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KT Kingsley

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Everything posted by KT Kingsley

  1. Have a look at HexText from Hexadeci Mole. This is based on FURWARE text (my preferred text display sytem): it's less fully featured, but it does handle a whole load more special characters.
  2. No, there's no way a script can edit a notecard. One thing you can do is to use a separate data storage script that doesn't recompile when the main script does. Another is to use the key-value pairs feature of experiences. And then there's external data storage accessible using HTTP, like Google Sheets. For small amounts of data you can use prim attributes like floating text and the description field, or you can encode values in things like colour or even shape, size and rotation attributes.
  3. To get you started here's the wiki documentation for the script function llRequestPermissions. The caveats section may help answer some of your questions.
  4. Note that even UUIDs don't have an absolute zero chance of duplication; just a very, very negligible one. For a true zero chance you may have to look at the HUD generating an incrementing number that it passes to each new object when it's attached.
  5. Maybe have a look at Mollymews's UUID pack/unpack functions in the LSL Library forum. It packs a UUID into a nine character string.
  6. The only thing I've seen that works how you describe is the snow system from Studio Skye. I've not looked at it in any detail, but it uses mesh objects rather than particles. Whether this mesh consists of individual or groups of snowflakes, or faces with snow textures, I don't know. Certainly by using objects you can control where they go, or don't go, with precision.
  7. It's more the case that LL will keep billing you for premium membership until you cancel it, and you can't cancel it until you sell or abandon any land you have – which includes any Linden Home you have. Voice morphing is meant to make your voice sound different: maybe robotic, or maybe changing your gender. I don't know if it's any good.
  8. LL do have colour variations on their Marketplace to-do list, according to Inara Pey's report on the September 2021 SL Web User Group meeting, but the timescale appears to be "don't hold your breath".
  9. Not quite: it's the altitude above 0. Sea level in SL is commonly 20m, though there are private and mainland regions where it's set higher than that, and I suppose there must be some regions where it's lower, though I don't remember ever having seen one. Though, as you say, if you're looking to match the coordinate value, then it's the coordinate value you should use. /pedantry
  10. Just a thing about altitude: you may want to subtract llGround or llWater (whichever is the greater) from pos.z for better accuracy when you're low flying.
  11. Can it ever be more efficient to change everything and then unchange the things you didn't really want to change?
  12. If you're rounding (as opposed to just truncating) remember to add 0.05 (in the case of rounding to a single decimal place) before you trim off the excess digits. For an all-purpose decimal formatting function, I use this from the LSL wiki: string FormatDecimal(float number, integer precision) { float roundingValue = llPow(10, -precision)*0.5; float rounded; if (number < 0) rounded = number - roundingValue; else rounded = number + roundingValue; if (precision < 1) // Rounding integer value { integer intRounding = (integer)llPow(10, -precision); rounded = (integer)rounded/intRounding*intRounding; precision = -1; // Don't truncate integer value } string strNumber = (string)rounded; return llGetSubString(strNumber, 0, llSubStringIndex(strNumber, ".") + precision); }
  13. Yeah, that's what I've ended up with. For information: the sun/moon direction function's return values only seem to change every ten seconds.
  14. llGet[Region]DayLength seems to return 14400 (4 hours – the SL default day) in places with a fixed sun, as it seems does llGetEnvironment. I think the day offset values from llGet[Region]DayOffset and llGetEnvironment also relate to the default day in those cases, as does llGetEnvironment's seconds since midnight.
  15. How can I determine if a parcel or region has a fixed sun EEP setting or is using a day cycle?
  16. Alpha masking means that transparency is either on or off, and this avoids the issue where the renderer gets confused as to what's in front of what when you have several objects with transparency lined up. When you set a texture with transparency to masking mode you can choose the alpha level at which you want that switch from fully transparent to fully opaque to occur. Doing this with text characters doesn't generally work too well because the character edges are usually anti-aliased, and when the background is transparent this anti-aliasing takes the form of varying levels of transparency (as opposed to an opaque background, where the anti-aliasing takes the form of varying degrees of blending the text colour with the background colour). Looking at the images you posted, it looks like your background resembles a piece of dirty parchment with jagged edges. You could probably just turn on alpha masking for this and adjust the cutoff level to where the jagged edges look acceptable, leaving the text display prims on alpha blending. You may not need to remake the textures at all.
  17. This is just thinking out loud. I've not encountered alpha sorting errors involving a HUD myself, but that's my first thought. To see if it's the case here I'd try setting some of the faces involved, and the background, to alpha masking mode (or no alpha for the background). Given that it all works OK on the ground, I'm inclined to doubt that it's anything to do with the relative positions of the prims in the HUD. But I'd check that anyway, rotating the HUD to get a sideways looks at its components. And I think FURWARE text is generally the first choice for display panels these days: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FURWARE-text/141379. It is all internal to the script, too.
  18. For things that are daylight dependant, it's pretty common to use llGetSunDirection. The Z value of the vector it returns is positive when the sun is above the horizon and negative when it's below.
  19. I had this earlier, but I just got in to VVO. It all looks pretty normal now. Not even a post in the site-related sections.
  20. The LL RC viewer, Simplified Cache is available here: https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/ I've no idea how, or if, it improves on the existing system.
  21. When llGetLinkName(i) matches name, i is the link number of the link called name. So in the call to SLPPF you should use i for the link number parameter (rather than name, which is a string, and won't compile).
  22. Are you actually using the units, tens and hundreds of the total value? Can you trim those off the value and only add them on in the strings that get displayed?
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