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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. California is a lot like NY in that it'd be just as expensive to bounce from one coast to the other. It's how I settled on London for college since I had narrowed it down to Hawaii vs. London and I said wait a sec - why in the world would I stay in the US when I could fly across the world - the costs are kind of the same? And at least there will be cute accents! But no seriously - I'd live almost anywhere. Almost. Getting out is something I've been wanting to do since high school. A few of us in my family feel the same, but so far my brother, uncle, and I are the only three that have made it out (temporarily - we're all back here and grumbling about it regularly lol). Oh wow. That's absolutely something I've seen recommended if you're lucky enough to gain permanent residency outside of the US as you'd still be paying taxes in both countries. Giving up citizenship is something I wouldn't at all hesitate to do if given the opportunity (for many many reasons), but I know how hard a decision that is for most people. Congratulations! Adopt me?
  2. Oh oh I thought you meant because of costs. Okay that's a bit better! This all reminds me that I've never actually been to Mexico. Weird considering how close it is (I mean geez I've been to Canada a few times).
  3. That's just so sad I can't even. I mean good that it's an option, but sad that it needs to be.
  4. I used to know someone who would hop over to Mexico for medical care that he couldn't afford here. I'm not sure how he did that exactly - maybe had family who lived there or something, but that's when I started telling myself high crime shouldn't necessarily be a deterrent and added a few more places to the list. Yolo!
  5. Canada just gives you a whole list and says add up these points - got enough? No? Sucks for you, stay mad, bye. 🤣
  6. Yaaaaaaaay thanks for the thread, @Luna Bliss! Curious to hear everyone's experiences (if there are any successful experiences out there!). I've already mentioned in Pet Peeves that I up and left in the very early 2000s to study abroad in London, and I did say that going away to college is technically the easiest way to become an expat, but I should mention that it's definitely not without its problems, too, so big warning to anyone considering that - get your financials in check before you get on that plane! Mine was an entirely spur of the moment decision as one afternoon I got extremely pissed off with the president of my company constantly questioning my skills as a designer while I was quite successfully running the entire company's print and web design department by myself after he literally fired every experienced in-house contractor we had in favor of bumping me from newb intern to FT (massive eyeroll), so I got it into my head that my Associate's Degree would never be enough to shut him the hell up. Got so mad I gave two week notice and within another few weeks, I was on a plane to continue my education in a whole other country (yeah I got mad enough to leave the entire US on a whim LOL) but here's the kicker - I got held at the airport for hours upon hours until they could verify my financial aid and personal finances. 😵 They called my bank, my school, everybody I knew, went through all my paperwork with a fine-toothed comb... thank goodness the person I had picking me up from the airport was patient because woooo. Finally got let in, but renewing that student visa later was no joy, either. Immigration does not PLAY. My roommate's boyfriend was doing his OB/GYN residency in London (from India) and even he got harassed by Immigration! HMPF. Sad part is I didn't actually get to finish the degree before financial aid collapsed (it turned out to be one of those scam colleges oh joy - the less said about that the better), but the experience was AMAZING despite all of that, so I've been quite eager to get out again! Edit: A very close SL friend did offer to help me relocate to Australia should I want to live where nature is completely out to get you, but I believe the process there is quite similar as I checked into student and work visas when I vacationed in Melbourne many many years ago after high school.
  7. Oh most countries basically treat it this way. It's why companies need to sponsor and need very good reasons for doing so over hiring their own citizens. And yes please! I'd love a separate thread. ❤️
  8. Mexico is probably one of the harder places to move to that I've seen so far. I have a relative that has dual citizenship with Brazil simply from going there so damn often for Carnival lol (and he's retired from two entirely separate careers, so that's a whole different ballgame when you simply need to drop money into a bank account and reside there long enough vs. trying to join the actual workforce). He hasn't been back there in so long though because the crime in Rio got out of control. Plus Covid. Btw - I feel like we need a separate thread for this. I'm actually very curious if anyone met someone in SL (friends or more) and managed to move abroad successfully, and what that process was like. But for now I'll include another peeve, though somewhat unrelated - I cannot focus whatsoever this week. It has been way too hard to get anything productive done!!!! Grrr.
  9. Couple things. Check your Lelutka HUD main tab near the top (the head icon) - Make sure you're still in Evo X mode. Remove any non-Evo X layers you might have on. Hop over to the HD tab - Your eyebrows can be turned on/off in there, if the skin you're wearing does not have any. If you'd rather wear BOM eyebrows from another store, make sure they're also Evo X. Brows and most other things can be tinted in the color selector area (the droplet on the main HUD). Click HD Brow and play with the color picker to tint. And for the body, check your Lara HUD's Skin/Base tab - make sure you've got Bakes on Mesh/BOM enabled. You can also remove the additional Clothing Layer unless you've got some kind of applier clothing on.
  10. Likely for the potential merch sales. They picked a few K-Pop artists to start with that have pretty big fanbases. Doesn't Roblox partner with brands and stuff already? I saw something about Forever 21 being in there as a virtual city with F21 stores you can run.
  11. Just following Fortnite's lead. https://techcrunch.com/2022/05/03/spotify-becomes-first-music-streamer-to-launch-on-roblox/ Fortnite helped kick off the trend with its in-game Travis Scott concert in 2020, followed by its Ariana Grande concert last year, and its more recent collection of Coachella-themed items and music aimed to celebrate the festival on its platform. Roblox, meanwhile, also held its first virtual concert in 2020 when it hosted Lil Nas X in an online event space custom-designed with multiple stages inspired by the artist’s music. And last year, Roblox solidified its intentions to bring more artists into its online gaming worlds with the announcement of a partnership with Sony Music, aimed at helping artists reach fans within Roblox and make money.
  12. True, but I really find it difficult to compare the two platforms. It's just nothing at all like what we've got here. It's very game-focused. Building them and playing them.
  13. Makes sense. Sounds like they're targeting a younger audience. https://www.theverge.com/2022/5/3/23054915/spotify-brings-music-themed-islands-roblox-metaverse Spotify says it will fill out its digital space with themed mini-quests, virtual meet-and-greets, and other exclusive content, such as paid merchandise made by artists. The platform tells The Verge that the entire portion of revenue from artists’ merchandise will go to the artists directly. It also plans on collaborating with artists “to create more opportunities like this in the months ahead.” Spotify is kicking off its Roblox launch with its first music-themed island, K-Park, which is supposed to celebrate all things K-pop and will feature interactive experiences with K-pop artists Sunmi and Stray Kids.
  14. Is Rihanna's Fenty line decently safe for the skin? I almost never wear makeup evarrrrrrrrrrr, but I absolutely love her colors and NEED THEM IN MY LIFE (lipstick/eyeshadow). Since I typically avoid most makeup I have no idea what's good/isn't good so...just a question for the future since you brought it up! 😄
  15. I'm probably the only person in the entire world who absolutely hates the idea of building a PC from scratch (even though I mostly know how). It's probably the last thing I'd ever find myself doing despite being wholly computer literate. I just hate that kind of thing. That said, there are places to get help with purchasing a premade if you're at all not comfortable with doing it yourself. I made use of the r/SuggestAPC subreddit and its dedicated Discord channel for months and it was such an invaluable resource. Lots of very knowledgeable tech-minded people in there who do build their own PCs to help people like me who absolutely hate the idea of doing it. With their help, I managed to secure a brand new solid prebuilt for $999 at midnight on Black Friday 2020. We were all up scouring sales together when that one dropped out of nowhere and several of us managed to get in orders before they sold out. It came with a 3070 GPU and 16GB RAM at a time when GPUs were still priced on par with beachfront homes, so it was an absolute steal. If you're really not wanting to build one of your own, I'd highly recommend joining that Discord channel or subreddit and checking out their recommendations. I believe there's a laptop version, as well - r/SuggestALaptop, but I'd personally recommend a desktop myself. Just easier to get in there and swap/add parts if something fails down the road (that I will do).
  16. Very true. My brother is married to a woman from Trinidad and they live here, but one day when their kids were still super young he said $@#! it and moved his wife and kids to Trinidad. They stayed as long as they could - up until the kids were in grade school, but he ran into visa problems eventually too, even with the whole family there! So now they're back here and he's been miserable for yearrrrrrrs, much like me LOL. It IS doable - but you really need to be in certain fields. Medicine, IT, the sciences, military, teaching English, hospitality - those are the biggies. Outside of that, gooooooood luck. Peeve: Why didn't I go to med school?! Oh wait yeah, I'm squeamish as hell.
  17. Ooo that IS pretty! And yup, I never actually stopped considering. I managed to make it out of the country in 2002 - spent two years in the UK attending college, which is arguably the easiest way to do it. Unfortunately, my financial aid fell through halfway in (eep), soooo I started looking for full-time work before the student visa ran out. That's when I learned the very hard way that companies do not sponsor too easily and the visa process in many places tends to work the same way (company sponsors you, has to convince the gov that they absolutely neeeed you they can't find any local citizen to do what you alone can do, temp visa granted, etc., red tape red tape red tape). That was almost impossible in my original field at the time (graphic design). Came back to the US and decided to wait and try again in the future. Now that things are essentially um...not great, it's the perfect time to start looking again! I asked a good SL friend in Australia to adopt me yesterday and she said sure come on over, but the visa process there is essentially the same. I believe Panama has a deal with the US for an expedited smoother process, but I need to look into that more. Oh and yeah, I've absolutely considered Mexico, too. I don't think it's quite as easy either, but it's been a minute since I've checked, LOL. Another peeve: Seriously, why is moving abroad SO HARD?! And do not believe any of those digital nomad blog posts - it's even harder to work legally and gain a proper visa as a freelancer, short of starting an entire business (and putting locals on the payroll). I'm in NY, so I'm totally safe (for now). Still...
  18. I love this thread! But oh gosh, I don't even know how to approach this. My old pre-mesh days were filled with even more avatars than I've got now (when making them was a bit cheaper). I'd have to spam the entire thread to get all my fantasy looks in here, so I'll just stick with human ones, LOL. Lemme see... Ok so I'll start with my old original main that I first made in 2005. I have NO idea what years these old photos are from - somewhere in the 2006-2010 range I'd guess. One of Momo's human looks way back when in pre-mesh times: Momo now in 2022: And my now main, Aya: One of Aya's old pre-mesh human looks from who knows when...200something: Aya in 2020: Aya in 2021: A few different current Aya looks: And finally, old Aya didn't have a pre-mesh male look (shame!!!!!!!!), but the evolution of him now is as follows: 2020 (in V-Tech and Catwa Freya): 2021 to present (upgraded to Legacy and Lelutka): And thanks to Lel's last sale, a second guy recently joined the crew:
  19. Peek at my screenshot above - there's a little avatar on the bottom left with the lines near the neck - try clicking on that. I *think* that's where you can freeze the whole head/neck movement. If not, there should be something else in the animation HUD that'll do it. Lemme know if that doesn't work and I'll peek again.
  20. Yup, I do a lot of mixing and matching sometimes. 7 Deadly used to be my absolute favorite for the all-in-one skin layout alone, but their darker tones don't work for me. I found myself sticking to the midtones, and eventually I gave in and bought a different skin from another store. But man do they give away a TON of free skins! I must have hundreds in that folder. 😂
  21. Yep, I do that too, sometimes. I even started making myself "brand templates" where I plugged in my body numbers and worked off a random head in that brand's line (Freya for Catwa, Lilly and Alain for Lel, the Strong gift for Genus, some random gift head I got ages back for AK), and then as I acquire more heads in that line, that gives me yet another easy starting point with my body already sorted. But it really, reallllyyy depends. Sometimes the skin's own shape is a better launch point (I've found this with Moccino definitely). Sometimes a head's included shape. It's never quite the same process for me!
  22. I'd never personally purchase a shape or use included ones as-is as I find they're all kind of terrible to be honest. I am super super super picky and make all of mine myself. But, the OP mentioned she wanted the exact look she found in that skin ad, and that would most likely be the easiest to achieve by starting with the skin's own included shape, IF they included one, and customizing from there.
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