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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Ahhh, I gotchu! This is where Flickr comes to the rescue. It looks like most use the PFC set. Probably your best bet, unless you want something more futuristic/cyberpunk. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PFCSamurai/18524698
  2. They're harmless. It's like prancing around on lightweight Styrofoam. It's the New Rock boots you want to stay clear of. Especially with spikes.
  3. Yeah. For daily running around, I always preferred the standard, low style of combat boot. For clubbing or nights out, it was always something like: And yes, both go with absolutely everything. And if I keep chatting in here, I'm going to need to start posting SL photos soon to stay on topic. Don't make me go in-world and put my boots on.
  4. This sounds like a photo challenge in the making! Besides, there is no difference to me whatsoever between a female avatar in combat boots and a dress and a male one. That doesn't compute to my brain in the slightest. šŸ˜‚
  5. Dem boots, doe. I'm a "combat boots go with everything" gal myself, but...even I dunno about that pairing. I think it's the way the slit's done that's making it not work for me in this instance. Yes, I'm being picky!
  6. Very nice! TwoSided also has a fancy one if you're looking for more. Oh but...you know I'm gonna get on you about those shoes, right? šŸ˜„
  7. Such a long-standing peeve for me, buuuuuut: Me: Aight, time to get some work done. Me: *Digs around on YouTube for a livestreamed DJ mix to listen to before starting.* Me: Okay, here we go. Time to work. DJ: *bass drop* Me for 2 minutes: No he di'nnnnnnnnnnnt just drop Kryptic Minds into this, unh, unh, unh Oh, OHHH, and Flowdan on top? *sings for 5 minutes* šŸŽµCOLD WHEN IT'S CRITICAL, COOL BUT CYNICAL, MAXED OUT NEVA MINIMAL, UNF, THAT'S HOW WE FUNCTION šŸŽ¶ I really need a gig in music at this point. This is ridiculous, lol. šŸ¤£
  8. AHHHHH, that's such a cute look! Especially with the glasses. This is a guess because I haven't played with it much yet, but I'd definitely give Akeruka's Sophia a try, for sure. The Yuna and Katya heads are a somewhat close second. You'll need a new skin if your current skin is on the SLUV map. Everything BOM has to shift over to EvoX (including hairbase, eyebrows, etc.) if you want to wear EvoX makeup. Old Evo makeup appliers (the clicky HUD version) will still work in EvoX mode, however. Play around with some demos/sliders, and yell if you need more help/suggestions!
  9. I like a mix of styles depending on my mood and the avatar it's for. I'll jump from vintage 1940s to non-binary/unisex outfits to goth formal wear to futuristic couture to stuffing Lara into menswear to slapping a chandelier on my head I don't even care, LOL. But yes, I generally like tasteful yet outlandish styles of dress, mostly. Bjƶrk is one of my style icons, so you can see where this is going, lol. Those are the new sizes added and they already have a bunch of sizes they support. I honestly don't like that tail at all (or Aii's, really). It looks and feels very much like a mod, LOL, if that makes sense. Like you're wearing some kind of silicone mer-cozy - kind of like what professional real world mermaid performers use. I'm staying a Nemissa gal until something else comes along. If you do like it, though, you can get overlays from all the usual spots - Zen Child Designs, Krature, Misteria, etc.
  10. I would be soooo surprised if anything I had was worth keeping. We're talking shoes made from actual blocky prims - flashy bling and all. And don't get me started on the handbags and eyewear and jewelry I was making (and selling) back then. Sure, still very cute, but they're like...40 prims or more, prob, lol. I do wish I could use my furniture - went on an antique boudoir furniture building binge once, and while the pieces came out gorgeous, I have no room to be rezzing 80+ prim vanity sets. Can't bring myself to delete them, though! I worked hard on those things (even made custom animations!) dangit. šŸ¤£ That's more of a problem for my old main, though. She was my builder/creator, so she sits unused these days left to ponder her ancient inventory. I'm the spendy one who buys a ton of stuff, lets it sit unorganized, and then forgets what I bought months/years later and spends an hour trying to figure out if I have some random thing I vaguely remember seeing once (including TPing to a store or two and searching the entire sim for something I barely remember to see what the name of it is so I can check my inventory more "efficiently," lol). That's more topic related? šŸ˜œ Just teasing, but no but really, I can't speak for every country, but ours has a lot of music, comedy (very much appreciated by meeeee), DIY/home improvement, cooking, art, science, dance, fashion, history, literature and writing, languages, and quite a big activism/organizing scene (like for workers, environment, etc.). The dumb memes are the loudest and proudest, but there's so much good content there if you go beyond the silliness and jump into the serious hashtags. Similar to YouTube, pretty much. Sure, you could sit there and watch what Mr. Beast gets up to, or you can use it to learn Portuguese. My just-became-a-teen niece uses TikTok to stay on top of local and international current events. The little nerd knows more about what's going on in the world than I do.šŸ˜„ I mostly binge fashion (styling and design), music, and comedy TikTok content, which is not much different to how I use other sites, really. I'm too news-ed out for my own good these days and keep myself busy in the creative realm.
  11. Still not seeing a compelling reason to switch yet. I have maybe 2-3 items with X sizing. Couple reasons for that: 1) I avoid buying clothing at events and steer clear of new releases entirely - whatever's currently "in" has never, ever been my style. I don't need to air out the girls, ya know? Everything I see in Lara X is stuff I wouldn't be caught dead in for one reason or another. I mostly buy from OG designers who tend to be a bit more on the slower release schedule/higher-end product side and avoid those on the fast fashion "girls out/skirts up" train, and I'm seeing a LOT of that in the X new releases groups and galleries on Flickr. The stuff I come across that is not that - still not at all my style. 2) Creator adoption is very sporadic. I can teleport to a shop that's been in business for well over a decade and has a massive inventory and find, what...3 new items rigged for X at best, but 3489283192387123 items rigged for 5.3. It'll take them years to balance that out and many are not updating older releases (understandably!), which are mostly what I'm interested in. What I'm generally seeing is a mix, where creators are releasing both for 5.3 and X, or going back to update some older popular releases for weekend sales, which is fine - I'd buy those on occasion. At that pace, I might be able to swap bodies in 4 years. šŸ˜‚ 3) Mod support is meh. Some big mods got an X update, like AP Feety Peets and Petrichor's Valenne mermaid tail. Other popular mods, like the Aii Riptide don't seem to be updated and not sure they will be, as Aii's new releases now exclude Maitreya entirely. My own tail won't be updated as Cynefin left SL entirely before X released. Other, lesser known mods that replace limbs or the torso - no updates and I rely on some of these for entire avatars, like my skeletal lich. Chest mod support is also looking rather grim. Not that I've been looking too hard yet, but I've only seen one outfit for Flat X, and V-Tech broke off from Maitreya entirely, which led a bunch of flat mod-supporting stores to follow suit, so I'll likely need a whole new body for non-binary fashion eventually (leaning toward Anatomy for the male/female neck options and good community support). 4) I looooove digging around for older (and sometimes newer) gachas for styling my fantasy outfits and have some favorite go-to stores for this. They're usually Lara or Lara/Legacy exclusive outfits/items/mods/accessories and there's almost no chance those will be updated. Soooo...long story short - maybe one day if I don't break down and buy Legacy and Anatomy first?
  12. Yeah definitely missed all of that. I'm of the mind that if someone wants me to converse with their AI, they need to pay me. Not subjecting myself to that drivel for free. šŸ˜‚ The only exception was Dr. Sbaitso, but hey, I was like...13 at the time. The bots I do chat with these days sound nothing at all like this and they're a lot more advanced. I guess we've trained out all of the cheese. šŸ¤£
  13. Speaking of that, have you seen the new article about those on NWN? I could peeve on those things all day (but I won't). Okay, just one: Peeve: AI is so obnoxious.
  14. Couple issues with that - 1) Installing that (or any other external software) on a work PC is a huge challenge to overcome. Good luck convincing an overly protective IT dept. They will beat you down for even suggesting it, like hey lemme just install this one thing I promise I'm not gonna break nuffin it's just...*BAM* So even if you're using that shortcut in your own personal time, you likely aren't playing with that at work, unless you ARE the IT dept. 2) SL also has the inventory search (at least in Firestorm and BD, don't ask me about the official viewer), which essentially functions the same way as long as you can remember at least one word in your desired item's name. 3) A fresh SL inventory (which I assume a newbie will be working with unless they go absolutely HAM on Day 1) is actually pretty small, so anything they put anywhere will be fairly easy to find. It's us returning oldbies with 150,000+ items (half of which are shoes with invisiprims DON'T JUDGE ME I'm working on it!) that have to get our ish together and learn to organize properly. Now that all said, Arielle, I DO agree with you that the current system needs a whole refresh and I'm not overly fond of SL's file system myself (I'm so so so used to other games that have figured out a better way), but I'm not buying that the friction is being caused by adults who never touched files before. I'm sure they HAVE, they likely just hate working with them - which is totally valid, lol.
  15. True, that does happen, but I'm not sure exactly how common that is overall. At least here, MBAs are post-grad degrees professionals typically go back to school for (sometimes in their 30s or later) in order to qualify for promotions at their current companies. Some of the more generous corporations might even offer to pay for all or some of it, if you schmooze enough. I've had a manager who did that, for example, so he could progress into higher-paid management roles down the road. Not to drag this thread off-topic or anything, but I just find it difficult to believe companies aren't using file structures anymore and an entire population of people aren't using computers at school and/or work, which is leading to SL inventory confusion here. I mean it's possible - I have been freelance for years now, but I spent a long time working in offices across several industries and businesses are so slowwwwww to upgrade their hardware/software/tech, I wouldn't be surprised if some are still running on Win XP.
  16. Sure, and I'd believe that if they never held a job ever (unless they're, ya know, doing something not at all computer-related, like restaurant/bar work). I'd imagine an MBA might be aiming to work in a professional office/healthcare/etc. environment in one field or another, though, if they don't already.
  17. That totally makes sense, but the comment about having no idea how directories work at all is baffling to me. There were times we'd have to navigate to a folder the teacher made his or herself for a specific class on a specific drive to grab source files to work on - surely that's still a thing. Not to mention the File button on the left-hand side of the top navbar is standard on every single piece of software I've ever used, regardless of the type (you'll be opening files in Logic Pro and Adobe InDesign the same way you open files in Excel). Bad organization of files is a whooooole other issue and yeah, that absolutely presents itself in real life and definitely in SL (scoots her shameful SL Objects folder under the bed). But never touching directory systems at all seems a bit...sus. I'd demand my tuition back!
  18. Good coffee on its own sweetened with just a teensy bit of sugar is glorious. Keyword "good," though. I'm still searching for the right brand, but so far, I'm kind of digging Kicking Horse. If I have to subject myself to regular store-bought brands, best believe I'm adding some hazelnut creamer in there.
  19. Now toss on your head in EvoX mode and you're gonna see šŸ¤£ Honestly, I've never been motivated to mess with devkits or custom materials and textures or any of that, which is a bit strange, considering I also wear furry avatars and creature heads and they are super easy to get kits for. I've considered making my own makeup once or twice, but that's simply because I usually want very theatrical makeup and special FX. Fortunately, I've managed to find stores that do that style well enough that I don't have to mess with it. I just prefer to keep all of my styling and fiddling inside the SL client. If I have to go to Photoshop (or in my case, Affinity) for something, I'm going to whine my plaster-textured face off about it. I'll never say no to having more texture options built-in to our HUDs, though!
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