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PeterCanessa Oh

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Everything posted by PeterCanessa Oh

  1. Casandra Kumsung wrote: "... it revolves wrong ... " SL/LSL rotations are - for everyone except Void - a nightmre. Give us a bit more of a clue as to what goes wrong and, preferably. post the code. Then we might be able to help
  2. Josephina Bonetto wrote: not holding my breath. Thank Dickens for that! It's hard enough in the USA, you're not in the USA so you don't count. One dy S: might get the phisers the info they want. How plain do you need it to be? (/me is also UK)
  3. Relax everyone. I would update but I seem to havr relaxed a bit too much, Happy Sunday
  4. This is a question with answers - I looked through the last few pages and posted http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Community-Feedback/There-are-more-questions-than-Answers/m-p/821353/message-uid/821353#U821353 Those that help here might find it interesting
  5. It's Sunday and I'm procrastinating instead of getting on with all the things that I should be doing. While doing LL's support-work for them in the Answers section I have been struck by the fact that nearly all questions are either very basic, or completely unfathomable (so probably a good reason for LL to farm them out to us!). Then it struck me that a fabulous way to waste some time would be to categorise the questions to see if there were any other common themes. Looking back over the past few pages, skipping the foreign-language ones and making-up caegories as I went I got through 144 questions before getting bored again: General how to use SL/forums/computers (25) - stuff like "can't rez, says parcel full", "what laptop should I buy"Billing/buying & selling L$ (9)Avatar won't rez/move/tp (9)Account issues (8) - varies from 'can I recover an old account' to 'I'm banned from SL'Can't run SL/log in (7)Goods & Services Issues (5) - includes marketplace & inter-resident"How do I use <specific object>" (4) - typically without any name or clue as to what it IS!Technical issues (4)Basic Mode (3) - specific questions about basic mode, mostly "Where is everything!" Name change (3) Banned from <place> (2) - newbies indignant and demanding an explanation, like we'd know, or care Missing inventory (1)Working for LL (1)When I came to go through them like that the most striking thing was how many posts were title-only (presumably because people are using incompatible IE9) and how many never responded to requests for more information, or at all. I didn't log how many of those there were though, that'll have to wait until another lazy Sunday :-)
  6. You will almost certainly find the problem is with the definition of "strikes my hit box". How do you know when someone hits you? You see it on screen, right. Which means that the other avatar is running an animation which makes them look like they're swinging the sword. Unfortunately for everything else that's just SL playing an animation. The avatar, and the sword, never move as far as the sim, scripts, etc. are concerned. So attachments don't collide, the avatar wearing them might, but not too reliably.
  7. 'We'"? 'Our'? Peewee! Is there something you're not telling me? Are you really a Linden. *Sob* and I thought you were real :-(
  8. Wherever you live 142 prims for a couch is wayyy too many! You will always be limited by the number of prims you can rez on any parcel of land so learning to love low-prim is a skill you should aquire as early as possible. Even if money is no object you can decorate your luxury sim-complex much more opulently if you do it well.
  9. Nyll Bergbahn wrote: ... has Linden Lab confused matters? Yeah, they introduced prude, mature and adult apartheid to the grid in the most disruptive, confusing manner possible. Presumably they can't understand their own gibberish now they're looking at it. That and 'the rest of the world' just doesn't count for the Lab. [Pah! I was going to add something more constructive, but just thinking about that has driven it/me out of my mind]
  10. Your call, if you don't trust it, don't use it. You won't be missing anything by not visiting a few places or adult results in search. The big point is that those are the rules Linden Lab applies and what we, the residents, think is not something they care to discuss. NB: "we. the residents" - this is a residents' forum and not a means to communicate with Linden Lab - DO NOT post your details here, then the whole internet would have them! (I realise you probably wouldn't but, just in case ...)
  11. Any landowner can ban anyone for any reason or none. There are more than 30.000 sims in SL and it sometimes seems as many clubs. Just go to another one and forget all about this one. They are under no obligation to let you back, explain why they banned you or even to respond, so if you hassle them they might just mute you too. It is very unlikely that anyone from the club will just happen to read your message here so we can't help.
  12. Almost any PC/Mac/Laptop will have the CPU-power and screen to run SL these days, tablets, netbooks, smart-phones and the like won't. The most important thing for SL is the graphics card and its memory. You should get a card with at least 1GB memory (of its own, not shared with the processors) and as new/powerful as you can afford. Depending on what else you are using the laptop for hard-disk space and battery-life are less important. You should note, however, that a powerful graphics card is going to drain normal laptop batteries very quickly.
  13. First, scripts in the normal viewers can't change your avatar, only the animation(s) it is using so you don't need a script. Second the Scripting Library is a repository of published scripts. If you wish to write your own script(s) and need help please post in the Scripting forum. If you wish to buy a script or hire someone else to do the work for you then please post in Commerce > Wanted and/or Commerce > In-world Employment.
  14. You can relax a little about your land and premium account. LL have said that they know there are billing issues and anyone caught-out by them won't be put on hold or charged extra while the system is still be worked on.
  15. You can spend a month learning to create things in free classes at NCI, Caledon and others. Whatever you make enter to newbie Show & Tell competitions, usually just turning-up will earn you L$50 or more, doing well nets around L$250 and it's easy to do 3 or even 4 competitions a week. Then there is blitz-build - limited time and number of prims - same scale of prizes and even easier to enter (but harder to win). Say you do 2 of each per week * 4 weeks * L$100 prize (at a minimum in my experience) = L$1,600 plus you've got building experience and some things you might be able to sell. Stick the sale-quality goods on the Marketplace (or in a free newbie mall, such as at NCI Kuula) for L$10 - L$50. You might pick up a couple of sales in a month and, wow, you're pushing towards L$2,000, making the most out of SL, meeting new and, hopefully, interesting people and having fun! Doesn't that sound better than filling-in endless 'surveys' for dodgy unknowns and earning peanuts? [@ Jenni - neither pre-paid cards nor paypal are accepted by LL for most people. ETA for response below - no new paypal accounts from outside USA, most pre-paid cards simply not accepted. I think whoever LL sells their mailing-list to must have demanded more CC details *grin*.]
  16. Rolig Loon wrote: I simply haven't had the time or a client demand . Exactly Rolig. Next month I really had planned to work on making my own in-house communications HTML on a prim instead of hovertext. Now that should be a bit easier :-) & @ Void - is this an advisors-only thread? I'm not sure about giving correct answers, just procrastinating as usual. Still I'm well into the 'polished' iteration of my PHP system so progress is being made. (Ironically enough it's the SL side that's slowing me down at the moment. Need to record loads of texture-offsets and I can't be bothered right now).
  17. llOwnerSay() also has the drawback that it's in-sim only so if you want to send a message to someone anywhere in SL llInstantMessage() is the only option. In this particular case, of course, that doesn't apply since the intended target has to be in the same sim to be using the object :-)
  18. Pauline Darkfury wrote: My comments above have been based on the OP's original description and assuming no malicious intent by the OP. . Good point there Pauline - @ OP: I don't think any of us believe you are trying to trouble anyone with this but the sheer number of things that can be annoying with such a sphere is almost as huge as it is. As was suggested earlier, any panoramic view will have a good effect, even one that stays within your parcel boundaries. Hanging-over a bit might be tolerated but you're really going over the top. And lol @ Pauline - a whole sim to play with and your sphere's only around one skybox!
  19. Have your lawyer contact LL for the escort's RL contact details then take them to court. You might wish to consider if a) it's worth it, b) the 'services' are legal in your country, c) they are legal in California (the prevailing jurisdiction for SL) Let's put it another way - you hired a whore and got ripped-off. What would you do in RL?
  20. There are over 30,000 sims in SL and whoever owns land can ban you for any reason or none. Just forget it an move on. If you have friends at that club that you desperately want to meet again then IM them for the information or to meet you elsewhere. SL clubs are a dime-a-dozen so don't bother with that one if they don't want your custom,
  21. This is a residents' forum and not a means of contacting Linden Lab, we can't help (directly) with such issues, only give you advice. Linden Lab will also not normally get involved in inter-resident disputes. However ... LL do involve themselves in cases of fraud and it's being sold through their platform so their have some liability (not much).. As the others have recommended try to contact the creator/seller of these items and establish if it was just a mistake or misunderstanding. If not then, yes, you can flag their items. Misrepresentation is fraud. While LL are a US company and the prevailing jurisdiction is Californian your British rights still allow you to bring an action in the UK courts. If you really want to take the legal route the first step is to have your solicitor contact LL requiring the vendor's RL contact details. You then sue them for either breach of contract or misrepresentaiton of goods. Good luck with that, especially if they don't feel like popping over to the UK in order to be taken to court.
  22. This is a residents' forum and not a means to contact Linden Lab so we can't help with changes like that.
  23. The answer to the question in the title is "we have no idea as Linden Lab hasn't said. They have said paypal is no longer supported outside the USA though". As Peewee hints this is a resident forum and the Linden's are not likely to read your post. You might like to try Community Feedback, although there are already several threads there along these lines. So the answers to the other questions you pose are "It's not us, we just live here" or similar.
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