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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Another peeve today. Stevia. Pleeeease, for the love of all that's Pedro Pascal in a suit from Dior's Spring 2023 Men's Collection, stop adding sugar substitutes to "zero/no sugar" products. Just keep it bland it's FINE I can add my own sugar omg. Gawd, the aftertaste. I might die. 😒😂
  2. They gotta update that ShakeMap. It only extends into Mass! Didn't realize it went that far. Yeah, it's pretty rare for us. The last one (there could've been super minor ones since, but nothing I remember feeling) that actually made things shake was when I was at work in an entirely glass building. It started swaying a LOT. We ran out so fast and were too scared to go back in, so we just went home, lol. 👀😩 That was...geez...2011? 5.8 or so in Virginia.
  3. Oof. I'm gonna need the Earth to simmer down a bit. Can't go scaring me like that before I've finished my coffee. 😂 Lol, don't say that! I happened to be in Twitch chat at the time, so I quickly fired off a message like ummm, anyone else just feel that orrrrr... and yeah, once someone told me it was in New Jersey, I wasn't all that surprised we felt it way out here. Apparently, lots of us felt it up here in the Northeast. You felt it in Vermont??????
  4. You too? My first thought when the floor started vibrating - man, this coffee is strong. Second thought once the desk and my chair started shaking - ok, what the heck are the neighbors doing over there... Third thought once the entire freaking house started shaking: ok well, it's been a good run! 😭😂
  5. Lots of vague, random memories. Packed sims where people played Tringo for hours and hours per day. Visiting real auto manufacturers' in-world car showrooms. Adoption agencies flooding the search results with those hideous prim things with the faces painted on, oh gawd. Clubs filled with people riding on that dumb cow with the googly eyes that blasted music and made you dance (that I still have in my inventory). Daily particle attacks that'd shut down the grid. I remember some of them being kind of funny, but hell if I remember what they were. Photo-realistic celebrity skins being a whole thing and terrifying just about everyone until creators got good at them. Companies flocking to SL to set up virtual offices (my friend built a few here and there). Kelly Services setting up a virtual office for their temp staffing business (I never did figure out if that was for RL or SL jobs - I think RL). The first time I saw Lolas and thought I was losing my damn mind. People shopping at yard sales for their clothing instead of stores because transfer perms were a thing.
  6. I have no idea if I'm affected by this or not. Since I have the memory of a gnat, I can't remember how much land impact I had free before this went into effect. I also don't know what "manually rezzed reflection probes and lights" means or why I'd even be doing that (spoiler - I will not be doing that) or what mirrors have to do with this (I have no interest in those, either), so I assume very little will change on my end. I basically read that announcement as something something PBR, but I'm still one or two viewer updates behind and don't intend to engage with PBR at all until it becomes something that just works without any input from me.
  7. Mhm. I wonder how many of our fashion designers would stay if they knew they could take their 3D modeling skills over to Michael Kors for up to $88,000/yr, provided they have a few years of experience and know Maya and ZBrush. 👀 We are quite fortunate many do stay with us. Also, the hobby part only really applies if one never cashes out or never gets paid. Once you do, it stops being fun real quick (me many years ago when I got my very first 1099 from my "hobby" Zazzle business for a piddly $36 that was still untouchable in my creator account because I didn't even reach the royalties payout threshold by the reporting date - you told the IRS about money I didn't even GET yet r u srs rite meow).
  8. This is so very true. I once worked temp at a place where a woman in her 80s worked full-time. We chatted a lot during lunch and I eventually asked her - why u do dis?! The short version - she came out of retirement to be able to afford her husband's medication. Ugh, don't get me started on that. Half of her time was spent working and the other half was fighting with his insurance company. There has never been a time I more wished I had a lot of money just so I could send her right back into retirement. GRRRRRR. On a less infuriating note, my uncle left retirement a long time ago to work part-time for an airline. Solely his choice - he wanted to travel a lot and set up a home in Rio. He went to an airline with good benefits for part-time workers, including the ability to travel for free/at massive discount and extend those perks to friends and family via passes, so we could all benefit from his shenanigans (I know he picked Brazil for those Carnival costumes, I'm just sayin', lol).😂 Peeve: By the time I hit retirement (lol, retiring, that's a good one), I doubt fun perks and benefits like that will even exist anymore, which only adds more reasons for me to work on my exit plan sooner rather than later. 👀
  9. Very much so. Catwa's always my first choice for female human/human-ish avatars (non-EvoX). Akeruka and BeSpoke for specialty looks. I mostly use Lelutka for human male heads. Don't like the female line much at all. If anything, I'll use Lel female for fantasy avatars, but never anything human.
  10. Ohhh, AI, yep, that makes sense. Sites are definitely working on policies surrounding that. Thank you for the clarification!
  11. Wow, really? I'd think those would be among the first stores to swap over and add some LaraX sizes into weekend sales/older popular releases. I'm still buying for 5.3, though. I just can't be that bothered to read sizes on ads. 😂 I'll swap over when I have no choice but to do so (which is no time soon, judging by how things are going).
  12. Sigh. I always grab credit from there and never use it. I feel like I own everything in that store already. I missed Addams free credit, too? Meh, not too sad about that either. How many jeans do I neeeed?! Actually, I take that back. I have been shopping their outlet a bit more. The older stuff is way better for me.
  13. Cooking Simulator is so infuriating for all the obvious reasons. 😂 Chef Life Simulator looks really good, but it has its issues, too. I need a slower-paced cooking sim with food that looks as good as it does in the Cook, Serve, Delicious! series. As for me, I'm totally hooked on Big Ambitions and Definitely Not Fried Chicken is quite hilarious. 👀 Oh weird. You know, I've seen a ton of MyStory food around (because of COURSE I shop for food in SL more often than clothes), but never looked into the actual prices for the system or even how it works. Food is home decorating stuffs for me, and I'm willing to bet I'm keeping quite a few stores that sell it in business, that's for sure. 😂 I don't really use SL much for life simulation. If the Linden dollar got more expensive, it's not my wardrobe that'd suffer. It's my kitchen!
  14. Lemme guess...you also own Supermarket Simulator. I think that's the only recent release most people have heard of and play regularly (obsessively). 😂 No but really, BeYou is popular. I think MyStory is as well? I never actually tried those out, but I imagine both earn a bit of monies.
  15. Given the absolute explosion of the mundane business "simulator" games market that kind of/sort of took off with Power Wash Sim and Lawn Mowing Sim and is now filled with such greats as "My Recycling Center," "School Cafeteria Simulator," and "Supermarket Simulator" (most of which are glorified chore sims), I'm not even surprised. If a person wants to earn more money in Second Life, following the trend of "do all of the chores!" and charging well for a functioning system is certainly one way to accomplish that.
  16. Nah, I wasn't calling you out or anything, no worries. ❤️ It genuinely did strike me as funny because it's exactly what I see constantly on Twitter (and elsewhere), lol.
  17. True! I haven't jumped into the survey yet. Still working through my coffee, but I'll peek soon. And yeah, Flickr started that crackdown a while ago, but I've heard rumblings about it recently again, so I thought maybe they updated the rules or changed something. I haven't posted there in a few months, so I'm a weeee bit behind. Edit: Survey done. Easy peasy.
  18. To be fair, Sid, this describes all of social media and online interactions. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were talking about Twitter with that statement. 😂 Or the big, massive arguments across Discord and Steam that I spent all last week popcorning on. Speaking of Steam, now that's a peeve - quite the Wild West and I don't think they have much moderation at all.
  19. I believe, though I could be wrong, that may be referring to Flickr and new rules about commercial activity on free accounts that are affecting Second Life photographers/bloggers who post there with credits.
  20. Brief off-topic - this reminds me of my constant arguments with one of my old bosses (the actual president of the company) who would demand I waste my time producing the most hideous, ineffective logos/ads and then complain I was being too much of an artist for attempting to adhere to universal design standards and how dare I expect a real salary (which I couldn't even survive off of to begin with). His Vice President slapping him around a bit didn't help much on that front, so I quit and moved overseas in sheer frustration with the entire industry. 😂 Back on-topic - I did attempt, briefly, to bring those skills into SL and enhance them into other areas (eventually into animation, as 3D modeling is just not my forte). After realizing I could easily blow 5-10 hours (or more, depending on the complexity and my patience) just perfecting a single static pose or very, very basic animation, and realizing I may need to branch even further into mocap if I really wanted to do what I reallllllllly wanted to do, I stopped that shenanigans. All I can say is creators are very dedicated because I just can't justify spending the time/energy for what little payoff there is (unless you're extremely popular with a large customer base - I was not and my competition sold for...what...like 30L-50L?).
  21. That would work for some, but what would a ... I dunno... jewelry or hair designer do as a Mole?
  22. Wouldn't be surprised if we had some of those in SL, either. I'm kind of tempted to ask around. I've seen some modeling work in the fantasy and horror realm that falls into the "Why the hell aren't you working for FromSoftware or somethin'?" range.
  23. This is very true and what usually takes a $1,000+ USD commission down to a 2000L+ product in-world - the ability to resell. Problem is, I've then turned around and gotten those 2000L items for under 200L during a few wheee yolo sales - and these aren't hugely in-demand items, so I know they're not making a killing or anything, and considering how few buy/use them, they aren't that far off from a private commission anyway. At that point, I started to feel as if I was ripping off the artist, lol, which is definitely more of a ME problem than a THEM problem, but ya know. It's how I am. So - raise ya prices don't sell me this thing for almost no money iz u cray? Oh hi Aya, have some free.. nuuu u stop dat! Etc. Just to point out the absolute obvious for no reason whatsoever, Etsy sellers grossly undersell themselves, too. Of course, that varies by market/niche, but when Etsy is allowing shameless dropselling to occur, some of the real artists lowered their prices to compete and yeah - it's a bad time. That's not even getting into the digital products that may or may not even be "handmade" in the first place vs. bought on Envato or some mess - pour one out for the illustrators.
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