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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. What hair do you have? I'm curious what it would look like with my "Toy" AV.
  2. Yes, but do remember the scene in "Raiders of the Lost Ark", where Indiana Jones faces the guy twirling the sword? To risk sounding like the late Stan Lee, "Nuff said".
  3. I like sex and portrayed violence. The look of a dangerous woman holding a gun. In the same way most people who go and see a movie do. I don't like or dislike them. They are simply tools in my opinion. In cinema and photography guns provide a psychological impact. I had no Idea what H&k referred to until I looked it up.
  4. I took these pics a short while ago. I found them interesting because it looks like an interaction between a couple, and combined with the second one, some form of resolution to something. Perhaps an argument. That wasn't actually the case. We were spending some time with Permaruthed at the Winter Art Exhibit, and enjoying ourselves. Interesting how deceiving some pics can be. Both SL and RL.
  5. With my friend Xandra, who was kind enough to gift me this Bizon. She is definitely not someone to fool with!!!
  6. Incredible as usual. I'm jealous. But that just means I have to try harder, and learn more!!!
  7. Honestly, I love the pics you create!!! They have a subtlety to them I find, that I can't explain.
  8. Experimenting with a pic taken with my third account. I signed it as "Toy", because that is her display name. As usual, it's not posed.
  9. Now where have I seen this before, LOL???
  10. I had to make a Christmas Card as Sandor also. Some of my friends prefer me to be Sandor when I'm with them. I'm going to have to sign my other card as Swallow for those that prefer me in that AV!!!
  11. I missed the caption. Now I understand. But I still want a shot of that Palinka!!!
  12. Ice cream??? I need a strong shot of Hungarian Palinka!!!
  13. I like the overall look and feel of this pic, considering It's raw except for cropping. I don't like that the cuffs are too thick. I didn't want to turn off my RLV and temporarily remove them. But it's an "as it happens" pic, as is my style.
  14. LOL, it's not a RL tattoo, so I can change it. And you can give me your opinion on others when we're inworld together!!!
  15. I've been on a bit of a mission for one of my friends to try and see how good an AV can look if it's all from free things. I was a bit surprised at how good of an AV look is possible. Genus has a free head. The Lucy body is decent, and is compatible with Maitreya clothes. The Free Dove has a lot of nice things. I came up with this AV. The collar is the only part that isn't free.
  16. At one show, Townshend and Entwistle decided to spontaneously stop playing to hear Moon's drum solo. Moon stopped too, shouting "Drum solos are boring!" I totally agree with Keith Moon's take on this. I've never played a solo, and I wouldn't have wanted to, in the days I played with a band. Drums are to support and complement the other instruments. And the music as a whole Not to be a lead instrument. IMHO anyways.
  17. I never could learn to play guitar. I couldn't finger the cords properly. So I stuck with with the drums. I've had the same set of Tamas for Lord knows how many years!!!
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