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Wili Clip

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Everything posted by Wili Clip

  1. Older people are not immune from it either when and if they compare themselves with other people in their age group. And we can not escape this as we're social being and sociality is deeply engraved in all of us on a biological level. We associate ourselves with other humans all the time - knowingly or unknowingly. We can maybe only control it on a conscious level to some extent how much we let it affect us and our life.
  2. Oh boy... I thought we're way past that already. We already established that I wasn't trying, am not trying and will never be trying to dictate to others how they should or should not live their lives be it SL or RL. I have my own life that I am dealing with and through my life I try things and learn and when I get some kind of experience I like to inform other people how the experience is for me and how things feel to me. Not everyone will agree with me and other people have different experience about things. And that is perfectly fine. Some people when they don't agree with someone or can't accept that other people have different views about things they automatically grow hatred or negative feelings towards them. It is sad that its like that with some people.
  3. I think that as we're part of the society and we go through different organizations through life (kindergarten, school...) that we are socially conditioned to do and view things certain ways. Everyone's experience is different even within the same organizations (smallest is family) and also the experience is different in different countries, across different cultures. Social conditioning - the sociological process of training individuals in a society to respond in a manner generally approved by the society in general and peer groups within society. The concept is stronger than that of socialization, which is the process of inheriting norms, customs and ideologies. Often people are socially conditioned by their peer groups or from corporate marketing and advertising. Mostly people are unaware of it. The effect of feeling the peer pressure is one of the strongest reason for self behavior modification or reasons one has fears preventing them to truly be able to self express. Everyone is afraid of being unpopular within their respective groups that they identify themselves with because of risk of being excluded. It can be hard to break through or see past the social conditioning. It takes basic understanding that things are changing all the time. Some people are unable to see past the framework or "reality box" that they were raised in. Our environment is changing much faster than most people are able to modify their world view patterns for. There is a repeating pattern of older people always complaining over how things are changing but most are unaware that in their own youth the older people at that time were complaining the same.
  4. It could appeal to them but LL would need to implement more social media tools / features and other tools to make communication easier and more fun. I created a feature request/suggestion in Second Life Jira and wrote some arguments how it would benefit Second Life's adoption with younger people. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-230143
  5. Life doesn't need to be popularity contest. Just be yourself. It is your life you live it as you want and you don't need to feel pressure to be like others. Its only like popularity contest really if you compare yourself with others. Be the best version of yourself just for yourself... not for others.
  6. Until about a month ago I was more or less blind to social media. I had facebook and Instagram but haven't used it much. Then I read article on businessinsider from Andreesen's podcast with 23 year old marketing CEO. https://www.businessinsider.com/a16z-podcast-how-to-design-for-market-to-gen-z-2021-1 It completely opened my eyes and made me start to pay attention to social media trends. I realized that that even in this aspect the old ways of doing things will die and the new ways will take over... It does not matter if the old agrees with it or not. This is just how life is. Things are always changing. Those who are stuck in their old ways will never progress through ever changing world. Research stats from 1st paragraph: Gen Z — those born between 1995 and 2010 — now makes up 35% of the population and represent $143 billion dollars in spending power. Young people are the new consumers and the world is being re-shaped to follow their values and world view because companies with their brands are in pursuit of this fast growing digital market of human attention. The new way of marketing is very different and because of generational differences its not going to be recepted well by older people who are stuck in older patterns of understanding or thinking about how the world functions. Yes there are such things as generational reality bubbles. As I became aware of it I created a tik tok account and started learning to create content for social media and to learn how to express through it. I don't want to be stuck in past and old mental frameworks. On overall the new way of doing things and how young people establish their brands and social recognition is through finding ways how to add value to their followers and consumers of their products or services. Most successful are those who manage to find ways to share content that a lot of people find useful and are thankful for it. Content producers are followed because they provide some real value. Lots of content on social media is therefore educational and useful. Funny things stand out the most and from outside to many people it looks like social media is a joke and waste of time but actually a lot of real value is created and shared that is very useful to a lot of people. The number of likes and followers give incentive to content creators to learn to create even more useful content and of more quality. This is how it works and the new way of marketing, the most effective and at the same time beneficial for society is by providing genuine and useful content to a lot of people. People follow and like other people because of what they are doing, what they stand for, what they represent to them or what they know or have some special skills. Great people behind brands that dedicate themselves to goals of achieving social good and who want to benefit and change society in a good way create movements. My personal reason why I came out and am prepared to tell or show the world who I am, how I am, what am I doing in SL and what I want to achieve is because I want to be able to have a positive impact on society. Now I am just a human having same problems as most and I don't think I am better from others and I am not a narcissist. I maybe do put much more time and effort in things but that is not a bad thing. Everyone is different. I have accepted who I am and everything that I do and my own ways of doing things (which are sometimes very different to what people are used to but that is not necessarily a bad thing and is only problem for people who have problems accepting people who think and do things in different ways). What I want to do is to find ways how to benefit society. I am a humanist, experimentalist, inovator and I like being me and myself and I like being and feeling free to crate whatever I feel most that I want to create. Exposing myself has helped me feeling more free and motivate me to find more ways to spend my time and energy in pursuit of social good. It is helping me self-realise. This personal freedom from opinions and potential negative reception and hatred from others is helping me be free from it and tapping into creativity and ways of self expression that I otherwise wouldn't and couldn't be able to. So I say to everyone to whom this is importan. Don't be afraid to be yourself because you are afraid what others will think. This your basic human right to express yourself in a way it feels most natural to yourself and to your body/biology. There will always be people who just generally like to hate something and those type of people will always find something about anyone to hate. But that is their problem, not yours. Don't compare yourself to others. You don't have to as everyone is different and that is ok and is good.
  7. I think you're right about sex. It is the strongest life force humans can feel. But the world and society is controlled by money not sex. Maybe I expressed myself wrongly I am quite a bit tired - I've even put that in disclaimer. To maybe try to understand an overall message and views about things that I wanted to convey. What I really mean is that money is very important to people and for their survival. That is why most people work in jobs - to be able to survive. And large amount of money can also become a reason why some people can loose values, self respect (or they don't have) and take bribes or accept immoral benefits. Its happening all the time.
  8. A lot of people associate money with sex.... they think if they have more of money they can make more opportunities for sex or to find a better or higher quality partner.
  9. Disclaimer: I was tired when I wrote this text so it might not follow the grammar rules and at times it goes out of topic that I wanted to write about but despite being tired I wanted to put it out of my head in the public realm for people to discuss. I was watching a documentary The social dilemma on Netflix today. It is about how addictive the social media is for most of the population and how through advertising and featured content selected/catered to every individual's preferences as its based on data mined and machine learning. Basically anything you do on web is stored under your profile and the machines (AI) is learning about you and serving you content you like and are most interested in as. The side effect of that is that this locks people in what I'd call an artificial reality bubbles. (Best example is at the time around elections if you're for example supporter of one political party you are going to be fed by machine learning algorithms the news that will be against the other political party - even if those news are fake). This is not real or objective reality it is what became known as fake reality constructed on fake news. Basically today you're always fed things that you're personally interested in and 2 different people are going to get different youtube video suggestions - because machines are designed to learn from your data input on every step. People who are aware of that can be more or less immune to it but most people just view things (information) that they are offered / fed. Even the people who worked for companies such as Google and Facebook are falling victim to it. The lines between what is real and what is fake are blurred now days more than ever. One could argue that through owning the media powerful political or corporate interests always more or less controlled information and that is true. What is interesting today is that the information (or ability to shape the world view of the masses) is going to be more and more controlled through designers of machine learning algorithms But machines (algorithms) will never know what is real or not real or what is good or what is evil... A badly designed self learning algorithm can go out of hands and do damage. It has already happened. I'd say that today information is controlled/manipulated, filtered and disseminated by big tech that own social media and no longer by big media networks (which are all having to retort to use social media because that is where the most people are and there will be even more). Couldn't help but my mind started pulling certain parallels and connections between the addictive power of social media and persuasive tech today with the dystopian social science fiction novel Brave New World by English author Aldous Huxley. The novel was written in written in 1931 but it is very important to understand the world and to what scenario of the possible future the society today in 2021 is going to. In the novel the participants of the society take drug called soma. They take it whenever they feel some kind of stress or discomfort - that is what they always did and always want to do as they were not raised to be able to handle real life and to think critically and independently about things - they always follow and do whatever others are doing. The futuristic society from the novel is ran by artificial intelligence and all the people belong to hierarchical groups based on their brain capacity to understand things / intelligence. From managers levels whose job is to protect the way of life and make sure everyone follows rules down to cleaners. It is a natural response of a human to want to avoid any kind of pain or stress and that is why even in today's society many people retort to different types of addictive behaviors or abuse of substances when the life becomes or is tough. I think for non critical people (its usually those that are not educated) its easier to develop addictive behaviors as their self control systems are weaker. The most addictive thing for most humans is money. Society is indeed controlled by money and always has been. There is a real danger that a big size of human population becomes kind of like cattle for big tech businesses to milk them. Many people call it Matrix. One could argue that today in form of social media some form of Matrix or traces of it is already formed. As machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence gets more advanced then such system or way of life we are developing in our society can easily be overtaken by artificial intelligence at some point in future (probably not in our life time but who knows). There is a risk that in future people become slaves to self learning tech in transition period to tech companies that produce those algorithms and the final outcome could lead to total control. For now the programmers have the self learning tech totally under control but in coming future things can quickly go out of hands. There is interesting series - Brave New World currently on Netflix if anyone is interesting to watch. American way of controlling population was always through soft ways of persuasion and propaganda (advertising, brands, pop culture, sexualized culture) - catering to peoples desires. There is another extreme that is currently kind of in the hands of China that could lead towards the future that is more Orwellian - destructive to the welfare of a free and open society. It denotes an attitude and a brutal policy of draconian control by propaganda, surveillance, disinformation, denial of truth (doublethink), and manipulation of the past, including the "unperson"—a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory, practiced by modern repressive governments. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orwellian But I believe the way the tech is progressing we're kind of entering to something similar to the dystopian world that Aldous Huxley depictured in his novel in 1931. It is fascinating. So yes I am noticing parallels between a novel and the effect of modern social tech on people and how its re-shaping society.
  10. Roads and bridges I meant figuratively. There are Second Life updates and extensions suggestions on Secondd Life Jira. Lots of suggestions made by many SL users that would extend and add to user experience in SL. I made few suggestions myself. I won't repeat them here because its off topic.
  11. What is your main reason for being in Second Life? What are you using it for? What is making you stay? And don't you get bored of it? I came to SL because I was frustrated about how MMORPG game companies that I used to play are preventing the players from cashing out in real money what they achieved in games. I saw how even if a game company shared 1 - 5% of its profits that in mmo gaming world would be revolutionary. I had an ideaof companies sharing portion of their profits with its users. There was a game launched about that time - EVE Online that used to let players cash in virtual currency ISK for game time cards. Not sure if that is still possible. But that wasn't it. I heard about Second Life on TV news and the L$ currency and vibrant economy. That is what actually attracted me to SL. I did not know back then that I will become a programmer. Soon as I entered SL I met some very big RL tech magazine CEO and we had a conversation. I had an idea that he liked and at that time when I was young it boosted my confidence to keep learning to realize my ideas. I was very impressed by the opportunity to connect with people that I otherwise could not in RL. Such things create real opportunities for transfer of knowledge, friendship and cooperation on global scale. I stayed in SL because it became my preferred platform for learning. I started learning to program, about business, marketing, communities, public relations, cooperating with other people and many more things that when I learned - gained some new knowledge or understanding I was able to directly apply it, experiment and get real experience that one can only get if at the helm of a big company. I see Second Life as an unique experimental ground to apply and try out different social experiments. I like to do that through inventing games or other systems. How does SL extend your real life (reality). What do you do in SL that you couldn't do in RL? Mostly for me it represents opportunity to meet and connect with people I otherwise could not. For example my 1st girlfriend that I had when I was 20 years old is from US. Because of Second Life (and love) I have traveled where I otherwise would not. I improved my english and for some time experienced Americans culture. Back when I was 20 years old it was eye opening for me and since that experience I had a realization that I live in a very small country while the world is big. It gave me perspective to think big about things and this same perspective later helped me perform better in business and understanding and thinking about things. So in a way because of Second Life I was able to have a smart and intelligent gf who later went to Harvard. That is just 1 small example how Second Life connects people cross cultures and connects people who otherwise would not connect. Second Life is in some form a social app layer on top of the internet. It enables a higher quality of connection between people than for example Facebook, Instagram. Other ways how SL extends/ adds to my real life is for opportunity to learn things that otherwise I could not. Try and experience things that otherwise I would not. When younger at some point I wanted to become a psychologist and help people. I became something else but my innate desire to help people is still there and I always look for ways how to marry or tie together the business growth with social good. So I try to build systems that have enable formation of social enterprises whose side purpose beside following profit incentive like any org (also needs to to be able to survive and grow) would be to also follow goals for greater social good. I am interested to 1st learn about and then teach people about how to cooperate on larger scales, to help forming business cooperatives that resemble industrial business clusters. Most of all through actually being able to do things on small scale I am able to learn how they work on larger scale. Second Life is for me relatively low stress environment where I can learn about things and innovate. I made a friend in SL who is a hedge fund manager as he plays my games and when we talked about business he told me that in business world its all about cut throat and greed. If you find a way to make money the other money will want to support you. But not because they believe in your ideals and because you seem to be a good person wanting to do good. The big money only supports you out of self interest - because they want to make more money. This is the reality. So if I want to some day be in position to do things that can benefit society and if I want to do it on a grand scale I need to find a way how to do it in a profitable manner. How would you like to see Second Life being upgraded so that it would let you do even more things? I would like that Linden Lab would build on top of things that seem to work. I'd like to see upgrades in SL that makes it even easier and more convenient to connect and cooperate with other people. The upgrades that would improve SL are not very complex and they can be done in an affordable and incremental way. I would like that managers in LL have take a closer look at what people do in SL and what SL enables them to do and just invest in things that people actually want and need. Personally I'd like to see that LL focuses on improvements on all the things that will make it easier for people to do business in SL (content creators). Because if more and greater quality content is produced in Second Life that will keep Second Life continue to thrive and grow. Most people come in SL for entertainment and to escape reality. But there are some people in SL that want to use SL to be able to achieve real and meaningful things. The type of things that make news covers. I would like that Linden Lab keeps creating new tools that help more and more people create new and better content and to find ways how to give everyone who creates in SL an equal opportunity to make it. I see Second Life as a form of cyber nation. For success of Second Life as a cyber nation the Linden Lab company needs to start acting as one and keep providing and building more and more infrastructure (in RL nations those are roads and bridges and railways). After some bad decisions on overall its been pretty successful. But it needs more of it and faster. Just like in chess and generally in battle strategies - attack is the best defense. If Second Life wants to compete in tech world it keep needs to be attacking - this means investing, growing, modernizing itself as a living, evolving organism.
  12. I added "gap" in the title to make it a bit controversial and make it more interesting. Everything I do I try to do with max impact and min energy spent. This is according to "seiryoku zenyo" philosophy from my martial art that I am master in.
  13. I am not advertising false traffic. We have a strict anti bot policy in our games that we enforce. And it works! We have community growth and community is vibrant. I am communicating and giving information on what works for us with hope that people to whom this topic is relevant in Linden Lab can copy it and appy in SL. All it takes is just stricter enforcement of anti bot traffic gami g. Now I understand why those who use bots for traffic hate me. But I am willing to go through some hate to propagate for solutions that will help grow SL and lead towards its greater success for everyone. I know how bots are damaging for communities and for SL on overall. I also think LL lowering the traffic significance for lands in search was a good move. Search needs to be affected by multiple factors and land traffic is only one of multiple. Still traffic is important indicator and gaming traffic with bots is by SL TOS a violation. SL can benefit on overall if LL enforces it. The main problem of bots is new users of SL not being able to find real people to have social interactions with because they land on lands full of bots. LL is loosing significant % of new users because of that. This is affecting new users retention rate. User retention rate is lower than it could be. Second Life could have greater growth in new users that stay in SL and spend their RL money into SL economy. If you are a business in SL then anything that affects new users retention rate negatively is bad for you and for SL economy on overall. Not all people in SL are using search functionality for shopping. That is only 1 of many things people search. And to be realistic with you.. most people because of greater conveniance shop on SL Marketplace. Search now days is more used to find social places of interest in SL to hang out and meet like minded people, to find land to rent and many others. Second Life is all about communities. I base my business success on learning about and being aware of what most people want and miss in SL. It is the same thing as we do in RL - more meaningful social interactions and connections with other people. In short - friends. Yes some people like to shop in SL. But you need to ask yourself why and what for? Well when you buy something new you want to display it to others. Most things people buy beside for fashion and self unique style expression are status symbols. I don't know why some people here vilify me because I create games. Reason why I make them isbecause I know they grow SL. As I explained it also helps 3d content creators generate more sales. It has positive effect on overall SL economy. Whether some people like it or not. It is known that through playing games together we bond and establish trust with other people faster. And I believe we stay in SL mainly because of friends and inventories full of virtual goods with value that we purchased through time. If there are no friends to meet in the social platform.. it dies. Like painful learning example we all were able to witness with SANSAR.
  14. This is only for those who want to share. What is your main reason for being in Second Life? What are you using it for? What is making you stay? And don't you get bored of it? How does SL extend your real life (reality). What do you do in SL that you couldn't do in RL? How would you like to see Second Life being upgraded so that it would let you do even more things? With SL being multi purpose environment I find it interesting to hear how different people use virtual world tech. There are probably use cases that we don't even know about.
  15. There is no country in the world where women are so safe they don't need to exercise caution in everyday life let alone the internet. I didn't know that women feel unsafe even in safer countries. But then again when its about forming romantic relationship no one is really safe. One can get involved with a narcissistic partner and this comes out only later...
  16. LoL. Sorry this wasn't a passive reference to you. Possibly someone else? Or nobody particular. I just liked you're reference to word of mouth. Heavy on sarcasm you are.. my friend \😁/
  17. I am looking for positive people and on my path searching for them I meet some that are negative and insecure. There is an interesting article on Forbes: Surrounding Yourself With The Right People Changes Everything https://www.forbes.com/sites/jennifercohen/2018/12/04/surrounding-yourself-with-the-right-people-changes-everything/?sh=385b23197d09
  18. I don't think those 2 things are the same because. What information does traffic metric provide? It provides the information that on the land with high traffic there is some kind of a social activity happening - that there are real people that you can interact with. In case of people playing the game.. those are real people and one can interact with them. But in case of bots.. now those are not real people and you can not interact with them and there can be no social activity. Because they are bots which are not real humans. I think that your dislike of me is clearly shaping your reasoning (you are letting your emotions influence how you think). I've noticed that with some commentators. Some are even retorting to name calling.
  19. I am sorry that this is your perception of me. You probably shaped your opinion and basing it on belief that I am posting here only to promote my business. But if you read my initial post you will see that I really mean everything I wrote and I am really looking to connect with people who want to make something more in within SL. entitled: believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. I don't feel as if I am acting like that and it is not my intention to act entitled. I respect other people here and I am not name calling anyone if I don't agree with them or with how or in what way they do things or if they're just different.
  20. Yes you're right. My example would only work if the group of animals who are prey were equally fast, healthy and strong which in nature doesn't really happen.
  21. I take it that most people live in countries where crime rate is relatively high and most people see many bad things happening to other people through news. So the need for feeling safe is greater. It is a bit different for me living in one of the safest countries in the world. But having experience of being attacked and my business in SL so many times I see valid reasons for myself that I should have had a stronger need to stay anonymous. I have a different personal theory and from what I am observing. As I came out and showed my face to all my customers and community and became more open and added realism. I believe that will lead towards less jealousy and attacks in case if I manage to grow my SL business bigger. In any case I'll see. It is known even from animal world that to be in the middle is safest as predators target animals that are either in the front or in the back. To be in the middle is comparable to being hidden and most prefer safety over exposure. Which is fine and actually natural. We humans are very much part of the animal world. ^-^
  22. I saw someone asking about what is brand image. Brand Image is how customers think of a brand. It can be defined as the perception of the brand in the minds of the customers. This image develops over time. Customers form an image based on their interactions and experience with the brand. These interactions take place in many forms and not necessarily involve the purchase or use of products and services. But in my own words. Big brands are established by charismatic personalities and usually the brands represent the whole value system of the leaders who start the company and do things certain way that seems to lead to success of the company. Elon Musk for example is a brand. Tesla = Elon Musk. It doesn't matter if you like him or not, if you agree with him or not but he is an example of someone who has a very good brand image - so much that it lead to a Tesla stock bubble. Walter Elias is another example of a man that created a very known brand - He was an American entrepreneur, animator, writer, voice actor and film producer. A pioneer of the American animation industry, he introduced several developments in the production of cartoons. Walt Disney is very known brand even to this day and is a legacy of its founder. I say to everyone who creates and sells something in Second Life. Who you are and what you represent and stand for is very important. If your product is comparable to others then your brand image or what kind of personality you are can tip the sales your way. So be nice, positive, constructive, do good to others and generally be a good person and life is going to reward you with many people who will want to own your products and be close to you. From my own experience and from what I learned from doing business in Second Life. I can say to others who seek business success in SL. Just be nice, positive and work with your customers. Don't abandon them after they made a purchase. Take care for them as they're the supporters of your business. Every happy and satisfied customer breeds 10 new customers. Word of mouth happens if you're good to people and if you genuinely care for their experience with your product and service.
  23. Is that because you view it as manipulative, or do you have other reasons? When I started having business success in Second Life and started gaining numbers I dedicated it towards trying to grow Second Life on overall. Landowners and other businesses in Second Life noticed that and hopped on the bandwagon. No one thinks less of landowners and businesses who support type of games that help growing SL economy quite contrary they are championed and well respected for it. A business that needs to get out with a new product can choose between paying for advertisements or use a system to share some of their profits within the community who then grow positive feelings towards the brand and buy the products of its brand. Which practice do you think will be seen as more popular within the community of 37 000+ people? Anshe Chung as a brand has figured that out way before everyone else. If you want your brand to be respected and desirable then find ways to give to the community and the community will fall in love with your brand. We all want Second Life to grow. I am an economist and I teach people that to grow the Second Life we need to grow Second Life's economy. My motivation with new products that I invent is with a goal to design a killer app for Second Life that would lead towards growth in use of Second Life world wide. Killer app definition: a feature, function, or application of a new technology or product which is presented as virtually indispensable or much superior to rival products.
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