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Burnha Firehawk

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    Installation Wizard

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  1. Been on a Signalis kick, gotta go through that existential crisis 😏
  2. I am the storm that is approaching, Provoking black clouds in isolation, I am reclaimer of my name, Born in flames, I have been blessed, My family crest is a demon of death!
  3. Hellsinger's been my current obsession, you know how it is 🥴
  4. Bust out the Moonlight Greatsword, it's time to hunt some of the Old Blood...!
  5. I've been on a pretty big Dark Souls kick recently 😩
  6. This one is probably a little too "calm" to be an action shot, but I've always had a thing for build-ups and stuff like that cus' I like to leave it up to fellas to imagine what happens next... 🥴
  7. Here's one of my faun, Falke Autumns! She likes to curse fellas as a hobby! 😈
  8. ---- "Aren't you an ace fighter pilot?" "I am, yeah." "So, what's this about you jumping out of your cockpit mid-dogfight that I'm hearing about?"
  9. Thank you! And yeah! I'm mixing it with my own game, Nebulous, and SL. I feel with like, sci-fi, you just gotta have another medium to actually portray the scale you'd need. Like warships! Also makes it easy for action sequences, if you ask me.
  10. ----------- Hullo! Some fellas might remember my trailer for TASKFORCE 2020 that was featured way back in September. Slowly but surely, I've still been working on it, now making it a multi-media machinima project in both SL and my own game, Nebulous! So, here's a scene showcasing both!
  11. I think I'll put somethin' down, I'm feelin' good about it
  12. ----------- Hullo! Haven't posted in a while! So, this here is a project that I couldn't exactly nail down correctly as I just couldn't find the time. I wanted to include more fellas and more voices (and some better editing) but maybe another time! You can find a HQ version on my Flickr and I'd like to thank LL for featuring my work!
  13. "Quality Assurance is Unassured" Find an uncompressed vid here and here!
  14. ----- A small project inspired by some of my old PSX games. Hopefully, you get that vibe too!
  15. A "trailer" for one of my machinima projects. Hopefully, Second Life doesn't fall apart out of nowhere!
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