to cause those problems. A lot of what you have will be possible to move across and more specifics will come through over time. Competitive enough with whom? Please name any competition to SL. Anything even close to the number of users. Anything that allows the ability to create like SL does. Anyone else hear crickets? Topeka, Kansas. Actually the average concurrency of Topeka is double the average concurrency of Second Life. Have you been to Topeka? I've been to Topeka, home of "Brown vs. Board of Education", the Kansas Evolution Hearings (I'll argue that the existence of Topeka is "only a theory") and the first city to rename itself "Google". And, come autumn, they have lots of... crickets!!!
  13. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Ebbe Linden wrote: So you think SL can continue forever and still be competitive enought to matter in the future? We are going to do our best to make it smooth, but if we have to make a crappy product with crazy complexity and poor user experience to preserve some very specific content compatability we don't want to cause those problems. A lot of what you have will be possible to move across and more specifics will come through over time. Competitive enough with whom? Please name any competition to SL. Anything even close to the number of users. Anything that allows the ability to create like SL does. Anyone else hear crickets? Okay, let me start listing competitors... Facebook Netflix Pandora XBox Live Online porn A new child A used Miata(!) Some of these competitors are intentional, some are natural, some are accidental, some are unavoidable. Second Life is not competing with other virtual worlds for our attention(money). It's competiting with everything. SL may have cornered us, but the SL concurrency charts reveal it's a stagnant to shrinking corner. Look at the last five years of SL concurrency... As you see, SL can't even compete with its former self. Yes I know about the sweeping out of the bots. Nevertheless, the trend continues. And this is why, like it or not, I'm sanguine about Ebbe's recent revelations. This is not about what I want, it's about LL's future success. All our discussions about Oculus rift, before Facebook's acquisition for USD$2 Billion, were blinkered by our biases. I thought they'd go nowhere. USD$2 Billion is a heck of a lot of nowhere. I'm willing to consider the possibility that Facebook is smarter than me. I'm willing to extend that consideration (for now) to Ebbe as well. ;-).
  14. Ebbe Linden wrote: Thanks. So FB/Oculus came out and said they are going to do a VW for a billoin people. I did not hear a peep from anyone here. How compatibale will that world be? When will all users run over to that one? Should I invest in SL now that they are donig that...etc. If all users move rather quickly from SL to our next gen then I assume things went very well. If few are, then I think we'd have more work to do and SL will keep on tickin until only the new one makes sense to operate... I can't give a clear path for exactly when and how this transition may or may not happen (could be that they are side by side for a very long time). All I've said is that we're doing it, we're going to invest a lot to do it, and that from now on forward we'll all be talking about it with more and more detail as time goes by. You'll be along for the ride. Trying to hide it for a long period where we can answer all the questions by the time we do reveal it I don't think would work becuase it would come out anyway and second, I want to have dialog with you all about it rather than come up with all the answers first (and then get yelled at for not including you sooner . So, my recommendation is that if you have interest in VW then use the best product there is (SL) and as time goes on we will figure out how to make it worthwhile for you to stay with us and work through the transition over time . But none of us can predict what the world will look like 2 years from now (regardless of what we do or do not do). There was some peeping (though not much, as you've noted) about the FB/Oculus acquisition. I was (I think) the first to mention it, by admitting an oops. The reason we barely peeped is probably that our little tribe didn't see that competition as coming from our kin. I think we peeped more about Creatorverse, Blocksworld, Patterns, etc, than FB/Oculus. That's because we saw those not so much as competitors for our attention as for LL's. You spoiled us. But I'm in agreement with you about creating something new. If someone creates a VW that spawns a business that's provably larger/more profitable than LL, that would be a success. I think many here would grudgingly (and some enthusiastically) agree. If that VW doesn't attract a single one of us, it would still be a success. I think some of us would still, though even more grudgingly, agree. If LL were the ones to create that VW? Well then, all you Lindens can go to Hell! If you manage to pull that off, I'll be the first little hellion to congratulate you. ;-).
  15. Ebbe Linden wrote: I don't think we can assume that the SL tech and experience as we know it can last forever and that something better will not come around some day. It's either us or someone else. By letting you know that we are working on something I've already seen a lot of positives come out, and yes, some doomsday stuff, but there are always a group of people who dislike change (even for the better). So, in the future, you will move to something better, and we plan to provide that. I get this, Ebbe. I'm a long time Apple fan, who's watched that company's steadfast focus on making the best product frustrate a lot of customers (including me) who just wanted a better version of the thing they had. "They didn't ask us what we wanted!" Nor did Henry Ford. I would love for you to listen to me. Everybody wants to feel appreciated. But I'm pretty sure that if you did, there might not be many happy with the result, including me. You're quite right. In the future, I will absolutely move to something better. Second Life was unlike anything I'd imagined, and that's what attracted me to it. That next place I go will probably be unlike anything I've imagined. So there's the dilemma. If you give me what I say want, I won't take it. I bet you've seen that happen before. Just give me the best you can do. If I hate it, but you're wildly successful, that's my problem, not yours. ;-).
  16. It seemed that every square meter of Tokyo was a billboard. I'll have to look for a private New Tokyo sim to put up my 16m2 Pachinko palace.
  17. Hi Mathius, Premium membership includes usage of 512m2 of mainland, with a 117 prim allowance, or a Linden Home with a 117 prim allowance. The latter gives you more prim space to work with, as the house doesn't count. The former gives you more flexibility in both location and home style. You are allowed to flip Linden Homes up to five times a day, so if you have a moving van, some friends and a good supply of munchies and drinks, you can wander the Linden neighborhoods until you find a place you like. If nothing suits you, start wandering the mainland. Happy hunting!
  18. Oooh, now there's a challenge. Landscape and decorate a 4x4 parcel! I'm reminded of Japan.
  19. Ebbe Linden wrote: Why are you guessing that? I have not hinted that we would do that and have no intent to go in that direction. Welcome to the world of rampant speculation, Ebbe! Your new world, our old imaginations! ;-). ETA: it's also the case that, the less you say, the more we'll imagine. And saying it elsewhere is not quite like saying it here.
  20. Hi OutFear, If you download the viewer directly from the Second Life website, using the "Download Second Life" link at the bottom of this page, you needn't worry about receiving malware with it. I'm no longer a Windows user, so have nothing to say about the risks and benefits of using malware protection software in general. Good luck and welcome to Second Life!
  21. valerie Inshan wrote: Morning Hippie & Maddy! Gotta love this Monday: last week of work before vacation in the South of France! Yay! I already started packing but i'm sure i'll forget something, as usual! Love and hugs! Ooooh, have fun down south, Val! One of the joys of living in Wisconsin (I can't count them all) is that vacations deliver themselves to me. After getting a late start, the fields have come alive... I've changed my voicemail greeting to: "Hi there! If you are hearing this, it means Maddy has gone outside to play. Leave a message if you wish. I promise to write it down. But... there's no telling when she'll come in to read it." Happy Monday, Kids!!!
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhdUjrM01_k
  23. Hi Wasp, Sometimes windows go missing, here's a page that'll help you get them back... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/missing_windows Go to the "Inventory" line in that table to see which variables you need to reset. Good luck!
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