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Everything posted by BranScanlon

  1. Hooray! I finally have enough daily posts to reply to this! ^-^ I LOVE these, @LilNosferatu I am dying to know - did you start with the drawing in your profile picture, or was it the other way around in building your avi?
  2. Thanks for posting this Ayeleeon. This has happened to me like...a few times now since I've been back, and I thought..."wow...SL has really changed while I've been away." I'm glad to see that someone here finds it new. And also - not just wives, but...my friend over there in the corner, for instance, or...something similar. It's flattering...I think? But I am so curious. How did this become a thing?
  3. Umm...not sure if you were asking for them? But great composition. Like really really nice. The background perfectly blends to create such a unique mood.
  4. Ahh! This is another fantastic photo @Charalyne Blackwood! The over the shoulder gaze, the blur and barefeet and night sky kind of giving all of it an air of little mysteries. So nice!
  5. These are a great first attempt Cinnamon...wow. I am certainly not a photographer, but the muted browns and greens really work well the the fading you've worked through them - the second one especially looks like a photo out of time. It's really nicely done.
  6. Hi, I tried to search the forums to find an answer, but...couldn't somehow? So I thought I'd ask here: What is the limit for new people to post to the forums? I've hit the limit two days in a row now *blushes, mildly embarrassed* so I know I need to be very judicious in when and where I reply or post things, but I'd love to know the set number if possible? I have, of course used one of my daily posts for this. It was a risk I am willing to take.
  7. A. Mazing. The lighting, the go-go boots, the chair in the background? Absolutely fabulous.
  8. Need to work on poses. Also light. Also also. Well, all of it :)
  9. The small travelogue style intro is pitch perfect, and the image is just fantastic. What a wonderful job, Scylla!
  10. Socks. This makes me happy in ways I can't express fully.
  11. Really got to second this. There is a stunning variety of representations of personhood that are possible in SL. A nearly infinite number. So many people I meet that are really interesting are the ones who have deliberately stepped outside of one mold of SL or another to make a statement about who they see themselves as here. It takes some effort to do so, sometimes so yayy. All around I have no idea what "male" friends do together in SL. (But then again, I've never quite been able to figure that out comfortably out in the world.) But I too like clothes. Like a lot. Hit me up whenever and I will absolutely talk clothes. Because I am sure you've probably got better style than me. (And I might be able to dress better afterwards)
  12. The rays here are just lovely. Really nice touch
  13. This. Why...WHY is Second Life so hard on my gaming rig? No Man's Sky on near ultra? Sure no problem. Warframe with all the bells and whistles? Would you like to also watch a film on another screen? But Second Life? Sometimes I can barely pull up a browser to answer how to reset my hover without the whole thing lurching to a near standstill. What is this game doing under the hood?
  14. I need to learn how to take photos like this - that's fantastic
  15. Happy holidays, y'all. Hope the next few days have as little stress and as much happiness as you can ask for.
  16. Probably should have written this post before writing other posts, but anyway. Barn doors and horses and so forth and...Oh? It's on? We're on? Oh - I have been off and on in SL for years, and only just returned to the grid a little less than a month ago? Maybe less. All the same, if I think about it now...maybe 12 years or more in one form or another. That's wild. I've known SL longer than some cities I've lived in. Known its culture (or the parts of it I did know) and the people in that culture more than most real world experiences and people I have had. Not, of course altogether, just in terms of a span of time. Right. ANYway I have been involved in a number of...adult activities during my time here. Sometimes more than might be considered healthy, and sometimes exactly enough to be emotionally fulfilling and surprisingly rich and deep. Certainly more than some of the same activities outside the grid. But I also wish I spent more time at poetry readings. Art exhibitions. Drama performances. Things I would be doing out in the real world were it not for this madhouse we're living in lately. But also things I feel I've sorely missed in my long time here. I never scorned or spurned or ignored them - I always just sort of wistfully thought of going to them. Like traveling to a far away country I knew I'd feel at home in, if I had the time, or the resources, or what-have-you It's a little difficult, making friends, to be honest. I babble (a LOT, as can probably be seen from above) and I am always worried I've taken a conversation far afield, which has gotten me in trouble from time to time (not serious trouble, just being chided and reminded to stay on adult topics in adult places) But it's also difficult to meet people who have no interest in that area of SL. Maybe I need a pick in my profile to say that a lot of the time I'd prefer great conversation to naughty bits, I have no idea. And of course, when one has friends, what do you do? Granted that's a problem for me inside and outside the grid - I'm never quite sure exactly what to talk about with people, and I don't want to be...you know...boring...so I talk. And then I feel I talk too much, or things are too much about myself or...well you get the idea. Rambling. Again <---- So yeah, that's me. How and who are you?
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