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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. I can't think of any other reason beyond a way to avoid paying taxes by the seller. Say someone in SL makes lindens. Now they want to sell them. If they sell them on the LindeX, it's a recorded official transaction. If they sell the lindens without a recorded official transaction on the LindeX, there is no record and they probably think no taxable income. I have never ever seen an "other site" than offers lindens. If you buy, what guarantee do you have they would transfer the lindens to you? Answer, None. You have found a dark web site of some kind, I'd gather. It's illegal and there is no guarantee for you.
  2. It's possible yes. But, tensions are high at this time in her real life world. Sometimes people try to use social media forums as a way to vent or as a way to say how they feel about what is going on at a particular time and make a political statement, usually about the corruption. Using social media is not a way to vent. I find Social Media forums far more destructive than constructive, and the venter really doesn't find any satisfaction from their frustration either, imo. She did say "it's not the populations fault". I will agree with her on that one.
  3. I'm American born and I see much hatred thrown at America on social media. I was born here, and the Federal Reserve and yada, yada, yada is not my doing. So, I ignore it because I know who I am, a good person at heart. And, as a matter of fact I see a lot of hatred and terrible remarks thrown at lots of kinds of people on social media and it is sad but we cannot change all those people. We can read or not read it. Sometimes it's just a lot of trolls on social media and I have no idea what fills them with such hate or what they hope to accomplish through their hateful messaging to one another. I don't put I'm American in my profile. I don't date here so why does anyone need to know that? I'm just here to build and have a fun time and share an event now and then. Keep your profile about the inner you and forget about country and all that. It really doesn't matter here to a lot of us, other than it is a painful time for both. Russians have been cut off from the world in many ways and there is a fear of what is really going on there. So, come here and have fun and be yourself and forget about your specific details. Be an Earthling like all of us. Waves Hi to you!
  4. On the Checkout Page, underneath the word Tilia where it says BUY NOW, click 'more payment options'. There you will see you can add a credit card or Paypal account, etc.
  5. I think I understand this now. Tilia would need more information because they'd become like Paypal to us now if we opened a wallet or Stored Value Account with them. To open a Paypal account, Paypal needs all our information. So, then, so would Tilia need all our information. Is that correct?
  6. As far as a "wallet", I believe you have to open one through Tilia and then Tilia needs more information from the user. I'm not really sure. Tilia is a long, long read. However, we are a bit off topic. What I am concerned about and why I suggested just getting rid of the script GETobjectDETAILS is because of bots and the possibility of spam and/or social engineered scams. However, Innula explained that we'd basically be throwing the baby out with the bath water if we did that. Paypal and Tilia would never send us spam but nefarious people try to send things that look like they came from Paypal or Tilia but are nefarious links towards keylogging us. As far as bots in general, we want to avoid the scams but try not to throw the baby out with the bath water. And that, will take expertise far greater than mine to figure out. 4. Stored Value Balances 4.1. General Tilia may offer a Stored Value Balance associated with your Account, which is a stored value account issued by Tilia in which you hold funds. The Stored Value Balance services provided to you by Tilia are a hosted digital wallet issued by Tilia enabling you to store funds or Digital Tokens electronically (the "Stored Value Balance"); and certain payment services enabling you to do the following: a) send funds or Digital Tokens electronically (i.e., funds held in the Stored Value Balance can be used to make payments to other Platform users or to the Publisher); b) receive funds or Digital Tokens electronically in accordance with Section 4.2 below (i.e., funds can be received into the Stored Value Balance from you, other Platform users, or the Publisher or as a result of the exchange of Digital Tokens issued by Tilia on a Platform); and, c) redeem funds held in the Stored Value Balance in accordance with Section 4.3 below. Depending on our arrangement with the Publisher, your Stored Value Balance may hold funds denominated in fiat or Digital Tokens, defined in Section 5 below, and we will show the balance that you hold, to the extent applicable. The default fiat for the Stored Value Balance will be United States Dollars (“USD”).
  7. Tilia has been in operation for seven years, I think. LL spun off Tilia as a subsidiary and needed an investment because times and monies are changing. There is a Forbes article, I believe, which states Tilia was spun off in order to allow for more currencies. The "more currencies" are not specified in the article, but we were told this investment from JPM was a strategic maneuver by LL, and I believe at the time the notice was released on the front page of the SL Webpage, that this will allow for more currencies was addressed there also. I have a feeling Tilia may be setting up for some cryptocurrencies but I cannot 100% promise that is true. Yet, let's say it is and the world is changing and will allow some crypto, well...things change. And, if we don't like those changes we either have to swallow our pride and trust the process or leave it. We don't have much choice. I wish I could ease your mind of your worries but I think as a user base we are as safe as we can be. LL doesn't sell our personal data. Paypal doesn't send me spam. I doubt Tilia will ever either. It's the spam where problems can occur. If you want further protection of your data, go to voice activation maybe or ask around what you can do to further protect your data.
  8. Tilia is a subsidiary of LL, but since JPM's investment, I don't believe it is a wholly-owned subsidiary. However, JPM invested, do they really want to know the names of those in SL? Mostly likely not a bit. Is Tilia less safe now because it's a spun off subsidiary? I highly doubt it or someone like JPM would not invest. Tilia code's was/is said to be spectacular.
  9. We're not bickering. I made a joke. But, I think when talking about vital LL business' in a thread, we should have the spelling correct so we know who we are discussing. But, I made sort of a joke. It was not bickering, I say. Forgive me, please.
  10. Tilia was spun off of LL as a subsidiary. Tilia has always had your basic payment information. I thought you were talking about the "do not need to provide additional information". Also, if you look at your screenshot payment stub, it says Tilia/Second Life. When it comes to money, I don't think we can expect too much privacy. They need the data to process to whom it goes to and from where it came from. I don't quite understand your beef here about Tilia? Somebody is lying. My last purchase of Lindens was paid to Tilia.
  11. Tilia is the licensed money transmitter though, so they have you on an AI database somewhere. If you need to cash out, you may need to present a Driver's License, etc., and other things to prove who you are at Tilia's sole discretion. This is the life of money - fiats and cryptocurrencies and virtual tokens - on the internet. It's Tilia, with one 1 L and two i's. T-i-l-i-a.
  12. Firestorm has put out a warning on the screen that one logs into. I saw it perhaps an hour and a half ago when I went to log in. I didn't receive any pop up blue box.
  13. I'm not sure that's right. Doesn't LL OWN everything that has been created and/or uploaded, instead of being licensed to LL by the creator? If so, since they own it, they really don't need any permissions from us. It seems that would also call into question what we could do about it if "our" intellectual property was scraped from SL and uploaded somewhere it shouldn't be. Since LL owns it, not us, wouldn't it have to be them taking any actions? I'm not sure our responses were in context. Jennifer said LL has an unlimited license to do as they please with out content. That doesn't mean they OWN it. They own control over it. This is the part of the TOS I'm sure Jennifer was referring to: 1.2 The Service exists only as long as and in the form that we may provide the Service, and all aspects of the Service, including your User Content, are subject to change or elimination. Linden Lab has the right to change, limit access to, and/or eliminate any aspect(s), feature(s) or functionality of the Service (including your User Content) as it sees fit at any time without notice, and Linden Lab makes no commitment, express or implied, to maintain or continue, or to permit open access to, any aspect of the Service. You acknowledge that your use of the Service is subject to this risk and that you knowingly assume it and make your decisions to participate in the Service, contribute Content and spend your money accordingly. Linden Lab may, but will not have the obligation to, display, maintain, or otherwise make use of, any of your User Content, and Linden Lab may, in its sole discretion, modify, delete, or otherwise make use of User Content without notice or any liability to you or any third party. Linden Lab reserves the right to treat User Content on the Service as content stored at the direction of users...
  14. Is it linked on the main SL website page? I cannot find it at the moment and am working at the moment. It's in the Scripted Agent Policy Wiki. I don't see where the Scripted Agent Policy is linked on the main SL webpage? This is the bit you are talking about in the Scripted Agent Policy: (I'd assume that the below would be linked to the main website sooner rather than later.) I guess it's good enough. It will have to do. Personal Data and Privacy Rights Data transferred outside of the Second Life service or its supporting websites is not exempt from protection under applicable data privacy laws. This applies whether data is collected by Scripted Agents, LSL scripts, or external tools. Access to the Second Life service and access to Personal Data of Second Life Residents are both conditioned on adherence to all applicable global privacy regulations governing the collection, storage, processing, or transmission of Personal Data. These laws include Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). We recommend that you seek guidance from a privacy attorney for additional, updated information before using Personal Data of Second Life Residents outside of Second Life.
  15. I never said they should put that burden upon themselves though. I said perhaps they could amend the TOS regarding profiles and formalize that they may contain IP content. Therefore, they could write, 'any third party publishing data from our users does so at their own risk {because} they may contain IP content'. You know, something not too spectacular but a little something to ward off these kinds of harvests again and spare us all of this happening again. I have just been trying to look at all the bases here to see how we can prevent this in the future. I had thought of getting rid of the 'getOBJECTdetails' script myself until Innula explained how this is not a viable option.
  16. Well, I don't have the whole TOS in my head right now plus I'm working at the moment. I, believe, what it means, is LL has a right to do with the LL content as they see fit, and also LL retains the right to break any content too, among other things like shut down completely and they owe us nothing if they close.
  17. Yeah, I know. I realize that now because me, Innula and one other person were all posting at the same time, and I said after reading what Innula wrote, we painted ourselves into a corner. What I'm saying is Innula and I were posting at the same time, so it only looks like I posted after her but that is not exactly the case here since we posted at the same time.
  18. We give LL that permission when we agree. It's unknown third parties taking it from our profiles I'm talking about.
  19. I don't really see the harm in LL amending the TOS to something like, let's say - First of all, declaring their template to make SL profiles a Trade Marked copyright (not to be copied without permission), but to also give users the right to have to give consent if a third party wants to use the photographs, poems or lyrics contained in their personal profile and publish them on a third party website. It would just be a formality to declare those IP, but the individual would still have to take care of it on their own.
  20. I think ChatGPT said the laws vary by jurisdiction. As far as religious beliefs, this is a complicated "ethical" one, especially if governments need photographs for identification but there are workarounds for that where the person doesn't even have to have their photograph taken for I.D., they can use something else. But, anyway, it's the harvesting and the taking of said photographs from profiles where I think it should not be tolerated by a third party A.I. system to publish outside of SL. I think we should have to give consent as many profiles, I think, do contain intellectual property.
  21. Sure, they are expensive but some people have them in their family. Remember this harvesting involved all of SL. I bet there were quite a few free attorneys available in that scenario.
  22. There are people where it's against their religion to have their photograph taken. I think for the Amish and certain other religions, it's against their religion because of vanity. Plus, other cultures believe if you take their photograph, you steal their soul. Or, you could have accidentally photographed someone who didn't want to be photographed and it's defaming. So, trouble could still ensue. Public or no, I think we should have a basic right to privacy regarding photographs of our person and loved ones. It was interesting to note, that digging further into ChatGPT, that the AI brought up ethics in regards to photographing others without their consent, saying it's just not the right thing to do.
  23. Yes, I know. And, I also believe that that certain recent website was DMCA'd by someone. Or someone got a lawyer and that certain recent website was mostly taken down, or so I hear it was.
  24. I'm beginning to think differently, after seeing all the Second Life "art" photography that our SL photographs should be intellectual property and that we should have some say in how those photographs are used. People spend an awful lot of time and money taking art photographs, why shouldn't they be considered intellectual property and not the property of anyone to do with as they please just because they saw it. And, take another example: People use SL for the main photograph but then transform it into an original work of art through Photoshop. I'd think that should be their intellectual property and not the property of anyone just because they saw it.
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