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Wili Clip

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Everything posted by Wili Clip

  1. As I wrote in my comment: About 9 - 10 years ago the fishing game was initially designed as a traffic aid game and as a fun activity for people to do and earn some L$ that they spend into SL economy. But through the years it has grown into so much more and started having community building effect. I was surprised myself when I saw that was happening and I welcome it. I don't want this forum topic to take direction into discussing my products. That was not my intention for posting. In some cases I feel compelled to reply to misconceptions and then it might appear like I am promoting. I'd rather see that the topic stays within its title. Is BOTs traffic gaming SERIOUSLY breaking Second Life search? Why are you posting pictures of products from my games into forum comments? Such advertising in SL forums is not allowed even if you're doing it with purpose to try to portray someones product in a negative light (tactic of negative advertising or a product defamation attempt). Definition of product defamation: A statement is defamatory if is harmful to the trading reputation of the company. An attack on the products or services of a company is only defamatory if it attacks the integrity, competence or other reputational value of the business. It is the overall effect of the statement that matters.
  2. Through selling silver mines on SL marketplace for L$. And also to start the mining cycle of silver mines it takes ingredients that players buy at a fixed L$ price.
  3. Ok you are quoting someone who is copy pasting the text from a general public presentation of the game and presenting things out of context to try to prove the point and you're agreeing with that someone. I don't have anything against you or the person who is copy pasting and presenting things out of context. I am merely pointing it out. If anyone doesn't agree with me at least read my arguments and try to offer counter arguments.
  4. You are copy pasting text and presenting things out of context to try to prove your point. But you're not taking into consideration the whole structure of the game (and not considering it systematically as a whole system). If early players are gaining more silver and benefiting more because they're able to mine more silver before more players join and make average output per each silver mine smaller that doesn't mean that players who join later will not benefit as well. Don't forget that by design players can buy and sell silver mines from other players (same as with GACHA items) at all times. Silver is used to get more silver mines and leads towards bigger success in the game as they managed to acquire their silver mines at discount that is through the output of silver mines programmed directly into the game. In every game that is more complex... there are different possibilities and strategies by the players that they can take to benefit. It can not be a ponzi scheme because players are not able to sell silver for L$. They can only use silver to buy end products and services. Goal of the game for the players is to become the biggest silver miner and there are different ways (strategies) for players to get at at that goal. The players are at all time and in every aspect of the game buying end products. I see how some players would buy silver mines and could mistakingly think that they will or should make L$ profits. If the game is released there will be disclaimer that it is a game created for entertainment purpose.
  5. Second Life is a multi purpose virtual world platform. It can be used for education and whatever humans can imagine as long as it doesn't violate any ones rights or laws. It is a creative platform that enables people from all over the world to develop various products and services in and through use of L$ sell/trade them with other people. One of those products / services are games. If for example a very successful game is developed and lots of people enter SL to play it then that will still not make or change Second Life into being a game. I say that if successful games are created it can actually lead towards the increased use of Second Life for all other purposes as well. People hang out and conduct their work wherever there is the most energy flowing. In business world if you don't have numbers you don't have anything. Growth is important because generally in all life things that don't grow... they die. It is same in tech world and for tech platforms. Growth is a natural process. Linden Lab TOS: https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/second-life-terms-and-conditions I would just ask those that are not lawyers by profession or in any other way professionally connected to law to refrain from creating judgements that only legal experts can. I am not a lawyer myself but I do know basics of law as every person who conducts any kind of business has to.
  6. I've repeatedly talked about an investment. But that investment is into a real life registered startup (shareholding) company that would be the owner of the intellectual property (a game) that is developed in Second Life. Upon permission of Linden Lab I would develop the game to a prototype stage and set up a company if I saw there is big interest by players to play that game.
  7. You may not. But 10000s of people who earn L$ that they otherwise wouldn't will. By law of the numbers your personal vendetta and your personal choices have an insignificant impact on general economy. As much harsh as that sounds I also don't have anything against you and wish you all well. Everyone has right to have and state their opinion. \O.. O/
  8. About 9 - 10 years ago the fishing game was initially designed as a traffic aid game and as a fun activity for people to do and earn some L$ that they spend into SL economy. For most people it is a fun game where they can advance in ranks (there are some similarities to WoW in the aspect of building / ranking up your characther) and make friends. With 10 years of upgrading, extending and perfecting it.. It has become much more than just a traffic game and for massive community of people it is a main part of SL tjat makes them stay in SL. Not all people have good jobs or businesses in RL to be able to support their shopping needs in SL. Most players earn enough L$ to have a spending power. The players are the consumers. And they pay back to the lands, brands, business who support them. Today fishing game I created is not mainly used for increasing traffic. Some might do it for that reason or start it for that purpose but most are installing it in their land to invite and support the community that has grown into the largest or one of the few largest ones in SL (with 37 000+ members in group). 50 000 - 100 000 monthly visitors on our main website. Rather for traffic I have noticed that people install a fishing game to increase and improve their SL brand image. I do it for brand of my other business and creating a sheer example how well it works. If you are good to the consumers of SL they are good to your business, brand. I think that a form of advertising where advertising money is instead given to to ad agencies (yes I have one) or paid for visual advertising is better to be spent in a way it is distributed among the people who are going to be buying your products. If advertising money instead goes to ad agency it will not find ways to other content creators. In general I always saw emptiness in Second Life as off-putting. SL is a multi purpose virtual world (3D) environment. Games are just 1 aspect of it. There are many. I don't think people who personally only like 1 aspect or use of virtual world should be saying that some other aspect they don't have personal interest in is bad. I am an economist with understanding of markets, microeconomy and macroeconomy. I create the type of games that contribute to SL economy growth. Now educated people who understand a thing or 2 about economic use my system to tap into a big community of people/fishers who have L$ to spend. If they will spend them for your business depends on what product or service you offer and if you are a good person that SL consumers want to support. You have to give something in order to receive. My way of doing business is I give a lot of my time, support, friendship, knowledge and information to others and I try to help everyone. The strongest business brands are established when people learn what values the brands stand for and people support the ones who they feel align well with their values. In my system we are all following interest to grow SL and help people enjoy it better with more L$ to spend. My game is no longer just a traffic game for years. It is a game that builds and supports communities in SL. If it was based solely on ability to generate traffic than as LL decreased significance of traffic in search it should by that logic not exist anymore. But it has only been growing bigger and stronger because of reasons I shared above. A lot of people have copied my systems and they are like my shadows - they follow my every step and try to hurt my business or badmouth me through their alts wherever possible. But there is 1 thing they are not aware of. If you base your product copying someone else you are forever going to stay a follower - just a shadow and your business brand will always stay tainted with the dirt. Your brand is always going to make people feel uncomfortable because generally people want to use, support and reward genuine inovators and original creators. I don't understand how someone can have self respect by copying reverse engineering systems of someone else. But its known in industry and those who do it are forever followers and their brand promotes weakness and some sort of immorality. So take care about what you do. If you are doing something wrong... it will come back at you like karma.
  9. 1st of all silver mining I propose is not investing and buying a silver mine is not an investment. It is not an investment scheme. It is a game like for example Farmville on Facebook. The only difference is that silver mines are designed with ability for players / miners to re-sell them to other players at whatever price they specify. Depending on the progress of the game and general in-game market conditions players could sell their silver mines to other players at higher price they bought it from another player or on marketplace or sell at lower price. My definition of a ponzi scheme is same as generally agreed one - a fraudulent investing scam which generates returns for earlier investors with money taken from later investors.. The purpose of the silver mining game is not to make anyone money because it is not an investment scheme. Silver Mine is a game product and its purpose is to provide entertainment to players. Silver mines have a traffic promotion component. When a mine owner starts mining process on their mine... after every hour the mine pauses until some other player teleports to it and clicks the mine for it to make it continue its mining process/timer (in exchange the player receives a reward specified by the mine owner - reward is either a small amount of L$ or silver). Silver is used in others games (plan is to help other content creators develop many that will use silver but with strict rules how its used - always in accordance with SL TOS). Silver that mines produce or players receive as a reward for clicking (mining) the mine is further used in other products that will be developed. For example I programmed a mmorpg game appropriate for SL where players kill monsters for L$ drops and game items. I paused it just before 1st public alpha test release. Silver is used by the owner of the game to feed the Energy Crystal with it and in exchange it recovers players HP (health power). Silver is also used as a material to produce energy for weapons. This energy players buy with L$ to be able to do more damage to monsters and earn more L$ or kill monsters faster. The total silver that miners all together will ever be able to mine to produce is fixed. This game component is taken from how the supply of bitcoin works. Its easier to understand to those who know a bit about bitcoin supply aspect. So more there are miners mining the silver more harder it is going to be to obtain the silver. This does not mean that those who started playing the game early are benefiting on the backs of players joining later. It just means they have more silver mines than other players and are able to produce more silver. All the players will at all time have incentives to use the silver that they produce to buy more silver mines to be ranked higher on top silver miners game chart. It is not an investment and it will never be advertised as one. If any players make L$ earnings in the game its for the same reason as some players in SL make money buying gacha items at a low price from players who want to sell it fast to then flip it and sell to someone at a 5 - 10X higher price and profit. But this profit is in silver mining game never guaranteed. The game is designed and programmed in a way so that its harder and harder to obtain more silver through time but everyone will know that at all times and buying and selling / re-selling Silver Mines for L$ will be possible for players at all times - whether player obtained the mine by buying for L$ on marketplace or got it using silver he mined himself.
  10. Yes that is why I am asking the Linden Lab it is their platform and their rules.
  11. It is hard to understand how it is a perfectly legitimate system that is not breaking any rules of SL TOS and not enabling or causing concerns for money laundering. Just like GACHA has never raised any money laundering concerns. I actually did not want to make this topic to discuss my game design plan and its technicalities. I already communicated through LL ticket system with Patch Linden 6 months ago and they worked cross departments with legal department to let me know if my game design I proposed is ok with them. The main concern and issue for Linden Lab is if the players were able to sell silver for L$ interchangeably through an exchange system in an open market fashion. It is ok if its a 1 way sell. Player buys silver for L$ from player who mined it with their silver mine but once silver is purchased it can not be sold for L$ again (it has to be used for end game product or service). So basically. I received a green light from Linden Lab as long as players can not sell silver back for L$ to other players (as that creates money laundering concern). Prior to that I've proposed 4 redesigns and asked LL which one of them is ok with them. I hesitated starting creating the game because there would not be much interest for it. Until I managed to solve the main problem. And to do that I took the solution from the gacha market. So players would be always able to sell or buy a silver mine (3D object like any gacha) to or from another player for L$. I contacted Linden Lab recently for additional confirmation with in detail technical description of it because this gacha component was added. But gacha seems to be ok in SL so I wouldn't need to. But I still prefer to do it and want to be sure LL is ok with my game design as it will be a lot of work to do it and I plan to incorporate a real life startup (shareholding) company for it.
  12. No. Because when you buy a gacha item somewhere at gacha market at lower price and then you sell it on SL Marketplace for a higher price. You are not laundering money.
  13. You read it in a wrong way. The silver mine owners are selling their mines to others for L$ (like GACHA). While silver that miners get can be used to buy more silver mines from the game company for silver at set amount. The plan is to create an ecosystem of games that offer end products that players can use their mined silver for. My team of programmers & designers that I want to set up would be creating API's and free script libraries together with game scripting open source community established around it all to make it easier for other content creators to make games within ecosystem we create. It is not ponzi scheme, it is not an investment scheme. Silver that players create in the game they can use for end products (they can not sell/trade silver back for L$). It is a legitimate SL game that could grow into a platform that unites all content developers in SL and makes it easy for everyone to create games and sell components for game creation (sounds, script functions, animations...). No one is getting rich. Players just get access to more and more newly developed game content that they can enjoy. It makes sense to incorporate such game as a startup by registering a real life shareholding company that makes it possible for different entities to invest in it and make it possible for the most successful content creators in within the game ecosystem to be able to own shares of the company (then interests are aligned and creative potential, talents and skills are all focused to grow the value of the company by creating more and more succesful games). I dislike any systems that are unfair and I don't even like gambling type of systems. I develop game systems where everyone can win or have fun (depends on their purpose). That is why all my game systems that I create are so successful. Also wrong... the company does not set the price of silver... just the amount of silver needed to get 1 additional silver mine for those that want to acquire silver mine for silver. As the number of silver miners increases everyone gets less silver per mining cycle so the silver becomes more scarce and its value increases. There is then a need for the company to make new additional mines cheaper in silver as the number of players increases and the price in L$ that existing mine owners are selling their used mines to others sky rockets to a level where other players who want to mine silver can not afford it. There is 3rd party (player 2 player) market for silver mines. Players can always buy for L$ more silver mines from other players or sell their silver mines to other players (very much so like with gacha items). There is another wrong assumption that you made. You used word investors. There are no investors and no investing is done in this game. Its all players who mine for silver through their mines and they are not investing. It is a game that would have vibrant player 2 player market where players trade 3D objects with each other (very much like GACHA). This is actually what TOS of SL (under L$ section) actually encourages and where it is stated what L$ purpose is for. Straight from LL TOS: https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/second-life-terms-and-conditions The game design that I managed to come up with is actually very brilliant. It just takes time to understand it and lots of elaborations because its a bit complex. Its easy to get it wrong and call it something that it does not deserve to be called. \O.. O/ I create games systems that run legitimate and fair trade systems using knowledge of system theory, economics and game theory.
  14. I quoted logical arguments (I further added and emphasis in bold - that was new text) and even a very simple example to teach general public how keywords work and how traffic is an important metric that gives weight to keywords. I miss logical reasoning by some commentators here and the use of strong arguments. One can not say x is not true after I write very strong logical arguments why x is true. One can not just write x is not. One need to at least give a logical explanation or counter arguments to my arguments. But this is not a technical/programmer or scientific community and is just public forum where anyone can say 1+1=5 and they reason it with because I said so. ☺️🙄 I will try to give an example more relevant to SL: Lets say you are using sl search and you type in a keyword "role play". There are 100s maybe 1000s of role play sims in SL. But only few of them are the biggest and have very big community. If the keyword result for "role play" is not weighted against the traffic of the lands that have role play on them you are not going to be able to find a popular sim where you can start role playing (you're going to get 100s of lands that contain keyword role play in their description and name but don't have any actual role play going on on sim or are empty). If the search result page does not give you the list of lands that are listed from most popular to less then search is utterly dysfunctional. You can not have functional search without popularity/traffic metric. I will now just give it a rest and not argue with people who don't use arguments and make claims that are not based on measurable/logically determined reality. Time for me to sleep. Wish you all well. \O.. O/ *Hi5*
  15. https://www.bitofgold.net/social/page/view-post?id=57
  16. Actually I am these days upgrading my very 1st system that I built in SL and is to this day working well. It has been in service of various SL businesses. I am adding categories into my ad system so that landowners will be able to decide themselves what they want to promote on their land (going towards targeted advertising - this plugs in very well with word of mouth). So from business standpoint to those who think that I would benefit if the traffic metric became more significant for search ranking under keywords I can say that my business will actually benefit more if SL search becomes even more dysfunctional and it becomes even harder to find things in SL for people. Second Life is like a giant 3D desert with few oasis (with water) who provide genuine value. And if LL doesn't lead new users towards the highest value then SL will not reach its growth potential. You all also have to be aware that most of the dysfunctions that Linden Lab creates are always business opportunities for SL entrepreneurs. I am coning the term SLpreneurs. It us the content creators who are making Second Life alive and keeping it relevant. What is a good entrepreneur if not someone who looks for opportunities in the markets and creates a product or service that fills market gaps or niches. Offers a product or service that caters to human desires, fixes some problem or helps other people or businesses to make more money or reach their goals. My focus has always been on designing and building systems that can benefit everyone. I am a programmer, I have a mind of an engineer, I have experience working with algorithms and I can tell you that traffic as a metric will always be a part of a search rank pointing system that determines position of search results based on keywords. Because among 1000 of sellers of "sausages" you need to have a pointing system to determine whose sausage is the best sausage that most people will like and want to find. People when they look for sausage always want to find the best most tasty sausage to eat (people pursue maximum utility - max satisfaction). The foot traffic (where most people go) is the most relevant metric for pointing the "sausage" as keyword to determine whose sausage stand should appear in search 1st. Utility maximisation - refers to the concept that individuals and firms seek to get the highest satisfaction from their economic decisions. Profoky described it also in similar simple terms for everyone to be able to understand. You can not have a search being functional if it does not contain traffic. 🤪 Traffic matters whether you like it or not. It is pointless to argue about it. Only an ignorant person would think that traffic is irrelevant. You can lower its significance (and tweak through time without telling everyone because then they will start gaming it). Let everyone believe that it doesn't matter while you still use it. That is why exact workings of search algorithms are secrets and even Google engineers keep tweaking it so it can not be gamed. If I was Linden Lab I'd let everyone believe its significance is small but through time I'd fine tune it to find the most optimal spot. This is why I opened the topic and I am making a viable argument that bot traffic gaming is breaking SL search. Even a small pressure of LL against traffic gamers will lead to significant improvements. I care for Second Life. I spent 10 years of my life. Second Life is my real business, my real profession and I don't want to feel that I wasted my life with SL. So at one point I have decided that I am going to keep trying to improve Second Life and create a movement of SL businesses and business partners and communities. If LL will not fix things then we will fix and improve them ourselves. LL doesn't need to be afraid of us or stop or prevent our rise and growth. We are doing things to benefit Second Life and help SL grow to its full potential. Linden Lab will only benefit from this. I explained this to one of the product managers of Linden Lab. We are together in this and our interests are aligned and we are like business partners. Our success mutually depends on each others success. I believe none of you here on this forum who is doing any kind of business for the last 10 - 17 years want to feel like you wasted a big portion of your life in Second Life. Trust me even employees of Linden Lab don't want to feel that they wasted their time and potential with LL / SL. So keep thriving and doing what you learned to do best looking for solutions without counting on LL to fix anything. We're successful because we adapted to such an environment. We are patient with LL and always ready to cooperate, be constructive and build together. We know Second Life from very close because we're the ones running businesses in here and our lives depend on success and longevity of Second Life. We care for Second Life. We need to unite, stand together and brainstorm, discuss what we can do and the ways how we can improve Second Life. I am not a communist (that made me laugh) - I am also not hardcore cut throat capitalist after gain at all cost. I am a builder. I have strategically grown the biggest community in SL to be able to grow or benefit hundreds of other smaller communities. My sim is fully rented out for months, there is always something happening on the sim and little green dots are moving (yes the sim has lag but that is because lag mainly comes with the people). I don't have plans to get more sims - rentals are not my business - my plan is to keep developing systems to help other businesses and communities to grow. 10 years ago when I 1st rented Business Park I've always had a vision for it to become a center where new businesses are born. As I gained skills, knowledge and experience through years I try to use all that to connect with other entrepreneurs and help them grow in a way that we all grow. I recently created 1st product in collaboration with another programmer. She updated her chessboard for me so that I could build a SL chess ranking - traffic system on top of her chessboard. We both benefits and little to no trust was needed between us to cooperate. Maybe the SL forum is not a place to find fellow builders of the virtual world. I am already finding them and will find them more inside Second Life. We are building and its fun! Anyways I am off topic... need to get some sleep. I wish you all well. *Hi5*
  17. 🤔Hmmm... It really wasn't what I meant. What do you and all others suggest? Should I change the title of the topic to "Why are some of us hiding behind avatar? In my language if you're for example a fan of techno music and then you write something like "Why do we love techno music?" That doesn't automatically mean that the writer is addressing the whole human population of the planet but only the sub-group of people who love techno. And you need to read his text with understanding that he is a techno fan and belonging to that sub-group of people. Maybe it is different in english language or maybe I am just did a semantic boo boo / expressed myself wrongly. Just let me know what most of you suggest. Should I change the title of the topic and it won't be seen by forum members as something bad or manipulative that I did?
  18. English is not my native language but as far as I know "why are we hiding" can have the same meaning as "why do some of us hide". And there can not be same or similar meaning between "why is everyone hiding" and "why are we hiding". But this is a problem of communication and sometimes only the author of the message really knows what he really meant when he wrote something. I think it doesn't make sense arguing about semantics. It is also known for a fact that when a person reads some text that person can derive different interpretation of the meaning depending on their personal emotional state that they are in at the time when they are reading it. For example if you're angry or had a bad day or negative experience about something through the day and you read something you may understand and react to it differently than as if when you're feeling happy and you had a good day and positive prior experiences.
  19. Hi Sophie. I am repeating myself as I already posted this but I feel I need to re-iterate. As everyone is approaching my post in a confrontational way. I am not saying or implying that everyone is hiding behind their avatar. If I was I would write why is everyone hiding behind their avatars or why are you hiding behind your avatar? I did not say that. I wrote why are we hiding behind our avatars. I was/am addressing only a segment of people that might be in a similar situation as I am and to who opening up (to a degree they are personally comfortable with) would / is going to help similarly as it helped me. Hope this explains some things. By no means would I shame someone because of anything. \O.. O/
  20. O.. O I don't have any grudge or any hard feelings against you. If you will at any time need or want any product help or have question just let me know I'll help. \O.. O/ Second Life is technically challenging environment and things do sometimes break or stop working for whatever the reason is. Main reason why maybe my business has grown so much bigger than from the most is because I am always there and I am known to fix everything. So people in my community gave me a nickname wili-fix-it. I sometimes break things modifying or updating or trying to make better and then it often happened that I had to fix something for hundreds of people. But one good thing that came out of it is that with a lot of customers I've developed more personal connection. This is very different from most business people in SL who just sell the product and then they disappear and when a customer needs help or something breaks they can't get any help. It happened to me when I bought something so I decided I don't want to be like other creators that don't care what happens with their customers after purchase has been made. In simple words I treat my customers as friends and business partners. I value them and they value me - we have mutual respect. I am a humanist since my teenage years and I practice what is so called a "Humane Business". You can read more about Humane Business in research paper: The future of the corporation - Towards humane business https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329795244_The_future_of_the_corporation_Towards_humane_business
  21. Sorry for barking back into the topic. I know that some have had enough of me. But that is simply not true. We sent a notice to our group of 37 000+ members to let everyone know we charge 1000 L$ (4-5 USD) for changing name entries in our database (same thing as Linden Lab does who charge if I am not wrong 50 USD). The aim is to maybe make someone reconsider changing their name or make at least less people do it. If 1000s of people were to change the name I'd just be changing entries in database all days (the game was designed in times when it was not known that in future its going to be possible to change avatar name). I also wrote that if someone refuses to pay those 1000 L$ I am not going to lock them out of their game account and will change their name anyway. Luckily so far not so many people have changed their name because 50 USD for most people is too much. \O.. O/ Mercedes also if you IM me inworld (because I need to know exact name of your avatar you own the product with) I'll sort your issue if you still have with your rod or any other products of mine if you have. I am yet to check your 2nd reply on here on forum if you changed your mind and you want me to offer you support as 1st time I had an impression you don't want it.
  22. Sorry.. I don't understand what you mean or what you want to say. I feel some kind of passive hostility from you. I don't know you and I've never been disrespectful to you.
  23. We have anti bot policy and are strictly enforcing it in our games. We have someone who used to work as an admin in Ultima Online game. He brought lots of experience into our community management & cheat prevention. I don't have anything against bots or automated software as long as it is being used legitimately and not for cheating systems that are designed to serve and benefit humans. I'd maybe like to softly nudge LL to more actively enforce their policy on prevention of land traffic gaming / inflating with bots. As I wrote in initial post even small increase in it would lead towards larger benefits for general SL community and SL's appeal. And this is not a question of money and if LL is able to afford it. Its a question of a little better organization of it (they already successfully implemented SL moles system and that is a right approach to get a lot of useful work done with min investment).
  24. I don't think that you have authority to say what LL will do or not do unless you're in the LL higher management yourself. The traffic is still relevant for search rankings. They lowered it some and if they did even more that would not be the wisest decision as I argue in my above comments if you read them. People will always try to game systems if that leads to increased personal game. Its normal. Solutions for such problems can be addressed with measured approach of systematically fighting it (algorithms) and policy/rules but they need to be actively enforced.
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