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PeterCanessa Oh

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Everything posted by PeterCanessa Oh

  1. Don't forget Live Chat if you are a premium member. If you aren't then there isn't really any support. However you still have two options ... 1) Click on the 'Linden Research Inc' link at the bottom of this page. Click 'contact' on that page. Write them a letter. 2) Post in http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/bd-p/SecondLifeServer where most people rant (usually quite rightly) about the bugs in SL. There is evidence that LL take notice of bug reports there, if enough people are complaining about them.
  2. Excellent timing :-)
  3. Yes, LL are about the only company on the tinternet that don't want our money. As you've read from other replies there are ways, but they definitely don't make it easy. (I think they can't understand that 'rest of the world' isn't all like the USA). PS: WE are just residents like you, this is not a means of communicating with LL.
  4. Awww, hey - during my absence you became 'honoured' :-)
  5. This person's set of questions: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/Why-am-I-an-orange-cloud-to-some-people-on-certain-sims/qaq-p/2149755 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/I-am-running-SL-viewer-I-am-an-orange-could-Do-I-have-to-use-the/qaq-p/2149803 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/If-your-suggestions-don-t-work-what-are-my-options/qaq-p/2149819 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/I-have-downloaded-the-the-SL-viewer-as-of-last-nite-newest/qaq-p/2149999 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/How-do-I-get-to-second-level-support-I-need-this-issue-solved/qaq-p/2150115 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Noone-can-see-me/qaq-p/2150183 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/is-there-such-a-thing-as-an-avatar-reset/qaq-p/2150315 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/Im-an-orange-cloud/qaq-p/2151163 Helpers - all the advice that can be given, has been given, several times. Karen, I don't know how you do it!
  6. This person's set of questions: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/Why-am-I-an-orange-cloud-to-some-people-on-certain-sims/qaq-p/2149755 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/I-am-running-SL-viewer-I-am-an-orange-could-Do-I-have-to-use-the/qaq-p/2149803 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/If-your-suggestions-don-t-work-what-are-my-options/qaq-p/2149819 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/I-have-downloaded-the-the-SL-viewer-as-of-last-nite-newest/qaq-p/2149999 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/How-do-I-get-to-second-level-support-I-need-this-issue-solved/qaq-p/2150115 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Noone-can-see-me/qaq-p/2150183 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/is-there-such-a-thing-as-an-avatar-reset/qaq-p/2150315 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/Im-an-orange-cloud/qaq-p/2151163 Helpers - all the advice that can be given, has been given, several times. Karen, I don't know how you do it!
  7. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/Why-am-I-an-orange-cloud-to-some-people-on-certain-sims/qaq-p/2149755 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/I-am-running-SL-viewer-I-am-an-orange-could-Do-I-have-to-use-the/qaq-p/2149803 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/If-your-suggestions-don-t-work-what-are-my-options/qaq-p/2149819 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/I-have-downloaded-the-the-SL-viewer-as-of-last-nite-newest/qaq-p/2149999 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/How-do-I-get-to-second-level-support-I-need-this-issue-solved/qaq-p/2150115 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Noone-can-see-me/qaq-p/2150183 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/is-there-such-a-thing-as-an-avatar-reset/qaq-p/2150315 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/Im-an-orange-cloud/qaq-p/2151163 RIC commences very soon
  8. Lukai Zufreur wrote: ...No, I will not give up their name so you can fire them... Since no-one else has pointed this out yet - we can't fire anyone, we're residents ^^
  9. Yippee! I gave up trying to add payment info as LL never wanted my money. Now I might get to upload mesh without it.
  10. The problem is that on touch you instantly fire-off 90 (30 x 3) requests to the web host, only ever remembering the most recent param1/2/3. The responses will be added to the event queue but it's a queue, not an interrupt, so the first response can't be processed until touch_start() has finished sending all 90 requests. I would send one at a time using the same index number, sending the next in the response handlee: touch_start(...){ Index = 1; Type = "Q"; Request = llHTTPRequest(..., "paramQ=1");}http_response(...){ if(request_id = Request){ if("Q" == Type){ ... add to questions list .. Type = "A"; Request = llHTTPRequest(..., "paramA=" + (string) Index); }else if("A" == Type){ ... add to answers list .. Type = "T"; Request = llHTTPRequest(..., "paramT=" + (string) Index); }else{ ... add to tips list .. Type = "Q"; // <== Next question Request = llHTTPRequest(..., "paramA=" + (string) ++Index); } }} PS: Yours is a considerably different question to the OP's. It would have been better to start a new thread than to resurrect this 18-month old one.
  11. You can edit role titles to almost anything so, if the group name isn't too long, simply change them to include it.
  12. SIX threads, all about the same thing. Stop It! There are big changes happening on the grid today. While it is possible you are caught up in them it is odd that your partner sees you as a cloud using the SL viewer. Nevertheless, there is nothing we, you nor anyone else can do about it right now. You should also note: This is not "first level support" - we are just residents like you Linden Lab has not seen any of your threads because they don't come here Unless you are a premium member there is no support (sort of) If you are a premium member then phone the live support; you're paying for it
  13. Please stop creating new threads about the same problem without taking any notice of the advice you're given. If you want to add anything to one of your posts use Options > Edit.
  14. Continuation of: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inventory/The-inventory-is-not-being-loaded-fully-even-after-several-log/qaq-p/2149745
  15. Interestingly enough there was a guy in the scripting forum who was holding 8,000 items in a prim's inventory. (I never did sort out a better way ... other things more fun ...)
  16. For all your copy + transfer objects you can send them to an alt so at least that avatar has them in inventory too. Unfortunately things that are copy + transfer tend to be the least important.
  17. At least Abuse Report each instance when they send you something, explaining that they are abusing the system to circumvent muting.
  18. Katsu Fang wrote: ...now you guys break this too?... No, we didn't. Amongst all the things you've got wrong is using this as a means of communicating with LL. (There is a link to them at the bottom of the page if you really want to write to them. Good luck with that).
  19. JackWolf Schiner wrote: You did not read the part of GM or DM's writing for events and the RP owners asking members to do so. IF your "Stay Away From Me Please" list is for RP but being taken out of context then why not rename it as "No RP with these please"? Being specific cures a lot of drama.
  20. llDetectedKey() RETURNS a key, it doesn't take one as a parameter. It's parameter is an integer in the range 0 to (total_number - 1). That is - it gives you the key of the nth detected avatar. If you know the key you want to give to (or anything else) and are typing it in you don't need to use llDetectedKey(), llGiveInventory(id, item) is enough. [That, however, always gives the item to the person whose key you've typed in, not the person who touches! If you want to give to the toucher then you DON'T already have the key - and need to go back to llDetectedKey()] name is already a string, by definition, so '(string) name' has no effect. In any case llInstantMessage() takes a UUID as its first parameter, not a string. Please see my example code, posted above.
  21. When it makes it to the top of someone's "things I feel like doing" pile. There are far older outstanding bugs and problems with SL. Project sunshine should help, in that it will reduce network traffice; making everything faster and more reliable. Plus, once it's finished, people can move on to something else - who knows, they might work on teleport stability :-)
  22. I am not entirely sure which part(s) you are having problems with but the essential event-handlers and functions you need are: touch_start() / touch_end() - for slightly obtuse, technical, reasons touch_end() is safer. llDetectedKey() - to find the UUID (key) of whoever touched llDetectedName() - for their name llInstantMessage() - to send the message llGiveInventory() - to give the item Below is an example putting all this together: default{ touch_end(integer HowMany){ key ThisAvatar; string TheProduct = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, 0); while(HowMany--){ ThisAvatar = llDetectedKey(HowMany); llGiveInventory(ThisAvatar, TheProduct); llInstantMessage(ThisAvatar, "You have been sent '" + TheProduct + "'"); llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "Sent '" + TheProduct + "' to " + llDetectedName(HowMany)); } }} The 'llDetected*()' functions only work in detection events - collision and sensor as well as touch. Also note that in these detection events there may be multiple avatars involved - a sensor detects several people at once, for instance. Other event-handlers, such as listen(), do things differently. In that case only one avatar can have said a particular thing so their name and ID are given as parameters of the listen(). Keys/UUIDs are unique but hard for people to read or remember, names are the opposite. In general everything programmed uses the UUID whereas you'll want to say names, for claroty. When you know an avatar's key it is easy to find their name (llKey2Name() if they are in the sim, llRequestAgentData() otherwise). There is no easy way to get a key from a name, however. EDIT: The "while()" line in the code-example has been edited. Logic error in original, duh me :-(
  23. One thing your partner can probably do, as she's been in SL for 4 years, is look after herself. Since your account was only registered today (on this forum) it is possible you are more worried about this than she is. If that is not the case then here is what to do: Contact your legal advisor Obtain a court order to get the stalker's RL information from LL Take the stalker to court Have them jailed/fined/restrained as the judge sees fit And if that seems like going too far; it's just SL drama so ban, mute and ignore.
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