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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. It's always nice to make a new friend!!!
  2. Influenced by Xlunae's motion blur pic.
  3. Influenced by Xlunae's motion blur pic.
  4. My highlights are blown, but it was from a pic I took on the fly, as usual, of a friend with a friend. It's cropped, so only she is in the pic now. No chance to adjust lighting.
  5. I like the hair too!!! It looks like SL hair to me, but I could be wrong.
  6. I love this!!! Did you do a motion blur in photoshop to get the background effect, and then erase (or mask) in the center around your AV (with multiple layers)?
  7. I'm not RL sad. I just liked the melancholy look of the pic.
  8. I call this pic "Death", because she likes to die over and over. I don't understand that, but I don't need to.
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