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  1. Granted. It's soggy and tiny. I wish I had a magic hand mirror that teleports me back to my current bedroom whenever I gaze into it.
  2. A headcanon is a fan's interpretation of a character that is not canon and doesn't technically contradict the canon. Like habits, likes and dislikes, backstory, and nature of relationships between characters. An example of a headcanon would be a fan believing that Mario prefers pepperoni over other pizza toppings. That's not what a headcanon is.
  3. Schedule conflicts. Yesterday I had to choose between going to a Halloween event downtown or weekly D&D night online. I chose the latter because it was too late to cancel.
  4. I read his pages on Gor a long time ago. I'm surprised his website is still up and even continues to be updated.
  5. 1. LL will never complete Zindra. 2. LL will never deal with the lag issue. And SL apparently runs off of your CPU and not your GPU. So it can only ever process so much. I don't know how true that is but I definitely shouldn't lag with my setup and it's inescapable. 3. LL will never give 1 billion L$ to everyone.
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