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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. This script has both a SUBMIT or IGNORE with a box where one can write something. Submit what, I have no idea. I do not use the script in all my years of building in SL. I don't know what SL users need to SUBMIT with written data via this script? It could be an Adult thing. And, I don't do Adult, so I have no idea what people in SL would need to submit nor to whom. I have sold thousands and thousands of sleep-only no sex beds plus furniture for one - mostly to the alt community or to those who need a business alt but want a nice looking little inexpensive place. If someone could answer what this script is used for, it would be helpful.
  2. I think SL is too spread out. Maybe Co-op sims with activities - games and sports - would help people, especially in the human scene (which SL mostly is) find things to do. Because there really are a lot of things to do. It's just finding it and people there at the same time, for humans especially. Other kinds of characters, we have our special sims where the sims are kind of "co-op" and a main calendar, so it's easy to find things to do.
  3. Oh, sorry, miscommunication on my part. I didn't mean try it with the strong head which is what you were thinking. I meant try it to see if they like it better because I didn't see any free male mesh bodies on MP. I know of Ruth for females but now Arielle has given us more information that there is also a Roth. Clothes could be a problem, however.
  4. Well, somebody could try it. Those Altamura bodies in this thread for male and female are also with head. For free, you try different things. You can start to get an idea of what you like. Also, the Altamura female has some clothes if one reads the blog. I couldn't see many clothes for the Altamura male on MP. So, there might be some bodies with heads free but there aren't hardly any or no clothes...?
  5. I don't know but I checked on Marketplace and found a Fitmesh Free Male Full Avatar. It's free, maybe they can try it. I'm not even sure what it is exactly though. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/onupup-MALE-FREE-SLUV-BENTO-FITMESH-FULL-AVATAR/13899082
  6. Maybe if SL is delivered a different way someday...such as streaming. Perhaps it would be like a cloud plug-in graphics card 'or something' so that it's stable for everyone to use as far as speed and no lag. I don't know what the future will be like, but SL will most likely be "different" one day with different capabilities. I think that's one of the reasons we had to go to PBR to get to Vulcan or something like that. Coffee Pancake might know something. Also, basically what Caeruleiae posted above me said because machines and things vary too much. Plus, there are plenty of games. See, Dinkies and Tinies have a few small sims so we know where to go whilst humans have 10 trillion sims everywhere and nowhere at the same time sometimes. The human scene is far more dispersed. Co-op sims that deal with games might be a good idea. I like the idea of sports too, like the ice skating, which is wonderful. Dinkies can get up quite a lot of speed because we are not lag-intense.
  7. I didn't know which part of your post to quote, so I quoted the whole thing. Raglan Shire and the Tinies and Dinkies have lots of games. We had a shot the Ebil Snowman Game that was a lot of fun, except I arrived late and didn't get to read how to work the gun before the Ebil Snowman cornered me and took me away! But, I kept shooting or attempting too, anyways! As far as ability, the ice skating is incredible and fun and so realistic, and interacting with the snow is just marvelous. If we can do ice skating that well, eventually I think we will be able to do a lot more things realistically. I think that things in SL over the next few years will be created by individuals. It depends on their idea, their scripting ability, and so on. But, ultimately, they would front the money and time to make it rather than LL, imo. If it needs LL's help, the idea maker would have to contact LL about what might need to be done on their part. As far as games, I think yes they will develop, but it depends on who is going to take the time and front the money. I often wonder what the next big thing in SL will be aside from it's Adult side, that is. Gacha will always be a fun memory for me. But, I don't think we will ever have another Gacha. Although some didn't see Gacha as a game per se, it was a great meeting place and I found so many great creators that way also. But, the ice skating came to my mind and how good it is in SL. It is amazingly realistic. We need more of that. It will happen, I'm sure.
  8. I don't know if you'd find this interesting information or not if it happened before, but I kind of remember something like it once but it was a long time ago. I'd going to guess it has been done before but maybe once for me a long time ago. I remember something like it vaguely and NOT putting in my password but actually logging out as it scared me. I cannot absolutely tell you what it is exactly though, meaning it was the same blue box asking for my password because it said I was about to be logged out. I remember being "scared" by something. These kinds of unusual things scare me and my reaction is to log off. This particular "scam" seems vaguely familiar.
  9. I stay in a pretty small circle these past few years, but I've always found lots of Jazz over the years, even back to the 1920's. You could try the DESTINATION GUIDE - follow this link and then click OPEN MUSIC ...Would be fun to have a retro music festival once a year, too! https://secondlife.com/destinations?lang=en-US
  10. It's too bad there couldn't be a way that our password NEVER logs out, not unless we delete our account or LL does. That way if someone tried to log in with anyone's unique username and password, that hacker would get a message - (something like) 'sorry that username and password is already logged in, you may not log in' and they wouldn't be able to log in because a password can only log in one person and we'd already be that person who is logged in. We could close down the viewer and shut it but it wouldn't log us out via password. Plus, then no one would give out their password because we'd know we are logged in as we didn't delete our account. Me, just dreamin'....but I'm not even sure if what I wrote above makes sense. lol
  11. I'm curious about something. Maybe you know, maybe you don't. But, why did LL choose multi-factor authentication instead of just the usual email and phone number? The email and phone number is easier. Additionally, I mean plus either password and phone? Phone code is easier than the tokens.
  12. But, I think it's worth doing. Also, how can a phisher ask for a password without asking for a password? Is it just by getting someone to CLICK? I'm guessing, the answer is probably yes, just by clicking and starting what - a keylogger? Will voice to text afford us more internet safety in the future? (This question is to anyone reading, not directed to Qie alone.) Games shouldn't ask for password, imo, anyway...maybe something else like a "key".
  13. Yeah, but I'd assume that's a choice, they don't need it. They don't have that many items to sell.
  14. Plus, you don't need to have land to sell in SL. That is an option and a luxury, not a necessity to sell. I have a small skybox-like store - 800 lindens a month, and I sell on MP. Look how small some of these "stores" are (aside from Maitreya who also sells clothes and stuff), their store is a small skybox, like Legacy for one. Legacy has a very tiny "store"; little tiny skybox is more like it. Legacy's inworld skybox store is way smaller than mine, way smaller.
  15. No, I never have. I always check out with lindens.
  16. Well, yes, of course it would, Love, but there are a lot of us who don't spend that much money in SL and/or do not have, let's say, $200 a month to spend on lindens. But, for those who do, the land fees also went down $20 dollars a month until September, I think it is, so in that price bracket with savings for those who own land, the extra $4.99 raise fee isn't that much. Plus, they could use LIMIT BUY. Right now LIMIT BUY is reading 255 linden to the dollar. So, I went 1 linden lower at 254 and there is a considerable savings. See screenshot below. There are ways to reduce that fee raise but one does need to be realistic when bidding for a LIMIT BUY.
  17. I think these particular bots all have the same first name but then a unique number after the name. Like PinkBot1580, PinkBot0952, etc. (example, not real that I know of) I think that's what the OP meant.
  18. You can pay via Paypal or Credit Card on Marketplace too. Upon checkout after getting to the page where you would HIT the BUY NOW button, underneath that reads: (more payment options) click on that and then the options appear where you can enter an alternative payment method there rather than lindens.
  19. Effective today, we are changing LindeX fees as follows: Increasing the buy fee to 10% with a minimum fee of $1.49 and a maximum fee of $14.99USD per transaction Increasing the sell fee to 5%.Mar 7, 2023 The maximum fee was raised. It used to be $9.99 per transaction before this recent fee rate increase. The minimum fee was unchanged.
  20. If you own land, you can check PIOF needed or however it's worded and that will get rid of the bots OR you contact your estate owner and ask them if they have deny_bots activated.
  21. Of course, if one has a lot of money, it would be beneficial to buy millions of lindens because the cap, no matter how many lindens, is $14.99. However, most of us do NOT have the money to buy millions of lindens. That is for the Linden Whales. The reason many of us were saying the rate hikes in the fees do NOT effect us is because we are and were small linden amount buyers, buying at around 3600 or less per linden transaction anyway and the fee for that amount of Lindens did not change with this recent rate hike; it's was $1.49 and it's still $1.49 for that amount, so no change for 3660 or under in fees. Also, people wanting super large amounts of lindens at a LIMIT BUY price, well, it depends how many are available. I know the small amount LIMIT BUYs fill fast as I use those from time to time. I don't always purchase lindens because I have been a builder and make lindens inworld too. But, business, since the war, was very slow. Easter picked way up for me. I am very happy about that!
  22. For 3660 Lindens and under the fee did not change. For 3660 and under the fee is still $1.49. See my screenshots above. With a cap of $14.99 and if one puts in a limit buy of say even 255, they could save quite a bit if they are buying in large quantities. The current fee hikes are for the LindeX for purchases above 3660 lindens; capped at $14.99 no matter the amount.
  23. I don't buy a lot of lindens though. But, I do like getting an extra 100 lindens here and there. Or last time I used LIMIT BUY, I got an extra 100 linden for .03 cents more than the INSTANT BUY price. I'll take 100 lindens for .03 cents for sure! I usually bid 1 linden less. So, my LIMIT BUY is showing 257 right now, so I'd probably bid 256 but add in more lindens to kind of make it even towards the INSTANT BUY price since I'm not buying that much but I get extra lindens. That's how I do it anyways, since I don't purchase a lot at a time. I have a small SL store where I make lindens too. But, I'm quoting you because I'd like to know...where do you find that chart above? p.s. I hope the OP isn't dreaming and put 300 lindens in the LIMIT BUY area. Dreamer's prices will never fill. Stay close or go 1 less than what the LIMIT BUY is showing at current time is my strategy.
  24. I hope you aren't "dreaming" and put a dreamer's type of number in the limit buy area. What I do is go for the limit buy price or one point lower. Right now, limit buy is reading 257 linden to the dollar. So, what I do is look at the instant buy price for 2500 linden as shown in photo no. 1. Then, I will add 100 extra linden into the limit buy area and the quantity will be 2600 and usually for less than the instant buy price where you only get 2500 linden, and I usually get a fill in very little time and I get 100 extra linden to spend and it cost less. See photo no. 2. Hope I'm making sense. Usually I buy more than 2500 linden but you get the idea with my basic formula below.
  25. Yes, you can always try a limit buy, we all can. But, you need to be realistic. Be close to the limit buy offering price. Good luck!
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