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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. Same with me as you all - my problems with SL it too much stuff (sometimes). It's strange how I'll use certain items over and over and over but other items not so much. I've never had problems with getting my SL items and been given "extras" as well. One thing I wanted to say as I was thinking about SL and buying items the other day, is in all the articles I've read about SL, not one article mentions problems with product delivery nor products (quality, etc). Not one bad word about it. I'd have to say SL overall SL has a great reputation with their products, it's the high learning curve that gets the mention. ETA: SL has the best products and graphics of all virtual worlds. More writers should just come out and say it.
  2. Since there isn't just one answer here, maybe ask the club what they mean? I'd think it would mean exclusive member working for them only, or non-exclusive and you work for others too as other's have said in this thread. Geeesh, it's been a very long time since I've seen a job application in SL, so I forgot if I've ever seen that...? It should say "Do you want to be an exclusive member of our club or do you want to remain independent also". IMO
  3. I agree that LL should shut the vendor down if a) they checked the seller received money for an item, and b) checked the person's inventory that the item was not delivered, and then c) alert the seller their vendor is not working. And, if LL checked the vendor dispensing supposed goods and the person did not receive their item, I will go so far as to say - return the resident's money AND shut the vendor down. But, this IS the reason I told the OP to contact LL as they are the only one's who can see inside the vendor and see what's going on in there. However, my opinion doesn't mean they will do it. But, I agree with you on that. How many people on staff they have to do this, I don't know, nor do I know how many employees it would take. I think this is fairly rare thing. Most sellers say 'Since I provide a DEMO, no refund'. Or some say exchanges only. I will exchange an item if a person feels unhappy with their item at no extra cost to them and no questions asked. You know, in all my years offering exchanges, not one person asked (for an exchange). In case of vendor problems or script problems with the vendor not being configured correctly, yeah, just shut it down.
  4. I never said ALL interactions are social engineering, Love. Never period. So, I don't know where you came up with that. Nor do I think nor did I say people are dumb if they want to say how much money they spend in SL. And, it's not the interactions, it's the clicking on things, such as IM coming in from supposed friend: "My cat just had kittens, want to see the picture?" (link) It's the links and my posts have said so, so my posts don't even elude to all interactions, even in the slightest. All Social Media has them, however, and the links come through the IM's. But, again, it's the links and clicking. We all should be wary of those.
  5. She's an elist. Okay, that's a possibility but she's a very naive one if she thinks the free accounts are really mostly free. But, what you copied and pasted from her profile and posted on Page One of this thread is certainly bizarre, to say the least. Also, when people are called "free-loaders", I think they will say something to explain they are not and state how much money they do spend. What else is there to say to that free-loader question? _______________________________________________________________________________ This below from the OP's profile: (This I took from Page One of this thread. I don't know if it's still in the OP's profile or not.) "Imagine A world, where race, gender, age, religion, health, location, physical characteristics, class distinction, & socio-economic status do not limit you." -SL Oldtimer
  6. Okay, I want to make something clear and actually asked this question several times. What I want to make clear is how can the OP be that naive, meaning that free accounts aren't really free. There are some sure but most not. I mean in her OP she wants to separate the free accounts away from others and her title says "No More FREE Lunch" which implies to me she really thinks free accounts are free and pay nothing. And, it's been said in this thread she is an old timer. So, tell me...how can she be that naive that free accounts don't actually spend a lot of money here? And, she goes on to even saying free accounts need to be separated from paid accounts because they are free-loaders (as she called free accounts in her OP). How can the OP be that naive (that free accounts are really free-loaders?) And, she's an old timer too. And, I even said how can the OP make that assumption when there are free accounts walking around SL all decked out in expensive mesh avatars? Her premise makes no sense unless she just landed here.
  7. I'm not saying you are 100% wrong or I am 100% right but when the first post to the OP comes out as "free accounts pay vast amounts of money", it begins to seem fishy and people are taking the bait. And, again, that's VAST amounts of money. And, yes trolls have become scammers as shown in the Twitter post I posted. They create a chaos and then some others throw bad links to get other's to click on them while everyone is riled up in any emotions frenzy. Times change, don't think a troll of yesteryear is the troll of today because it simply is not true that some of these trolls are just out to upset us. They are crafty. Social engineering is different. And yes, they friend you and then it's oh, look at my new kittens link or some such link to click on comes into your IM. I'm saying don't click on those. I think I learned something out of this. Best to not talk about one's money or spending in SL, or keep it to a minimum at least. Use a throwaway account for the forums who doesn't go inworld much and check that only friends can contact you. This sounds safer. I'm not trusting the OP. There is something fishy about it all. If the first response to the OP is free accounts pay vast amounts of money, how can the OP be so naive, and it's said in this thread she's an old timer too? I will shut up about it now but take precautions as this is the internet.
  8. Okay, Qie in a roundabout way asked if you had verified if the transaction went through and since you were answering everyone else and didn't answer, I assumed you might have just been too upset and left (the thread is what I meant). And, you joined the group and asked in group chat if anyone could help you as your item was not delivered? If you did that too, and got no response and still no response from the creator...it's all speculation from here on out with things involving that the creator or store owner is simply not there right now. It could be what Gwin said on Page One, the creator has taken ill or died, and the other is that they could eventually return and take care of the issue. Sorry, this happened.
  9. And yet the first post from you here, quoting you, is all about "money": Rowan Amore: "Well, free accounts still.spend VAST amounts of money on products and private estates so I'd imagine your brilliant idea would close SL.within months?" -------------------- And, I have to say most of the posts following yours are mostly about money too. Let's see the OP called us free accounts "free-loaders, shills, and like something to separate into the teen grid just to upset us? I'm kinda doubting it but okay if you all say so.
  10. Yeah, they do. They even friend you so they can message you. The links come thru IM's. But, if you all want to keep saying you are the only right ones, go ahead, it's your time.
  11. Post history that you think her posts are half serious and half troll. That's only your opinion. But, what does the OP do in her OP...call people who are free accounts "free-loaders", and what does that do but make people want to say "I am not a free-loader, I pay xyz dollars and yada, yada, yada." You. Stop. It. Too. It's just your opinion. And, yes trolls could be far more than just the old-fashioned trolls of yesteryear. This is new era and these trolls have lots of schemes. It's better to keep one's money to one's self and not take the bait here.
  12. No. No business works like that. The thing, Arielle, is that in SL people have alts for various reasons and some are needed and on those which may be a business account that is a tester alt for example, those avatars don't need to be inworld very much, so it would be a waste of money to pay for something every month that isn't used much. You'd first have to figure out how many alts are needed and then look at the main used a lot avatar population to see how many more might want to sign up for subscriptions. As a creator myself, the alt market is a huge market and their budget is much smaller but they still like a nice small place that has some nice things in it. And, the alt market is a real market. The Premium market is only one financial demographic here. There are lots of financial demographics in this pie. Reducing it to one financial demographic, imo, is cutting out money.
  13. You mean links that don't start with http etc? Yeah, I've read those are best to steer clear of altogether. However, I'm sure the entire blog wasn't only talking about no http links. It said "harmful web pages". If you look up what harmful web pages are, they are something that will download on your computer and can begin hacking you and that happens just by clicking. It happened to my family. We got lucky as I called my ex right after he had been hacked when the message came through to everyone on his contact list. Then, I called my bank and they told me what to do and not do. I don't want to get into a long discussion about it but I just realized that some trolls may not be what they seem to be. They could be scammers as many seem to get some kind of personal information that is really better left off the internet. Better safe than sorry is all I'm sayin'.
  14. Hmmmm, well, what you wrote above sounds a bit like something California wants to do by July of next year and that's separate 18+ accounts from minor accounts. If one cannot prove they are18+, they will default to a restricted minors account. This Act that has passed and been signed by the Governor of California could create some kind of segregation. The thing is we don't know yet what this Act will create nor how it will work nor even which websites it will or won't involve. It's all speculating right now until further information. But, if region owners want 18+ people in order to get rid of the minors problem getting on SL and rid the problem out of their hands, people with a restricted minors account might be in for a rude awakening, we just don't know yet. I don't know what to say about it really nor how this 18+ and non 18+ thing is going to work. It's too early yet. But, there is no need for segregation between adults in SL as it is now other than to avoid bots or possibly griefers. The bot issue has another way now though other than having to check PIOF or 18+ only.
  15. You have no proof of that. And, so I did some research. It does appear there is a link between trolls and scammers/hackers. This IS the internet. Don't give out information. Copy and pasting some from the blog below: __________________________________________________________________ https://usa.kaspersky.com/blog/avoiding-scams-and-trolls-on-twitter/2002/ Beware trending topics. Twitter created the concept of ‘trending’ topics, and hashtags are the Twitter medium for labeling content to increase its popularity. But beware, because whether it’s the latest celebrity buzz or a major tragedy in the news, the line between trolling and scamming can blur when these trending topics are hijacked by Twitter users who tease to content that masquerades as relevant to the trending topic, but instead includes a link that leads to offensive or harmful web pages. Trolls are particularly effective at doing this because their posts during sensitive times inflame readers —tweets mocking victims of school shootings, for instance — and by outraging people can entice them to click through to bad content. Don’t trust URL shorteners. Related to the trending topic warning, trolls and scammers use URL shorteners like bit.ly because they disguise the ultimate endpoint of the shortened link. If a tweet has a shortened URL and isn’t coming from a reputable source, don’t click through — if it’s legitimate content, you’ll see it elsewhere on Twitter and be able to read it there.
  16. I don't think it's going to change though, Arielle, for the most part. One good thing that you alerted us too is that uploaders of mesh will have to have PIOF now. For one example, if LL changed and allowed residents returns of their money, that could and would most definitely be abused on the other end of the spectrum with people wearing it *and* then wanting a refund. I think this would drive away creators until we are making all our items ourselves because it would be so abused. The other problem is DCMA, if it goes into litigation it could take a long time to resolve and LL doesn't alert as to all those goings-on. In all my years here which is way before MP even existed, I think I've had one bad transaction where the perms were wrong. The OP could have looked at her account to see if the transaction actually went through. That we don't know because she got upset and left. But, what would you suggest that would be better than what it is now?
  17. Do we need to play "Bolero" as you ascend onto the balcony?
  18. Where did I say the OP contains a link? I never said any such thing.
  19. Well, then you should know it's more than just the blue box sent in SL looking for a password. There is no way I'd fall for that. The main social engineering scheme is explained in the above. It comes from a friend thru an IM and that IM contains a link. Clicking on that link can mean you are hacked and all the contacts get sent the same thing in an IM. I know it happened to my ex-husband and I was on his contact list and it got sent to me. So, I called him on the phone and he said "don't click on that, I was hacked!" So, I called my bank and they said "don't click on anything" and explained how social engineering works. But, as I said, if other's disagree, then we have to agree to disagree because I don't have time to write a bunch of posts about this. This OP feels "fishy" to me. I mean there are tons of free accounts in SL all decked out mesh avatars and clothing, it's obvious not many in SL are actually playing free as in spending no money.
  20. That's not how social engineering keylogging works, it works through IM's by sending a link "to a friend". I'm not talking about someone getting personal information or sending that SL password blue box. And, I never said someone can hack your bank account because you said you're premium. I NEVER said that, you did. I said they can befriend you and then send you a link - meaning in an IM and the person thinks "oh, this is from a friend..." and clicks. All one has to do is click on a wrong link. My bank told me that, and this website I'll copy and paste from says the same. To people who think it's all password-related, then we'll have to agree to disagree because I don't want to get into a long discussion about it. Talk to your own bank and see what they say about clicking. ________________________________________________________________________ https://www.webroot.com/us/en/resources/tips-articles/what-is-social-engineering Taking advantage of your trust and curiosity, these messages will: Contain a link that you just have to check out–and because the link comes from a friend and you’re curious, you’ll trust the link and click–and be infected with malware so the criminal can take over your machine and collect your contacts info and deceive them just like you were deceived. Contain a download of pictures, music, movie, document, etc., that has malicious software embedded. If you download–which you are likely to do since you think it is from your friend–you become infected. Now, the criminal has access to your machine, email account, social network accounts and contacts, and the attack spreads to everyone you know. And on, and on.
  21. I don't see how someone could be that naive as the OP is nor is there any purpose to this thread other than those so-called "free" accounts to exclaim "I'm not free, I pay yada, yada, yada", and I fell for it. I'm remembering now something a friend told me that I am going to try to adhere to: She told me "always hide your money and your cigarettes". Good advice, I think.
  22. Yeah, honestly, me too. I'm just a moocher.
  23. What is the purpose of this thread other than the "frees" to talk about how much money they actually do have? Could someone be so oblivious not to know LL would make far more money on the people who purchase regions and rent property on those than they do on subscriptions? I don't buy that someone could be that naïve, not to mention the purpose of this thread is probably for those to say they do spend a lot of money and aren't *free*.
  24. That's too obvious. I'm beginning to wonder what the purpose of these old trolling threads would be useful for plus saying she smoked cannabis seems a little off. So, perhaps it's a person who is an attention hog. Well, what if it's more than that? So, start thread, look up username inworld with another avatar. Befriend them. Try to get them to click on something to start keylogging them. So from now I won't take this bait from these kinds of threads anymore. I will say, I have no money, none, nada.
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