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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. I think the Moles have taken the Linden's place on the forum. I've seen the Linden name maybe five times total over the years in a thread on the forum but I'm not major forum readers like you all. Jeesh, I just went on Twitter about one year ago and was never on Twitter before that. The only forums I read are here, FB about once a week, a little bit of Twitter if I can stomach all the mud-slinging and propaganda there before I have to log off and go listen to some music to calm down. The Moles taking over could be a good thing and may be means the Lindens are plotting a new SL. I think the Lindens are not on the forums these days because the old SL is dying. Not that I want a lot of comically reflective objects in my SL as I think PBR may take years before it's good just as mesh did. The pinnacle SL mesh objects have reached is top of the line and breath-taking at times in it's quality and these objects that are already made could be worth billions of dollars if they had just gotten a good default lighting where all avatars look good, instead of hair looking like wood or some EEP lightings now that make us look plastic and horrid. But, for various reasons, because of outdated codes, SL has to re-do itself and truly Phoenix and rise from the ashes literally this time and get with the modern times and reality if they want to make it as a business. All of the above is just my opinion and not directed to Alwin himself but to his question "where are the Lindens...?" I think the Lindens are working a plan of re-emergence. Times have changed. And not just AI. But, they could use some updating to AI soon (lol) as well. Technology has reached a critical juncture and needs to pivot.
  2. Prepared...do you mean is the forum prepared for all the hysterical people that will show up here? Hmmm, I cannot say for sure. Should we practice deep breathing? We can do this. This has happened many times before. I remember those days of yore when the grid was down for eight hours at a stretch some times. The grid may have been down longer but for some reason I remember 8-hour stretches. Those were rough to get through!
  3. Quoting myself. I just searched what are "safe links", apparently Microsoft 365 has a way to detect whether links are safe or not. Plus, there is one for Google where you right click the URL, choose COPY (not left click on it) and paste it in Google's checker to see if it is a safe link or not. How do I know if a link is safe to click on? Google has its own version of a URL checker called Google Transparency Report. To check the safety of a link, all you have to do is safely copy the link and paste it into Google's URL checker. To safely copy a link, right-click and choose “copy” from the options that appear.Feb 9, 2023
  4. About the only thing I can think of that might help is if there is created a way for people to make safe links if they want to share and a way for the recipient to know it's a safe link. Perhaps, technology companies need to create a company called SAFELINK and name it that. Then, perhaps the mouse could hover over the link and it changes to a particular color so one can see that is safe. I'm just giving an example; I'm not saying I have the know-how how safelinks could be created. But, all technology companies could do at this time is to make a way for SAFELINKS and for people to know what are and what aren't SAFELINKS.
  5. Yeah this, what Alwin said. ^^^^^^^^^^^ And the above goes for all social media.
  6. But, you got some worth out of it, don't you think, or you wouldn't have kept buying? And, you know with the SL TOS, it's all temporal anyways which means we have to enjoy it for the here and now as SL may not always be here. SL gives us no permanent clause because of "life" or as they say "bleep happens". So, that is our only way of enjoying SL, in the here and now. But there are new things in the pipeline which I am personally lukewarm about but Love seems a bit excited so was sharing it. I love the mesh the way it is and worry about losing content to things that look goofily reflecting too much. I was here when mesh first started and it took years for it to become really good like it is now today. I feel PBR will be that way and may not be really good for a couple of years. But, I'm kind of excited about other new things. I rarely buy over 3600 lindens so the fee increase did NOT affect me in the slightest. Plus, I've only cashed out once my SL; I spend the lindens I make in SL. Maybe paying monthly isn't worth it for you right now. ETA: Oh, sorry, I messed up, my bad. You paid the money already yearly up front. Well, then if things don't improve, maybe yearly subscriptions aren't for you after these are done. But, you paid already, so wait n see is about all you can do. New things are supposedly coming this year, Summer.
  7. Okay, I won't, thanks for letting me know. As far as bringing up technical issues and you losing faith in LL, it seems to be part of the reason you are losing faith in LL as per your written out OP. You are losing faith in their lack of "fixing" things that need to be fixed. But, also the reason I responded I don't have issues with friends list is because of my issue with EEP. I know people have other machines so I needed to see what *their experience is with their machine* and then kind of compare notes to see how I can improve EEP with my equipment. We all have different equipment. I see now the friends list does have some problems and you sound burned out from it. I had *EEP is a hassle* and takes too much time burnout for awhile too. I've taken breaks from SL and returned. Many people have. It's okay to do that, but I think you said you are paying monthly. Hmmm, that may be one of the reasons I don't want to pay monthly.
  8. Just want to make clear I am not a shill nor defending SL by saying I have not had problems with my FRIENDS LIST. But, you need to understand, I may have a different SL than you do. 1. I've been building since sculpties and running a store and offline quite a lot in other programs even when on SL. I tend to notice in the left hand corner of my local chat area when friends log on or off but even then might not have the time to talk to anyone as I'm building. 2. I go to *occasional* events in SL and most of my friends go to the same events so I see them all at the same time for the most part with little exception here and there. 3. I never make big friends list. I stopped making big friends list in my first year of SL in the 2000's because we ended up never contacting or talking to each other. Even my FB friends list is under 30. Speaking of even 27 friends in SL, whom I do talk to or see at our main events altogether, that's a lot of people to be real online friends with, meaning have the time for. I do not have time to keep up with 27 social media or MMO friends in any meaningful way. We have fun together as a group when we get together and I talk to my friends when I can in IM's, especially to let them know I'm coming to see them and say Hi for the holidays (which for me start around Halloween). But, I'm not a shill. I just never had a friends list problem nor have I seen it written of on these forums. So, I'd never heard of friends list problem at all before. I thought I'd say something as sometimes things can be figured out that way. I have never had a large friends list but I don't know if that has anything to do with anything anyways. I just wanted to make it clear I am being genuine. I don't have any issues with friends list but I lead a particular SL which is more build-oriented than friends or social-oriented.
  9. I think the OP should read this again. ^^^^^ The quote I quoted - what Diamond said. We understand there are technical difficulties BUT what Diamond is saying we all have some frustrations. Someone asked a question "What Would Cause Me To Leave Second Life?" I stated two things but right now I remember one of the reasons I stated was "technical issues". I have them too and that's why I came to the forum - to improve my Second Life as it was the EEP lighting that just was not working well to my satisfaction. And, I loved the Windlight menu 10000X more than EEP and still miss Windlight where it had a click on each lighting in a menu and a slider to quickly adjust it, and it was beautiful and so easy! Finally, I got EEP working in my homes BUT STILL when I go to friend's party my avatar looks horrible. In my homes my lighting is great. In their places, horrible. So, I'm still dealing with this issue. I think LL should realize if people's avatars don't look good, they might not stay and that LL should have a good default lighting for all avatars. BUT, THEN, I realize part of the problem is on my end. All pc systems are different. Mine is unique. Some problems are mine. I still work on them as I can. I'm not even really saying the problems are on your end. What I'm really saying is we all have some technical issues from time to time that we wish SL could fix. We all put up with stuff here and there. But, I do understand wanting to leave because of technical issues and frustrations. We either suck it up or work to fix the problem. I still feel you should talk to the Lindens about your issue in a support ticket. If then there is nothing they can do, then we are better equipped to deal with it because we've asked the Lindens and their response was "nothing more we can do on our end".
  10. I have never noticed a problem with my FRIENDS LIST and I just went in-world and it's working. However, I have 27 FRIENDS TOTAL and it showed that 5 were ONLINE. So, it got me to thinking your FRIENDS LIST may be a higher count perhaps? And, then I come to the forum and I see in your post you do have high counts of FRIENDS. So, there may be (I cannot say for certain) is there is a problem with a high friends count...?
  11. My friends list is not broken. People on her friends list may not be signing in because of this tough economy or they have their online status hidden also. My friends list is not broken now nor do I remember it being broken over this past year...? However, I don't always check it. I have one friend I want to keep in touch with. The others we see each other for big events or I say I'm stopping by to see them for the holidays as I did last year. I don't have money to go to many events now because for months my SL business was down 95% or more. Perhaps I had 1% of business I used to have before the war. It's picked up some since Easter for me.
  12. I don't know how to do multi-quotes but just to address "this last few years" issue you are describing, in some ways I think all businesses have been hurt by Covid-19 and the war in the Ukraine. These are tough times. World is topsy-turvy with financial problems of varying degrees since Covid-19. Businesses shut for 9 months total where I live with NO business during all that time but those businesses still had to pay rent, insurance, and yada, yada, yada, and take care of themselves and their families too. Many restaurants and retailers shut their doors FOREVER their sign read. Those businesses will now go internet only where there is no rent, high insurance, high employee payroll and all the rest. LL is no differrent, other than during COVID people may have come to SL for something to do, but with the war many creators are suffering 50% loss of business or more. For a few months I made about 500 L total for my business in SL which made me want to shut down. The thing is whether business is good or bad, times are tough or not, I think we all choose whether we want to stay or not. But, also SL doesn't go away. Take a break, it will still be here.
  13. The thing with the PBR when it's ready, it's said ALM will always be on with no way to turn it off. At last I read, reflections would be able to be turned off but not ALM which I think could be a costly mistake for SL. We will have to wait and see. But, what I'm saying is if creators do go with PBR, creator costs will go way up and so we need a package (subscription) that will help our upload costs and it needs to be realistic, not silly nor with empty promises. I don't want any mainland for one thing but help with uploads, sure.
  14. Did you watch the newest video from LL on PBR? It's on the front page of the SL website for university something or other. But, in this video (for his ugly table, not my taste, sorry) it costs 120 L just to upload for the textures of the ugly table. PBR is going to be expensive. They are going to need some kind of subscription that helps resident creators with upload costs. And, in the video and I guess for the university thingamagig, it's about SUBSTANCE PAINTER which is $50 dollars a month. Costs of SL items will go through the roof if they don't come up with a package to reduce costs for uploads plus help creators find a less expensive alternative to SUBSTANCE PAINTER.
  15. There wasn't a mountain that I recall but I'm starting to remember a beachball and there were poseballs to do "something" I cannot remember what though, maybe for the beachball? Any idea of what poseballs might have been around and for what? I don't recall a parrot or a mountain either. It did somehow teach us to walk. I just don't remember how it taught us to walk though.
  16. I watched it and none it was anything I ever saw. None of it. It was good though, I thought, not to mention, necessary to learn those things. About all I do remember when I started is that it was open...like an open street and there were some poseballs or something. That's about all I remember of when I was first new - about 18 years ago.
  17. Did they stop doing it? It was real when I joined for this account. However, I'd assume you are right in that people could make a bunch of alts.
  18. I don't remember my first real newbie experience when I joined SL for the first time. I remember nothing of how we started way back then at all. When I made this alt, it was a place one lands in and you go through "steps" of learning a few things, such as walk, fly, etc. and one could earn 50 L if one completes everything. Two people were going thru that beginner's orientation thing with me. I already knew how to walk, fly, etc, so as soon as I could, I teleported to The Free Dove. But, before I did tp to The Free Dove, I looked back over at the two other newbies who started at that time with me and they were practicing jumping over a bridge or jumping over something where there was no bridge, etc. It could be they wanted to make sure they did everything perfectly to get the 50 L. I passed and didn't want the 50 L. I went to get some stuff from The Free Dove because I wanted to start making something original and not look like a newbie but I didn't know what I wanted to buy yet. So, The Free Dove helped so much with that because making a shape and an avatar comes first, imo, before clothes and hair or anything expensive. I want to have a beginning avatar first and take time to figure out what I want to buy. But, as far as no one there, there were a few people when I started but they were busy going thru the steps for the newbies.
  19. The Tinies are great artists! People should go to the Artwalk in Raglan Shire! To the OP, any kind of artwork I haven't seen, well, it was something I have been thinking of doing myself and it's genre is called basically "folkart". I've had some ideas of doing my own folkart and/or what sometimes is referred to as "rustic". But, I am an interior designer, not really an artist, so I try to complete rooms with line, form, balance, color palette, theme, etc. in real life. As far as what SL needs, go eclectic. Try a bit of everything and switch it around to see what sells. I've given away free artworks for many years of Impressionists - mostly Van Gogh and Monet. Since, I've given out much artwork for free, I honestly have no idea what is hot to sell. As to what all art needs is passion, plus the rest - line, form, composition, color, etc... Just have fun with it and change it around as you want. As far as what SL would need overall, artworks do help complete a home but I think the tastes are eclectic here but artwork mostly needs passion and I don't mean erotic art, I mean all of it.
  20. Speaking of bots and gaming traffic, these bots could be put to work doing the jobs the OP is seeking. Once these kinds of bots or scripted agents begin to talk and interact, more jobs in SL could be lost. However, I know some bots already do do these jobs in SL. I saw a stripper bot years ago but didn't care for the character (avatar), she was not sexy. It was just for a general (everyone's invited) type of hanging out with a DJ and not an Adult event. I guess the DJ thought his stripper bot was cool. It wasn't. It didn't go with the general dance and the bot was poorly done. But still, we are losing jobs to bots, so why keep gaming traffic people instead of putting your bots to work? Sloth?
  21. I don't think it's PBR, Love, and potatoes, it's PBR and ALM on all the time. ALM has caused some fan issues even with souped-up gaming computers but how many souped up gaming computers, I don't know. But, various machines and fan issues. But, it's off topic, so this is me just sayin'.
  22. When this thread title sits as the one one will see when clicking on GENERAL DISCUSSION it reads "End Of Second Life" and my heart jumped for real. Oh my gah! Then click open General Discussion and one will see the whole thread title. My post is just to say goodbye 32-bit as there were many good times. RIP
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