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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. I think that's a fine idea! However, I must point out that I didn't say large size matters.
  2. I really don't think there is anything left to be said here that hasn't already been hashed, regurgitated, and rehashed. To continue arguing with a solid brick wall is futile. I know better than to argue with brick walls, yet I let this particular brick wall pull me in again. That's on me. I'm crazy, but at least I'll own my DSM-5 diagnoses. See you all back on the other forums and the other threads!
  3. Of course we are! EVERYTHING is about you, darling... that's why we had to go searching for you when you disappeared! The forums are nothing... nothing... without you! 🤭
  4. If you aren't Luna's alt, I sincerely apologize. You must understand, however, that there is history here of her doing that very thing. It's not that I don't believe you, it's that I don't believe her. We were arguing once about some long-forgotten topic, and their was one single person who was fastidiously agreeing with her. She got herself confused posting both as Luna and as her alt, and posted a response to me as Luna but under her alt, and is still claiming she did it on purpose with some cockamamie story about trying to protect her store account, as if LL couldn't see it for themselves. Everyone saw it, everyone knows she did it by accident, yet she is still holding tightly to her story instead of just owning up to it and admitting she was using an alt to back her up and come at me (this wasn't the first time she'd use this particular alt for that). I don't recall seeing "Kiera" since that incident, and since she's already shown she's not above doing that, I have no reason not to believe she wouldn't do it again. It's not about winning or losing anything. It's that she's proven she isn't trustworthy.
  5. How is it paranoia when you have done the exact same thing before? You did it right here in these very forums and I'm far from the only one who saw your little faux pas before you deleted it. Your constant denial of that makes me want to grab the DSM-5. As far as feeling sexually shamed... hahahahahahahahahaha, no. Ask anyone who knows me or follows me on Flickr or my blog or anyplace else. I'm utterly shameless when it comes to sex. I am tired, though, of Second Life being sexually shamed, and sexual shame in general. And when I see people engaging in it, I'm going to push back. If someone doesn't like it, that's really just too damn bad. These are also grown ass adults who are fully capable of defending themselves or their positions if they feel the need to. I've yet to see anyone ask you to please step in and be their white knight in shining armor, yet you constantly do it anyway. Do we want to diagnose that as well if we're playing armchair psychologist?
  6. ... sniffs the forum air ... Y'all smell that? It smells like an alt, doesn't it? Seems to follow a rather recognizable pattern.
  7. Y'all are making this WAY more complicated than it needs to be. It has nothing to do with PR - no one is going to bat a single eyelash if women's nipples are allowed on the forums. If LL isn't concerned about child avatars on adult regions, and that has far worse optics than a nipple, then this shouldn't even be a blip. You can see nipples all over SL, and on the MP, and not just on Adult rated land or content. It's a freaking nipple. And as others have pointed out, it's not so cut and dry these days. We're not just talking about men and women. Why does everyone except women with anything other than a flat chest get to show nips? I am not talking about sexual content. I am not talking about southern genitalia - the moderation of those things are already applied consistently across the board. No man butts, no women butts. No man southern frontage, no women southern frontage. As for the legality of things from state to state, or even country to country, how about marijuana? It's legal in California. It's not legal here in Kentucky. I've bought Bento spliffs from major events in SL. I bet if I posted a photo of myself with my nips covered and a joint in my hand, no one would even notice. Of course, we're not talking about actual marijuana - but we're also not talking about actual breasts. it's a product. My boobs came with my Maitreya body. I bought them. If men can't control their libido at the sight of a bare female breast, that's not my problem. I'd also argue that the underside of the breast is far more sensual and sexually charged than a nipple, and as a straight woman, I do find men's chests sexually pleasing (some, not all). Also men's forearms. Inner thighs. Hands. Their Adam's apple. Should we forbid all those things because they might make me a little hot and bothered? I just want the rules to apply equally to all. If it means men (and other variations) can't post photos of their boobs on the SL forums, so be it. I'll check 'em out on Flickr instead, just like I do when I want to see pics of their twig and berries. 😜
  8. After tuning out of this crap-show last night, I did a little looking into Herbalife. I remember them mostly from years ago when Mark Hughes was still the cult leader, but haven't paid much attention since he flamed out and died. There are no real retail consumers of Herbalife products. It's impossible for the poor trapped souls to make money that way. The true only way to make money is to recruit everyone you know to also become a seller because you get money for each of them... and each of the people they recruit in turn, based on how much product they buy to sell and recruit everyone they know. You have to buy the Herbalife products in bulk so you can sell and recruit. Of course, no one wants to buy that crap so it all stacks up in their garage collecting dust. Since they aren't selling it, that means more recruitment of the human commodity, but they can't find anyone because everyone has blocked them on FB. But at the same time, Herbalife is pushing more and more product on them, at bigger discounts the more you buy. People who get involved in this are not the brightest. Herbalife preys on that. Look at the language they use when they are recruiting people - it is very similar to the words the OP used in her OP. Lots of talk about dreams and finding your true path and other new-agey hogwash. No, I can't prove that OP was trying to prime the pump to hawk the garage full of crappy vitamin supplements she's stuck with, and most importantly, recruit new suckers into her inworld Herbalife group because she literally has to. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's not a chicken. As for her distaste for the adult side of SL, she has a pick just chock full of godly-goodness. Not that religious people don't have sex, but again, if it walks like a duck... I am certain she thought she'd come up with the most brilliant idea to push Herbalife in SL, and she got her butt fed back to her because we aren't stupid. Well, most of us aren't.
  9. I’ve started a thread in the forum feedback forum to address this very thing.
  10. FFS, she sells Herbalife, Luna. Herbalife. You go ahead and draw your own conclusions. Don’t let pesky things like facts get in your way. I’m going to bed.
  11. I wasn’t joking when I said I thought this was all part of an MLM scheme. She botched it, yes, but one can learn quite a bit from reading a person’s profile. I won’t reveal what it says, lest I be accused of engaging in stalkerish behavior, but it was revealing. Evangelical? Almost certainly.
  12. Okay, adult entertainment websites were a bad example. How about Vogue? Most art museum websites? Twitter? Nudity doesn’t equal pornography and I think most people understand that. I’m not even suggesting full nudity. Or any, really. No topless women? Fine, as long as there are no topless men either. I’m asking for equality here, and if that means no bare breasts, that’s okay as long as it’s applied equally across the board.
  13. Considered sexual by whom? Men? Tough. Get over it. Should SL also not allow partnerships between gay couples? There are some parts of the world where that would get you killed. Legally a woman can whip her shirt off literally anywhere in the US and let it all hang out so long as she’s feeding a child. Also, once upon a time it wasn’t acceptable for a woman to show a bare ankle, or an elbow. Times change. Laws changes. There are cities right here in the USA where I, a filthy woman with my dirty pillows, can walk down the street shirtless. I know you’re gasping in horror! Please cite the federal, state, county, or city law that would make it illegal for a privately held company in the US to show the bare breasts of any consenting adult on their website. There are thousand of US-based adult entertainment websites that would like to know as well.
  14. I'm just going to keep posting this every time the subject comes up.
  15. Linden Lab: 1 Beth Macbain: 0
  16. That is absolutely awesome! I don't mean I don't feel bad for people who are waiting for regions, but how amazing is this?? Congratulations, LL!!
  17. You make a wonderful point, sir! 🤭
  18. That's why I think it needs to be either all or none. Make it simple.
  19. I see you've moved into the "I can't hear you, neener neener neener" stage of your forum conversational template. The truce was nice while it lasted. I'll bow out now before the alts come out to play. Adios.
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