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Naima Haiku

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  1. Thanks again, you've been a real help. seems the best will be to take up both of those shapes and fool aroud a bit. Gives me something to do for sure. Appreciate it Ariel. -Naima
  2. Thank you so much for the quick reply! I should have made it more clear, I definitely do want a larger Avi. Going off of the link I will want to go thicker then that largest one. I have a face shape already and that's always the hardest for me. Ill snatch those up and play with it i suppose, just trying to get proportions down. What I was thinking was something similar to: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs057.ash2/36216_1526562084485_1247667456_1513662_3139291_n.jpg
  3. Hi there! This is my first time posting so bear with me. I did a quick search and didn't see much here about this topic (other then prims and such and how to mod for larger avis) and was wondering if anyone could help my pursuit of a BBW shape of my own. I want to branch out and try something different, i understand the hardships with outfits and such but would like to give this a go anyway. I've made all of my current shapes so I have a decent understanding of making things look fluid, smooth, and realistic for 'normal' to thin avis but am having problems doing so with a BBW shape. If anyone could give some advice on general things to try to achieve or even some rough numbers i could work off of I would greatly appreciate it. Pictures are lovely as well. Thank you everyone in advance -Naima
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