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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. The Kowloon sim had an eye shop with pans of eyes lying around. Be careful of what you wish for.
  2. Okay, here goes - I have male alts that I often use as "actors" portraying a variety of roles - some current, some historical. In order to do this they need appropriate hair. Through my historical research, I've discovered that over time and around the world most men don't/didn't wear hairstyles that look like a small animal pelt balanced on top of their head combined with near-shaven hair over the rest of their heads. This means that 97% of current male hair on offer in Second Life is inappropriate for my purposes, except for the characters who I've decided would be wearing bad toupees.
  3. They could spam messages, landmarks, run phishing scams, etc.
  4. This thread is working. After reading it I feel thoroughly immersed in something.
  5. Ohhh, I've got it - how bout an emoji tax? But on the other hand, that could be considered taking advantage of people who really just need a nap.
  6. As far as I could see, Love said that "mesh with physics has higher land impact." Than mesh without physics. Which is true; or at least it will never be lower. Because of the new land impact accounting that came in with mesh. Of prims, not a word was mentioned. By the way, your barstools will never have a "land impact of 0.3" because the lowest server weight of an item that could be a discreet item is 0.5.
  7. Search for "Christian creators" in world - you'll find a group.
  8. Pretty big niche... And I'm sure that this has nothing to do with the fact that a creator put together a Hindu festival that showed up as a featured destination recently.
  9. Where did Phil say the number of bots is increasing?
  10. If they don't publish the official numbers, what would be the point of using bots to inflate a number they don't publish?
  11. 1) Watch a video in Japanese 2) Turn on automatic subtitles 3) Turn on automatic translation of subtitles into English (Note: don't try that when you're drinking something that can be snorted out of your nose.)
  12. People are manipulated into spending money to buy silly "last names" picked off of a list.
  13. When you read certain news sources, you'll often find them describing things as "an out of control and unprecedented explosion of...", but when you go to look at actual numbers and statistics you discover that what they're describing aren't nearly as dramatic as they make it sound. Because if you want people to click, you play up the sensational outliers. You need to click on a forum topic to read it. Have you considered the possibility that you're only remembering the forum threads that talk about creepy men?
  14. Some people think that it's logical that snakes don't have legs because God got mad at the one that tempted Eve.
  15. Isn't behaving destructively because needs weren't being met without those needs being clearly expressed exactly what he was complaining that she did? When I read the article, I don't see anything backing up the "points" other than the "source" saying them. So, in this case, the "source" IS the "points."
  16. Yes - she'd just complain about being mistreated because she's a woman though, because Heaven knows it's not her fault.
  17. It would depend entirely on the individual women, because women, like men, cats and automobiles, are individuals with their own strengths and weaknesses instead of fungible members of a group. For instance, if there was a man who was... say, smug, given to complaining, highly critical of others yet remarkably sensitive about any imagined slights aimed toward him, and given to hyperbole, he might find that people didn't like spending time with him. However, it would be because of his own traits, not because he was a man. And a woman with the same traits would find herself in just about the same position.
  18. Oh, that guy's a charmer, all right - now read this one and scroll down to "But to be specific, her issues center around 2 things I did:" https://newmiddleclassdad.com/why-does-my-wife-suddenly-want-a-divorce/
  19. Theresa Tennyson looks up, then over to the left. Snowflakes are fallin' early this year. Huh.
  20. You think that's bad? The other day I went to put on a T-shirt and the tag was on the outside, and the picture of Garfield was on the inside! WHAT KIND OF IDIOT MAKES A T-SHIRT LIKE THAT?!?!?!
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