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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. It might be Bento hand animations that aren't getting loaded by the observing viewer. It would be similar to how some avatars get "starfish hands." That would be a reason that it would be body-dependent as well, because different bodies animate hands in different ways.
  2. Save Sticks are modifiable; their name literally includes the phrase "(rez to rename)".
  3. I'm assuming everyone is starting from their Maitreya -->5.3 shapes. I've used a lot of mesh bodies and Maitreya's original pelvis is a rather odd shape - it's quite flat up and down and the widest point is way down at your crotch. If you remember Thomas Dolby playing a woman like a cello in the "She Blinded Me With Science" video? If it was a Maitreya-wearing woman he'd be playing a banjo. Your original Maitreya shapes were made, consciously or unconsciously, to work around this. Maitreya doesn't necessarily want people to change bodies today, they don't want users to change brands in the future. People aren't wearing Maitreya Lara 4.0 or 5.0 either (not even to mention Lara 1.0) - they're wearing 4.1 or 5.3. There are a few things about LaraX that I'd liked changed and that shouldn't be too disruptive. I'm annoyed that they're still using the "add-on" klunkyness for BOM body smoothers instead of having them integrated in the body/main hud, and the fact that the body responds to auto-alpha commands meant for a different alpha layout is a flat-out mistake. And yeah, the dimples... They were there in the old body and I wasn't super-thrilled with them then, but now, well... yeah. Personally I'm just happy that the Petite system is now an actual body instead of the Rube Goldberg kludge that meant I had to detach and reattach the add-on if I didn't want the "skinny girl wearing cantaloupes that stick out of her clothes" when the alpha system failed upon changing outfits.
  4. Legacy was a new body; LaraX is a free update to a well-supported body a tremendous number of people already have. And if you remember, Legacy was yammering about their "deformers" that would supposedly allow you to use older clothes when it was launched. Meanwhile, it's been less than 24 hours since LaraX has been available.
  5. Just like nobody listened to that lady who told us BOM would be a complete failure and it would be years and an extra L$3000 before any body makers adopted it. Try to find a new skin that doesn't use EVO-X mapping. They've been scarce for a while. Lelutka introduced EVO-X in March, 2021. I literally have food in the back of my kitchen cabinets that has been around longer.
  6. So, you want clothing makers to try to sell clothes for a body that doesn't exist yet? There are probably plenty of things that are ready to be released now that the body's in the wild.
  7. Short answer - no. A mesh clothing maker will assume that everyone who now has a Lara body will also have access to a Lara X body. If they rig their new tank top for a Lara X body, it will be a market of many bodies and few clothes. If they maintain the old rigging they'll be in competition with eight years worth of tank tops and lose the custom of those who want something for the new body.
  8. And Somebody Else is paying for the places you're going to. Not you.
  9. What is it with Capital Letters? Why do people just Randomly Capitalize things? It seems like it's a Lot Of Work. I mean, I'd Understand if it was someone who was a Native German Speaker, because They Capitalize All Nouns, but if you Speak English, you'd be Going Out of Your Way to keep hitting the Shift Key. It's a Pain in the Butt - I Know this because I have to Do it to Write This Post. jUST cURIOUS...
  10. And appliers, too. Because nobody's going to use BOM, right?
  11. So, you don't care for the Ivory Tower of Primitives, then. Because its maker will never, ever log in again.
  12. That's basically a textbook definition of, "Not working okay."
  13. Yes, although the Japanese do it with more style. ("Undead Girl Murder Farce" - the head in the bird cage? She's the detective.)
  14. Unpopular Opinion: It would be kewl if we could go all TV-detective-reveal when we figure out what accounts are each others' alts.
  15. That would allow someone to block you and say anything they like about you without your knowing about it.
  16. Opinion: It's entirely possible for two people debating opposite sides of a question to both be wrong.
  17. There's asserting a (presumably pre-existing) difference, and there's making up a difference off the top of one's head to suit one's purposes. The latter is Humpty Dumpty in "Through the Looking Glass," and that didn't end well.
  18. It would seem to me, then, that the "creator" would be more likely to put out a tip jar, as it would be an invitation to a visitor to help support them in a way other than, or in addition to, buying products. Years ago there was a region built by a Japanese person who sold clever little things that were generally $L10 and whose region was largely scenic. I would consider them to be a "creator" by your definition. They had a tip jar - I was given L$500 as a gift that I was thought unnecessary and contributed it to that person's region because I wanted to. On the other hand, why would a "merchant" want people to pay a tip jar instead of spending the same amount on product? It wouldn't contribute to sales rankings; nor would it put their product in front of a wider audience. Waste of space.
  19. Would you care to explain your reasoning, particularly in light of this post?
  20. In my opinion, it's interesting when an account's posts sound like those of a disgruntled merchant but the account that's doing the posting shows no evidence of having a store.
  21. My understanding is that the vast majority of income is from land, and that conversion fees, marketplace commission, etc. were increased to allow land prices to be lowered (which they have been.)
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