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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Thomas Galbreus wrote: I find it strange that more people use a platform for passive consumption of 2D clips than an interactive 3D world. Thomas! You shouldn't be surprised by this at all. People generally prefer passive activities (Oh, I do love a good oxymoron). Obesity and diabetes are on the rise in the developed world because we'd rather sit and eat processed food than exercise and cook from scratch. That said, we are social creatures, so if you can maximize human interaction while minimizing effort, you win. I think that explains Facebook's and Linden Lab's relative market capitalizations.
  2. This happens maybe a few times a year. I never think about it because other bigger frustrations happen much more often than that! And call me Maddy, I can't spell Madelaine. ;-)
  3. Hi Mia, If the button has gone missing, follow Rolig's advice. If it is the mini-map window that has vanished, and not the mini-map toolbar button, go here for instructions on recovering the lost window... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/missing_windows Not shown in that list of window names are: floater_pos_mini_map_x floater_pos_mini_map_y Follow the instructions on the page I linked, using the mini_map_x/y window names. Good luck!
  4. Hi Russell, Preferencias->General->Idioma Select English. You'll see a Spanish message telling you the change will be applied upon restart. Click "Cerrar". Quite the viewer and relaunch it. The Preferences (Preferencias) menu is available from the log-in screen, you needn't go in-world to make the language change. Good luck!
  5. Hi Ronda, Links are indirect references to items in your inventory. They allow you to share no-copy items across multiple outfits, and are handier than replicating copy items into your outfits because a change to the original item propagates to all the links. Links can break for several reasons. You may have purchased something that was removed by Linden Lab because of a DMCA takedown request from the original copyright holder. The Lab often replaces those items with placeholders. It may also be that you deleted something you didn't think you wanted anymore, but was included in one or more outfits. I, of course, have never, ever, ever, ever done that. Not even once. ;-). Here's an explanation of links... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-your-inventory/ta-p/1370823#Section_.4 It's possible your local copy of the inventory list has been corrupted, though I don't know if that would cause false broken link messages. You can force a rebuilt of the local inventory list by clearing the old one from cache. Here's how to do that... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear After clearing cache, restart the viewer and log-in to a quiet sim like Smith or Pooley, then wait for the inventory list to rebuild. Don't do anything while you're waiting. In particular, do not teleport anywhere. Good luck!
  6. Hi Ziva, Although Freya is right about green links showing friends who've given you map permissions, I sometimes (not very often) have a friend in my list showing in green who has NOT given me map permissions (I've seen my alt in that list at a time I wasn't logged in). Clicking on their name takes me to the map page and points me to Ahern, which is a welcome hub. The next time you see one of your friends showing in minty green, click their name. You'll be taken to maps.secondlife.com. Once there, right click on the "Visit this location" link in the map marker and select "Copy link" (or whatever it says on your computer, I use a Mac). Then go to your browser's address bar and paste the SLURL. If it says "secondlife://AHERN/0/0/0" you're experiencing the glitch I've seen. Otherwise, it's as Freya says and the SLURL is showing you where your friend is.
  7. Splatulated wrote: ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: Splatulated wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Look in your speaker list and turn the volume all the way down by sliding the slider to the extreme left. where do fuind this i use singularity viewer View>Active Speakers. Find that person's name in the list of speaker,s, click on it, then click on the speaker icon at the bottom of the floater to block their voice. the green dot next to their name will turn into a red circled bar. ty this worked ^-^ sliding left = silence and sliding right = alien godzilla and 50% = normal And now I know a way to do this!
  8. Splatulated wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Splatulated wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Look in your speaker list and turn the volume all the way down by sliding the slider to the extreme left. where do fuind this i use singularity viewer You'll find audio controls in the Prefences menu, in the "Sound and Media" panel. Move the "Voice Chat" slider all the way to the left. You might also find these audio controls on the far right end of the menu bar, in the form of a little speaker icon. There you'll want the "Voice" slider all the way to the left. i dotn want to mute all mics just the mic of 1 person related to this it was really upsetting to listen to it and being un able to do anything i dont want stop being their friend because of it but i also dont want to have to hear it again :c Muting audio is all-or-nothing. Muting a person is all-or-nothing. I don't know of a way to mute the audio of only one person.
  9. Splatulated wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Look in your speaker list and turn the volume all the way down by sliding the slider to the extreme left. where do fuind this i use singularity viewer You'll find audio controls in the Prefences menu, in the "Sound and Media" panel. Move the "Voice Chat" slider all the way to the left. You might also find these audio controls on the far right end of the menu bar, in the form of a little speaker icon. There you'll want the "Voice" slider all the way to the left.
  10. Hi LadyAvalon. Come back to your question and edit it as Sven suggests (via "Options" over there on the right) to tell us more about this shaking. The only shaking I've experienced has been when in a confined space that causes my camera to collide with structure walls and/or ceilings. Moving out of the area stops the shaking. I've also read of shaking being caused by certain sculpty/mesh attachments. Removing them eliminates the shaking. You might have your friend carefully scan his/her list of worn items for prim attachments, then remove them one by one until the shaking stops. Good luck!
  11. Thomas Galbreus wrote: I haven't heard it before; Sexting Now you have. I'm usually the one who's oblivious to pop culture, it's nice to have company. ;-). Thomas Galbreus wrote: I haven't heard it before; is there a specific service provider who's users get stigmatised in the public eye for alleged frequent behaviour like that? Nope, and I don't think SL users get stigmatized either. If they do, there are 12,000+ ( just checked here) people a day willing to accept the stigma.
  12. Thomas Galbreus wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Your argument parallels that of "sexting". The nature and availablity of text messaging makes sexting seem inevitable, doesn't it? Would you advocate companies taking measures to prevent sexual content in text messages? In Germany providers should either prohibit pornographic content in the TOS or implement a rigid age verification. I don't see a difference between pictures, videos, animations or text. If the service consits only of text messaging between usually two people and lacks public chat rooms, the problem that the service may become stigmatised when too permissive seems less likely because the public may not notice what's going on. If the publc hasn't noticed what's going on, why is "sexting" in the lexicon?
  13. Dillon Levenque wrote: Ray Lonergan wrote: I never saw anything like virtual panties being thrown at them when they appeared or anything. I've heard that happens sometimes, but only if the Linden goes up onstage, takes the microphone, and in a deep voice says, "Hello. I'm Johnny Linden." Nooooo... it would take Michelle Linden draped over a piano while singing "Makin' Whoopee".
  14. Hi Splatulated, Though I wasn't able to build anything like that after less than a week in SL, I wonder if it will be worth your effort to sell that table. It appears to be made of simple prims, the way I still make things. From the look of it, I'll guess it's got a land impact of 10, or less if you set the physics to "None" or "Convex Hull" before linking. Mesh now allows more knowledgeable creators than you or I to make more complicated tables with a land impact of one. I don't like to rain on anyone's parade, but with one product and an (understandable) aversion to credit cards, I don't see a way for you to start a store. I create for the sheer joy of it, and give my creations away to my friends. You might try the same. Good luck... and welcome to Second Life!
  15. Pamela Galli wrote: Easy, just go someplace and wear the table. Then when people ask about it you can tell them it is for sale and the price. Pamela, did you get up on the wrong side of bed this morning? Snark doesn't look good on you.
  16. Hi Teal, A similar issue has come up before. At that time it was caused by some anti-virus thingy called Webroot. Here's the thread discussing it... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Can-t-Copy-and-Paste/m-p/2219281 This may not be your issue, but it's all I have. Good luck!
  17. Splatulated wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: Oh sure. Just request the audio log from LL (along with the time and date) then send it to the police in the town the "kid" lives in, along with his RL name. The police can find his address and parents' names. The police would need to get an expert to verify that the voices on the audio log were in fact that of the kid and his parents, and the kid would need to testify that his parents did in fact beat him. Isn't the fantasy world of SL wonderful! unsure if being serious or not :c I don't think it makes a difference whether Pamela is serious or not. Linden Lab does not log audio. I realize that what you heard was distressing to you, but there's no way for you to know if it was real or an act, nor to identify anyone involved. The police would need far more substantial evidence to act, and you're unable to provide that.
  18. Thomas Galbreus wrote: 'Pornography (often abbreviated as "porn" or "porno" in informal usage) is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexual arousal. Pornography may be presented in a variety of media, including books, magazines, postcards, photographs, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, film, video, and video games. ' Source: Wikipedia. I won't argue over the definition of pornography, but I do wonder if you're stretching the definition of "subject matter", which is defined as "the subject represented in a debate, exposition, or work of art" (Google) or "information or ideas that are discussed or dealt with in a book, movie, etc." (Webster). Interactions between two consenting adults in private, or in a venue designed for such activities would not be considered "subject matter". It becomes subject matter when made available more widely. Yes, people can cam into adult SL venues, but the existence of RL peeping toms has not caused reasonable people to consider sex in the bedroom pornographic. There are more than 10,000 people signing up for SL every day. So any argument that SL's purported sleazy reputation has hampered enrollment must explain that away. Unfortunatlely, more than 10,000 people leave every day, and I expect that's because the experience here (including sex) isn't quite what people had in mind. Your argument parallels that of "sexting". The nature and availablity of text messaging makes sexting seem inevitable, doesn't it? Would you advocate companies taking measures to prevent sexual content in text messages? I'm sure there are people who would pay a premium for that. I'm also sure there are far more people who wouldn't touch such a service with a ten inch pole. ;-).
  19. Hi Nikki, I think you'll have better luck asking this question out in the Lifestyles and Relationships forum. Put on a little skin lotion before you do, you may need it. ;-).
  20. Hi tuka, As Rolig explained in another thread, there was unscheduled maintenance on the grid this morning. Whenever you have trouble logging-in, you should check this page for announcements... http://status.secondlifegrid.net
  21. I hope everybody had a pleasant time at breakfast this morning, Hippie. I bought a GoPro camera... I'm going to try my hand at time-lapse photography. Happy Sunday, Kids!!!
  22. Hi bateliii, Even if you mentioned which group you'd been ejected from, it would be extremely unlikely for anyone here to know why you were ejected. We're residents, just like you. Group owners are allowed to allow and eject for any reason, including mood swings. It's curious that you were ejected from two groups in as many days, but I can't explain that either. :-(.
  23. I have a weakness for old salty Swedish sea dogs... ... from the salty seas, ya newr. Thar she blows! ;-).
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