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KT Kingsley

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Everything posted by KT Kingsley

  1. It's one of the deformations you can apply to some prims: it trims off its ends on the Z axis so, for example, you can make a cube paper thin. This once had to be done using an exploit: making a sphere, giving it a dimple, and changing it to a box.
  2. You can run multiple instances of the viewer. Using Firestorm that's enabled via a setting in preferences. I'm not sure about about the LL viewer; you may need to set the debug setting AllowMultipleViewers directly. Once you have an alt running on a second instance of a viewer you just need to park them on the boat, minimise the viewer, and forget about them. You can also try parking your boat in a rez zone (they're often adjacent to piers and jetties). You will need to check About Land to find the auto-return time for that zone, and limit your excursion accordingly.
  3. I think one of the functions on this page might help: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Date_Library.
  4. I'm guessing you want to wear the object as an attachment. If this is so you should attach it to something like AvatarCenter and adjust its position so it's where you want it below your feet. Then you should adjust your avatar's hover height so that the attached object shows above the ground where you want it. Unfortunately the scripting language doesn't offer a means of changing an avatar's hover height (at least as far as I know). RLV does, though, so if you're using a viewer that supports it you can script the change in hover height. If the object is something you want to rez on the ground and then stand on, then you can use a sit script that sets a sit target sufficiently high and plays the standing animation of your choice. And if you want to be able to move around, this happens in my first scenario. Otherwise you can make the object a vehicle on which you sit (again setting the sit target and animation as required), and whose movement you can control using the arrow keys.
  5. How about just asking? When a new avatar is detected in the area, send them a dialog "Are you a bot?" and if they give the wrong answer (or no answer at all) eject 'em.
  6. I think it's telling you that the variable Trin is undefined in this section of script. Presumably it does get defined somewhere in the full script?
  7. I think you're getting the error because the line detectedKey = llDetectedKey(x); is between the closing bracket of the if section and the start of the else if section.
  8. You might want to take a look at Firestorm Preferences/Backup & Restore. This lets you save your settings so you can restore them easily in the event of a clean install or if they get mangled some other way.
  9. ASWD: Preferences (Ctrl+P), Move & View tab, uncheck "Letter keys..." second from top.
  10. It's free, so I hope this is allowed under the forum guidelines, but I've put this up on marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Eight-face-display-panels/11026621.
  11. The variable sun_height is defined as a float. You cannot add a number to a string, as in "Sun height is: "+sun_height. You can, however, convert sun_height to a string by using typecasting and then add it to another string: "Sun height is: "+(string)sun_height.
  12. What would be really neat would be something like that that uses gravity and physics to slide the boat into the water, lifeboat style.
  13. To find the nearest Linden water I'd probably try using a search pattern that tests points on a 16 metre grid (maybe in a "square spiral" pattern) for Linden ownership (Governor Linden, LDPW group and any others you can think of) and where llWater is greater than llGround. Having found one then use llSetRegionPos to move the boat there (maybe making sure the owner is sitting on it). There's many other checks that might be needed too, like whether the parcel allows object entry, whether there's enough prim capacity for the boat, whether the water is deep enough and large enough, and whether the parcel is actually connected to open water and you haven't just found a random puddle.
  14. I'm also using a head-level rear camera, pointing at the back of my head and set so the horizon bisects my screen, far enough back to get my feet in at the bottom of the frame. I also have the camera angle/zoom set pretty wide at 1.3, which works out as something like a 120° field of view. I find this ideal for general wandering around, with other custom presets for situations like swimming, climbing and descending.
  15. Until you go to the next page of the results or change the filters or enter a new search term.
  16. I guess you could try starting with a couple of lists composed of the animesh animations and their corresponding avatar animation: list animesh_animations = ["animesh1", "animesh2", "animesh3"]; list avatar_animations = ["avatar1", "avatar2","avatar3"]; Generate a random index into that list: integer index = (integer) llFrand (3.0); Then extract the animation names from the lists: string animesh_animation = llList2String (animesh_animations, index); string avatar_animation = llList2String (avatar_animations, index);
  17. Is this a case where the most recently installed viewer takes over the SLURL protocol? If you then use a different viewer that you installed previously, nothing happens. One way to handle this situationis to use the SLURL Proxy app which greatly simplifies choosing which viewer you want to respond to SLURL links on websites. Available here: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/slurl.
  18. I believe this is a longstanding known EEP issue. It even has its own JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-229489
  19. There's a GetStringBytes function here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlStringToBase64
  20. I've no idea why this happens. My solution is to toggle wireframe mode on and off (Ctrl+Shift+R, twice). I've made that a macro tied to a spare programmable button (scroll wheel click) on my mouse.
  21. Oh well, this seems to have sorted itself out somehow.
  22. Is it something messed up in my viewers (both Firestorm and SL) or is it something deeper? I seem to be seeing night-time when it should be daylight. The vector returned by llGetSunDirection appears to point at the moon, and, according to my calculations, EEP day cycles are inverting day and night (at least on my own parcel and on SL mainland regions). Fixed sun regions appear to be working as expected.
  23. Regarding smoothness of camera movement, the way I'd be thinking about doing this shot would be to have an alt operating the camera while sitting on an object that's scripted to move using KFM. Whether this is a viable option depends, I guess, on what the main subject is doing. If they're standing still (even if animated) it's all relatively easy, but if they have to be moving, it'll get complicated. In that case I'd start thinking about having them also sit on a KFM scripted object that also plays the appropriate animations. Which is a heck of a palaver for a single shot. But that's movies for you.
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