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Charolotte Caxton

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Everything posted by Charolotte Caxton

  1. Sounds like you got it all right, have her look over this to make sure she is not overlooking something. I had to make sure hardware skinning was checked and I had to go to hardware, disable antialiasing, then set it back to 16x to make shadows work, both things you already said she did. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Lighting_and_shadows#Depth_of_field
  2. Anyone can partner, try a different browser, you don't have to keep the browser, you can uninstall it as soon as you are done using it or you can keep it and use whichever one you feel like using at the moment. edit: I just read that perhaps you asking them and them accepting the request might work. lol, I'm reading up on this and it seems that others have had this same problem but I am not seeing any results, here's the suggestions: they really start at about page 3: link summary: ensure you and she have 10$ lindens each, and try contacting support, if you are premium (or she is) use live chat, if not call the toll free number
  3. The age verification just changed, I'm not sure if the old way carries over or you have to reverify. Here's the page if its not the way you did it. If it is the way you did it then disregard. https://secondlife.com/my/account/verification.php?
  4. First off, please don't hurt any animals in your completely lavish attempt the supply me with inexpensive magical chockolatte, and secondly chockolatte was not only around, but was one of the main ingredients Thirdly and fourthly, thanks for the compliment and spelling my name right :matte-motes-bashful-cute: (edit after reading further): mmm, at least you did the first couple of times..then it degenerated into missing a c and now! shame on you! Charolotte Caxton kicks you out of the tree
  5. For me, the lines are always exactly through the center of the photo, regardless of the texturing. When they are vertical, they are always through the center as well. In Frankie's photo you can see that his lines are through the sky, where there are no texture seams, just the sky and clouds. The lines for me are only visible after the photo is taken. If I have high rez snapshot enabled. Under certain lighting conditions. The line cuts over the bunny and everything straight through the center horizontally in this example.
  6. There's a link on the login page that will send you an email explaining how to get your password back.
  7. Saying you forgot a security question and then asking in a public forum how to bypass the system is likely not to work so well. The best course of action would be to contact Linden Labs directly and explain to them the situation. Clicking the help button at top will direct you to them.
  8. Being an active participant of Second Life allows a person to explore interests and activities that may otherwise be unattainable for a variety of reasons among them being physical, mental, financial or psychological. It has been said by some that being a gifted violinist is a terrible waste of time and talent. The point being that if it becomes something that one can love and pour their time and energy into, it is a benefit and not a waste. Being in Second Life does not always equate to not having anything better to do in Real Life. It is a fact that Second Life is a choice and often times the best choice available for how one chooses to spend their time. As has been noted, anything can become an addiction. Often times the healing of addiction is successful not only when the substance/activity is rendered obsolete, but when the underlying causes of the addiction are addressed instead of just covered up. Many times an addictive personality needs a replacement addiction that is not as physically damaging. A virtual world experience offers perfect opportunities for compulsive obsession. Passion is a love and devotion to something. Obsession is being intensely involved in something. I would say that the possibilities for enhancing lives is vast. The flip side would be that just as the internet has put knowledge and information and instant communication at our fingertips, it has also spawned and enhanced numerous crimes and unseeming acts of behaviors that are of no benefit and actual detriment of many. In that way, the virtual reality of Second Life mirrors the reality of Reality. To solve the problems of Second Life, we would have to solve the problems of Life.
  9. Aww, for what its worth, Dom, you pretty much just became the focus point for what has been heard over and over again from many others, you are not alone in your views and as a result you got answers that although they applied to your post, may or may not have applied to you personally. Second Life is ultimately meant to be enjoyed, and many of us prefer to enjoy it to its fullest capabilities. I don't want Second Life to make itself easier to use, I want to learn how to use it to its fullest potential, and as someone else mentioned, there are third party viewers available to suit the other points of view, see? That's why I gave you that link in my original post. Kinda to let you know that what you want already exists, even though its not "official."
  10. lol, and I want to be able to wear Gwyneth Paltrow's boots
  11. Whether we know about how big computers used to be or not or whether we just learned about it on our own is irrelevant, the point was technology changes and gets better and more accessible to the masses, so yes eventually SL will be able to run on the crappiest of setups because the most crappiest of setups will probably be really cool, comparatively speaking...but then SL will probably be way more advanced as well, so there will still be a disparity gap. You can think of it like complaining to porshe for not making a cheap inexpensive version of their car that gets 100 miles a gallon so everyone can drive super fast, or some other silly comparison like that.
  12. Lol, when I first read your post I was gonna post a little video clip of one of those bells going off, like for a boxing match or something Second Life is a virtual reality whose soul is a graphical rendering of vast amounts of computer code. It is still evolving, give it time, your dream will come true. Computers used to be stored in rooms, one computer, now we hold them in our hands. In the meantime, do not declare in a forum of Second Life residents that their world be scaled down to suit the needs of those who will not or cannot meet the minimum system requirements, it will only serve to prolong and hinder the realization of your dream.
  13. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Look towards the bottom.
  14. Basically, there are two ways to buy stuff, inworld or on the marketplace. If you buy it inworld, you should have the option to buy or pay, even if its 0$. Then you should get the option to accept the item or decline it or block it. Once you accept it, the item is placed into your inventory, sometimes in the object folder. The quickest way to find something you just purchased is to open your inventories recent tab. If you purchase from the marketplace, you should get a message saying that your purchase is being processed for delivery after several steps of verifying that you really wish to purchase those items. If you are inworld or when you get inworld, you should get the same options as to accept, decline, or block the item you purchased. While purchasing inworld is instant, purchasing from the marketplace may take anywhere from instant to 24 hours to never. Check your marketplace transaction history, if the item has delivered as its status but you did not receive it, your only recourse is to notify the vendor via notecard. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?filter=location&location=Category%3AForums&q=marketplace+deliveries
  15. You can abandon land without penalties. You are charged tier for the highest amount of land you have at anytime in the billing cycle. If you abandon 512 and then purchase a different 512 you do not incur more tier. If you were to purchase 512 and then abandon 512 you would incur more tier as you had the larger amount of land, but that was not your question.
  16. Your concern would be will SecondLife burn up your graphics card, I gather. Here are the minimum requirements, if your netbook meets the requirements, go for it, if not, you can still try but you more than likely will not enjoy the experience. https://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/
  17. Long distance (not free): 703-286-6277 If you have a non-technical issue related to billing concerns, you can call the Linden Lab billing team at the following toll-free numbers: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646
  18. Are you wearing alpha layers? In your wearing tab, is there anything that looks like a checkered shirt icon?
  19. Hi Frankie, I had the same problem. I use V2.7.2 and always have high rez snapshot enabled under the advanced menu. This is usually great because it gives me photos at 4 times the quality of my screen size. However, if I am using certain sky settings or other advanced features I get a horizontal and sometimes also a vertical line in my photo. If I uncheck high rez snapshots, there are no lines. So now, I will take a photo with high rez enabled, review the photo, and if there is a line, I uncheck it. No line, I carry on as normal. In short, having high rez snapshot enabled is usually great except when taking photos with other than standard lighting, to include shadows and dof effects. I got into a habit of taking one photo, checking for lines, then continue. Check each time you adjust lighting. A pain, yes, but less so than spending a lot of time taking what you think are fabulous shots, only to notice a horrible line through the middle of it
  20. I read somewhere that if you give a gold bar to certain persons, they will complain that it is too heavy. Then I googled it and realized its not just a SL condition. Its a human condition. Now I want chockolatte.
  21. Hello dear, you get your 1000L bonus after 45 days of being a premium member. Here is a chart showing the limits, if you want to increase your limit more than this, submit a ticket, that information is also on the link I have provided. https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php
  22. lol, that is almost as exciting as this one I got the other day
  23. Oooh, beautiful name for st brokoli's new fashion line. Sacred Fashion.
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