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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. They're asking for L$50 less than usual. Post-holiday sale?
  2. Sounds like you've gotten things from the Marketplace that went into the "Recieved Items" area in your inventory. With Phoenix the area appears as a folder in your inventory and with Firestorm it appears as a separate "drawer" at the bottom of the inventory panel. The items are actually in the same "place" with both ways of looking at it.
  3. There are people called "griefers" who create throw-away accounts to disrupt places. The club you went to has it set so that accounts less than seven days old can't go there to try to discourage griefers. There are a few thousand other places you can go while you're waiting.
  4. I think the direction we need to go is determining what elements of SL CAN be ported to a phone-like device. Most people on SL spend a fair amount of time doing things that don't need the full constantly-updated rendered environment. For example, if I buy some clothes on the Marketplace and then put together an outfit for my avatar, I'm basically standing in one spot and dealing with one avatar. I don't see why a sub-app couldn't allow functions like that to run on a phone without needing the full simulation. Even when I'm at a club with 50 others, a lot of the time I'm actually just chatting with friends, listening to music and researching old Davey and Goliath claymation in a separate browser (don't ask.) If I could log into the club from a phone, possibly hooking up to a pathfinding character at the club to allow me to move and keep out of other people's way, I'd be at least as "present" for everyone else while still getting the same music and chat I was there for without having to render a 3D world with 50 avatars.
  5. You can build all sorts of things but that's really too big of a question to answer here. A web search should get you lots of tutorials, and if you go in-world to a region called Natoma there's a building called the Ivory Tower of Primitives that has a cool walk-through of basic building techniques.
  6. Does this happen at all areas or only one or two, and are you wearing a facelight? The new lighting system called "deferred rendering" or "lighting and shadows" shows lighting more accurately than the old system but with the problem that in areas where builders put in a lot of bright lights to have things look better under the old system everything can be too bright. Also, many facelights, especially ones with multiple lit objects, become very bright. If you're at an area you have control over start getting rid of lights or turning them down, and if you're wearing a facelight take it off and see if it helps. If you go into "Preferences" - "Graphics" and turn off "Lighitng and Shadows" you'll see things the old way but if the problem is too many light sources at your area things will look just as bad to others.
  7. You can't. Your SL age is determined by the number of days since you're joined and your RL age for adult access was determined when you typed in your birthday when you created your account. If you're over 18 and want to access areas with maturity ratings higher than "G" you can set that in "Preferences" - "General".
  8. Linden Lab hasn't done anything currently that will stop Phoenix from working. The makers of Phoenix are no longer officially providing technical support for it but it can still be used. (Linden Lab never offered technical support for it, incidentally.) Are you saying the chair works for that customer in that location using other viewers, or that it works for you somewhere else with other viewers? Is there a "sit target" in the chair or do you just sit on it like a regular object? Problems with sitting in a chair without a sit target are often caused by its being inside the "bounding box" of another object.
  9. If you're using Phoenix or Firestorm your new avatar won't rezz until the bridge gets created. You need to go to a place that allows scripts with Firestorm or a place that allows you to build with Phoenix.
  10. My guess is the menu isn't populating because you have a firewall or something blocking a few of the many connections the SL viewer uses. In particular, make sure an application called ""SLplugin.exe" has permission to open connections. There are ways to work around this if its only the avatar menu for some reason but if you've got blocked connections there are all sorts of things that can act screwy.
  11. If you're using Phoenix it can only support one alpha layer at a time. There's a workaround that involves making custom alphas if the makers of your shoes and top gave you the textures they used to make the alphas, but given that Phoenix is being phased out by its maker you'd be better off looking for another viewer.
  12. Czari Zenovka wrote: Tari Landar wrote: To me, it comes across more as a vent from someone who's clearly had a bad experience at one point or another. I can't say I look at such warnings and think "Gee this merchant is trying to help people". No, I don't see that at all. Seeing it might make me think twice about buying from that particular merchant though. But that's just a personal thing. Sometimes the way people word things rubs me the wrong way, on any given day. I'm weird like that. I almost posted something similar in my previous post. When I first read it in the OP, my first thought was that the merchant felt "threatened" somehow, either by a competitor, or has been ripped off, etc. but figured I'd get jumped on for saying that. I'm familiar with this merchant. They have an interesting business model. They're in a niche with a lot of competition and their products are only of average quality. They get some blog exposure but aren't generally considered in the top few merchants in the category. They buy enough advertising that they usually appear on the entry page of the web search, their product photos are EXTREMELY heavily Photoshopped and they charge prices that are about 50% higher than most of the big names in their field. Their ad placement means they get a lot of brand-new avatars in their store and they specifically forbid those coming to their store from offering other avatars teleports to anywhere else. This approach probably explains why they take efforts to "warn" people looking at their products - their business model relies on buyers not being too famiiliar with what's out there.
  13. You can get in contact with support to request it but you should now that "Magnum" isn't a different type of hardware - it's a different version of the server software that has changes that are being tested. You won't see any difference in performance over the long run
  14. It means you got a really cheap and old animation overrider somewhere in a package of freebies. It changes how you walk, stand, etc., assuming animations came with it. Shouldn't cause you any problems and if it does somehow you can detach it. You're probably going to want to find a newer, better animation overrider anyway.
  15. What LOD factor are you using now? There are plenty of large sculpts out there that will lose their shape if your LOD is under about 4. It's how they're made, but I imagine most people just use the LOD workaround.
  16. I declared myself the owner of the moon a long time ago but I've yet to see a royalty check because nobody pays any attention to me either.
  17. Seems like you've already addressed this problem by creating this alt, n'est-ce pas? Get her some nice stuff and make some new non-stalker friends.
  18. If you want a real-fake-world rule of thumb, I suggest: Don't violate the copyright of a company in such a way that could be detected by an intern using a web browser to search the name of that product. Linden Lab generally only pursues copyright issues if they receive a complaint. If someone is selling an Audible the Groundhog avatar under that name on the marketplace, the intern from AudibleCo may see that web page pop up in a search and then tell their supervisor, who will then annoy Linden Lab enough that the product will be taken down. If you sell an avatar that looks exactly like Audible only you call him "Noisy" and let the buyers connect the dots, it's doubtful that the intern will find that ad. It's highly unlikely that the intern will delve deep into the Marketplace or, God forbid, go in world because that will probably find them getting up to something that will get them de-interned in a matter of hours/minutes. It would be like having a four-year-old watch your cookies.
  19. SinfulPrince wrote: They never send textures to be saved as .tga files? A skin template worthy of the name "template" should have layers - ;tga files don't support them.
  20. anna Acanthus wrote: My sim having poofed a couple of hours ago, i thought i'd share this info with those who don't yet realise it. I find out have to wait until 8 am SLT for someone to get to work to (hopefully) fix this. I just can't believe it's not possible to provide at least some basic 24/24 maintenance service. Too dumbstruck to get angry ... yet ^^ Maybe it's not "basic maintenance" then.
  21. If you plan to rezz and de-rezz a certain setup repeatedly you may want to invest in one of the commercial rezzers which can put out multiple configurations and then delete them with a click. Typically they require everything to be copy/modify though.
  22. If a new group doesn't have at least two avatars in it in the first 48 hours it gets deleted automatically.You need to invite someone else (even an alt) into the group and have them accept.
  23. Is there a particular reason you use Singularity? It's somewhat of a niche viewer that exists because the it runs better on older hardware and the interface is similar to older viewers that users that have been on SL a long time are more familiar with. However, it does things differently than most recent viewers. Given that you're just starting out it should be equally easy/difficult for you to get used to any interface. If you're using it because you tried a number of viewers and it works best for you, by all means keep using it. If you're using it because someone you met told you it was "better", though, bear in mind that twenty-five years ago I would have irritably told you that LP's are better than CD's (which they ARE, mind you) but you should have ignored me then too and started your music collection with the current technology.
  24. Given that you were on SL against TOS because of your age and that the Lindens you used to buy your outfits were acquired fraudulently, you're lucky to have an account at all. Your inventory might have been wiped because of this little problem.
  25. Templates are generally Photoshop or GIMP files that can't be used directly in SL so there's no way of delivering them to your SL inventory. People selling templates like this usually have a notecard describing where and how you can download the actual template files in with the things they send you in SL. See if there's anything like that in what you got.
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