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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. I would give your pic a "like", but it's serious. We pray that people don't get hurt!!!
  2. This one is off topic. I can no longer see anyone's status, or how many likes any of us have here. Did I accidentally change a setting?
  3. I think it works better cropped.
  4. Nope, I was never there with them....LOL. I would have been, but the shot wouldn't be the same!!!
  5. Not my AV, but I was sitting with them.
  6. Thanks!!! I really appreciate you saying that!!! Most of my art is a photojournal. It's what was happening at the time. So there are a lot of memories and emotions involved.
  7. Quietly whispering to Nal....I sent you the LM....
  8. I'm with an old friend, as it happens, now!!!
  9. Alone and cold, but facing it head on!!!!
  10. Exhibit? What Exhibit? Seriously though, everyone please come and see!!! It IS a sensuality exhibit, so be prepared for that. And I was surprised my EX wasn't exhibiting
  11. I've seen some animated artwork in the past. I'm not sure if the artist was applying a media texture, or if it was a script. Using a media texture, I always get the background around my video, or controls. And an animated GIF is too low resolution. Does anyone have any experience with this?
  12. I just had to jump on stage and play. I do RL. And she sings RL.
  13. You are definitely correct. I own a club with my present partner on our Island. A Lady has to show initiative. Dancing and Escorting require that in and of itself. It's a commitment, and a way of life.
  14. With a very dear friend from my early days as Pearl. One person here has met her on the Island.
  15. It seems to be happening a lot. I've had the same issue. and others have as well from what I've seen.
  16. Personally, i don't think there is anything wrong with discussing the concepts here. It can lead to further reading elsewhere.
  17. The biggest problem is that anyone who could actually be telepathic would never admit it. The dangers in that admission would be tremendous. That makes it difficult to asses on a western scientific basis.
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