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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I always break these damn things. Paris Hilton? Sure, Jan. I suppose that's better than the male results for the same photo, where the thing yeeted me into a lineup including Tupac and Marilyn Manson. Props for recognizing the contacts and makeup, I suppose. Goofy generators aside, do I *actually* look like anyone famous? Doubt it. My pink avatar is loosely styled like Marilyn Monroe, but that's about it.
  2. Get around this easily by wearing mesh nails rigged for Maitreya. I currently have my Lucybody alt in Ascendant, but she also fits everything else I've demo'd - RAWR, e.Marie, and Alme. StunnerOriginals may also fit - I can't remember if I tried those or not. I didn't try Veechi or Cazimi yet, either. But all of those stores are in weekend sales and/or have group gifts, if you're in them. Just demo first. The same applies for rings - not had any trouble fitting her into Maitreya-fit ring sets - yet.
  3. That looks like a Genus to me. Maybe Baby Face W002 as the nose and lip shape are somewhat similar, but demo them all and see. No idea about the skin, but you'd be looking for an SLUV skin in that case, so no Evo X.
  4. Girrrrrrrrrrl. 199L? Nu uh. I paid somewhere in the vicinity of 5L-10L for those nails/rings ages ago. I didn't even know they had a marketplace store, to be honest. I so rarely shop on the MP or even look at it, unless I need something that's no longer being sold in-world anymore. And unfortunately, because of fees, prices on the MP are usually higher and big, major discount sales aren't always applied to that stuff. Anyhoo, they had a sale a long time ago where everything was heavily discounted. That's when I found the nails/rings. The discount shoe outlet is still there and always priced at 19L or whatever it is, the last I checked. I'm probably the wrong one to be answering this as my method is "grab everything free/on sale and style a bunch of avatars with it later," but when trying to find a new head or body, just grab demos for everything you think you'd like and play with them extensively. Create original shapes, try different skins and outfits and makeup on them, etc. I don't have one actual me. I have...I dunno...a few dozen mes right now. Maitreya is the only female constant since it's the easiest for me to shop for, and Legacy Male is the only male constant as it's the easiest male body for me to shape (until CZ Slim gets more clothes, that is). Heads and skins, though? I change those daily. Or hourly. Sometimes minutely. For the OP, the decision shouldn't be too hard as the bodies aren't too similar. It's kind of a pain to decide between similar bodies, though, like Maitreya vs. Legacy vs. Gen X Classic. That's when the wardrobe is going to matter more.
  5. Well that explains why they're so cheap, then. They aged well, though. They don't look new or anything, but they don't seem as old as they are. I actually forgot they sold jewelry, too. That would explain why the rings are so nice, lol. Not sure if you're familiar with them, but I grabbed the Dhalia flower set and the Space set for super cheap. They're kinda cute!
  6. I've demo'd Pure Poison's clothes and they're not really my jam. I couldn't say what the normal price is, but even at 10-19L, I wouldn't be too interested in wearing them regardless. The shoes are super cute and I do own several pairs of those, but they aren't my preferred brand for shoes either. I do wish they made more nails and rings, though. Even though that's not their main focus, the two sets I have are awesome. The choice between Maitreya and Reborn is going to come down to someone's preferred body shape (skinny/slim/slender vs. curvy/voluptuous) combined with their preferred fashion style. If they find themselves wanting more variety and choice in terms of roleplay, vintage, sci-fi, fantasy, steampunk, cyberpunk, unisex outfits, goth, and body mods in the fantasy/sci-fi realm (limb replacements, mermaid/lamia/naga tails, etc.), Maitreya (and Legacy) is the most flexible option. If they intend to stay more realistic - preferring day wear, evening wear, casual, athletic, clubwear, etc. - Reborn is totally fine. Reborn is gaining more support in the sci-fi/fantasy realm as well, but it's slower and you may wander into a store and only find an outfit or mod or two, compared to Maitreya and Legacy, which damn near dominate the entire alternative fashion base. Oh is that what happened? I'm still in the group and it's free to join - I could've sworn it was pay to join to gain access to the Outlet. I honestly have no idea anymore, LOL. But it feels like those shoes have been there foreeeeeeeever!
  7. Pure Poison's been that cheap for a very, very long time. Their outlet has been selling dirt cheap shoes (what are they, 10L? 19L? Something like that) for as long as I can remember. I got some nails and ring sets there, too, for something silly like 10L. But it doesn't get much cheaper than 100% free, and that's how I got quite a lot of my Legacy and Reborn wardrobe. It's extremely rare for me to pay anything over 100L for clothing items (I typically pay 0L-75L unless there's something I absolutely love and neeeeeeed - otherwise I shop the weekend sales every week) and yet, I have almost as much Legacy in my inventory as I do Maitreya. Reborn is showing up in my free & bought items frequently, as well. And speaking of free, you can grab a few pairs of free Legacy, Kupra, Reborn, and Erika shoes at KC Couture (group gifts with free group join). And for outfits, don't underestimate the power of free store credit and gift cards combined with big yolo sales - sometimes given away in group notices and sometimes given away at events (Shop & Hop especially). I get lots of free clothes and shoes every few months because places like Addams, Blueberry, Vision, Bumblebee, and Tachinni can't stop giving things away (and they include all of the popular body sizes).
  8. Not really. I have tons of Legacy, quite a lot of Reborn and Kupra, and a teensy bit of Kalhene Erika in my inventory from buying 50-75L all-bodies-included items/outfits in FLF, Saturday Sale, Happy Weekend, and SoKawaiiSundays. Not to mention all of the free gowns in Reborn size that I got during Celestina's & Sofia's advent event (100% free - even the group join), free dresses and lingerie in Reborn and Kupra from Glitzz's advent calendar, and free outfits from Scandalize's advent event. A deep dive into the numerous free gift folders I have from events like seasonal Shop & Hops, Inithium, SLB, etc. turns up a bit more. And of course, a bunch of group gifts that include those sizes. I saved all of them, despite only buying for and wearing Maitreya. You never know when a body will have a dramatic drop in price or go free or something. Overall, Reborn is almost always included in FLF, Happy Weekend, and Saturday Sale. Gen X is slowly getting there in one form or another (Curvy, Classic, or both), but I don't have much of it in my inventory yet. Gen X seems to appear most in the Happy Weekend and Saturday Sale (60L-75L range). I haven't seen too much of it in FLF yet. If the OP is interested in Reborn over Maitreya, she'll have no problem. She could build a Reborn wardrobe for pretty cheap.
  9. Oh, I buy for human avatars without demos, too. My favorite costume maker doesn't do demos - it'd take her a ridiculous amount of time, and most of the outfits come with bits and pieces that would require so much work to make in a demo version - particles, functional parts that animate, have flowing water, a boatload of attachments, sometimes skins and hair included. Etc. I took a chance once and the quality blew me away. Did it again. And again. And again. I wouldn't hesitate grabbing anything of hers. But yes, that's definitely more common in the roleplay and furry realm. None of my furry skins had a demo, but the store looked adorable, so I bought them anyway. No regrets. I also run into it a lot when buying hair accessories for my frog (well, since she's got no hair, I buy her a lot of hats and headbands and things). Demos are pretty rare in that realm from what I've seen so far, but I've had absolutely no problems. Everything I've grabbed in different stores has been adorable and the quality has been stellar. Plus, they're usually mod, so I can fix any fitting issues that arise, since ya know, she's got a big ole head. 😄
  10. I break this rule constantly. Many furry, mermaid, and general fantasy BOM/applier mod kits don't have demos for varying reasons. And sometimes, things like hats, hair accessories, some jewelry. If a seller has a long history inside SL and the store is well-developed, I'll take a chance on the stuff, no problem. Some of my best items, skins, and outfits were the result of taking a chance on no demo. I wouldn't do this for every random creator, but some sellers - absolutely. And now I've got a list of places where I'll buy anything they put out, demo or not, no question. On the HUD issue, that is annoying, though I haven't encountered it too many times. I think hair is the only thing where I've seen confusion on a somewhat regular basis - can I change styles if I only buy the smaller color pack, etc. etc. But as I typically buy things on heavy discount, I really can't complain much if I pay 50L for the ombre pack and can't flip my part around. No biggie.
  11. Yup, I never even noticed the hands didn't have that. All of my AO animations are bento and they work great with Lucy. The only issue I've ever run into with Lucy is photography-related (which is why I stick with Lara for that). If you want to do any kind of applier-based special material effects (body shimmers, mermaid or dragon scales, snakeskin, sparkles, material tattoos, water effects, etc.), you're likely out of luck. You can do it with BOM, of course, and I've had some luck with object-based Maitreya-fit twinkling sparkles, but it's not going to glimmer and shine in the light like it would with Omega or Maitreya appliers. That's such a minor issue, though, and the majority of users won't really care about it unless they're photography dorks like me.
  12. Today's Saturday Sale has a bunch of outfits in Reborn size. Edit: Forgot the link. https://www.seraphimsl.com/2023/01/14/birds-of-a-feather-flock-to-the-saturday-sale/ Oh yeah, Happy Weekend, too.
  13. I see lots of Reborn in weekend sales. Really, the only place I don't see it much is in very specialized fantasy and costume stores.
  14. I don't wear that body, but I run across its clothing from time to time. In today's FLF sale, pretty sure all of the clothing in there fits Reborn: https://www.seraphimsl.com/2023/01/13/its-not-a-friday-without-fifty-linden-fridays/ Asteria: Cheezu: Erratic: Eternus, Ison, etc.
  15. It's going to come down to what type of clothing you want to wear first. And of course, the body shape you're going for. All kinds of styles and alt fashion, including fantasy/sci-fi - Maitreya will be far easier to shop for. If you're more interested in the casual, clubwear, semi-formal, athletic/sporty side - Reborn's great, too. Reborn is slowly getting picked up more in the alt fashion and fantasy realm, also, but it's not quite everywhere yet.
  16. Don't feel bad. I had no idea we had those, either. Also, took me years to learn what a toe cap is and find out that Maitreya has that whole BOM Hud.
  17. Mmm, yes and no. There are absolutely some avatars (and names/group titles) that make me roll my eyes way up into the sun and I do my best to avoid them. I can do without that kind of diversity. 😄
  18. I'm in a different minority than you, but I can relate to this. This is a big mood. The best advice I can give - people are often pretty clumsy - even when trying to show their appreciation for things - so try not to analyze behavior too hard, unless something REALLY hits you like "damn, that's over the line!" Pixie's post lays out the differences really, really well. Are they mocking you, perpetuating harmful stereotypes, trying to get a reaction, being a jerk? Then that's when it's a good time to roll your eyes and walk away (I don't bother with engaging - it's just not worth it).
  19. If you ever watch old movies, you'll encounter it a lot. It's jarring, to say the least. I was thoroughly enjoying watching a film from the 60s on TCM one night and it caught me completely off-guard. It's not just the makeup, but my goodness, the acting. Big yikes. It's still a thing that happens today, but they've toned it down considerably (at least, from what I've personally seen). But I absolutely agree with you - I don't think that's at all what's going on in the original photo, thankfully!
  20. I do wonder if that happens to be regional. I'm not sure where she's from, but I've noticed you'll very rarely, if at all, hear that term used in my location (might get you knocked right out, even, or worse), but I have heard it more commonly from people located elsewhere. Not saying it's right or wrong or whatever - but sometimes words fall out of use in one area a bit faster than others.
  21. I understand where you're coming from now, and I agree with Lewis above on that point. I'm not fond of that title at all either, and that's honestly the thing that would make me avoid the content to begin with. Photoshopping features, well, you could have a healthy debate about how appropriate that is. But the title - nah, I'm good.
  22. Admittedly, I didn't click through the photo to Flickr, so I missed the...interesting title and the Photoshopped bit. Yeah no, I wouldn't ever do that or follow someone who did, but I'm not sure how common that is in the first place.
  23. You're going to get a wide variety of answers on this. As for my answer, I generally avoid the issue altogether and stick to my own race (except early in my SL history, when that was difficult to do because darker skins absolutely sucked and I had to wear a few tones lighter - nowadays, I'm fortunate to have a lot of choice in my actual skin tone). Though to be fair, I currently spend about 98% of my time as a fantasy creature or something else, and do whatever the heck I want with that (usually, I'm pink or green or orange or purple or something). As for what others do, I rarely think about it because who knows who's behind the screen. Though, I can usually tell when someone's trying to cosplay as my race, but I'll just silently laugh and keep it moving. Not my business.
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