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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. And I went through the trouble of making my partner a card, and getting her roses? I should have just got her wine!!!
  2. i've never purposely trolled, but somehow I did just fine here in the forums by accident!!!
  3. I didn't fully understand where you were going with what you said. Now that you clarified, I agree with you.
  4. No I haven't seen it. Sounds like I wouldn't want to!!! I want nothing to do with people like that!!! I guess I've been lucky. I haven't met any trolls inworld lol!!!
  5. i would love to see it, so i could understand what you mean.
  6. I honestly haven't experienced the "uncanny valley" here. Not like in "Polar Express". To me, it doesn't go as far into realism. It never took me long to get used to a new mesh head, because I liked it more than the previous one. I haven't been weirded out by anyone else's AV either. Personally , I can't stand stylized AV's, so I would never try any platform that offers that. I like taking pics, and that certainly isn't conducive to that. Or anything sexual.
  7. Harassment and griefing don't always have to be relayed to cultural and social attitudes.The person can simply enjoy doing that to "p*ss people off". And the "recipient" can be be either male of female. Some enjoy creating problems on sims. Like I have experienced from a second ex (no one knows her here).
  8. If that's what our AV's would like, I certainly don't want any part of it. I like the semi realism we can achieve in SL.
  9. Honestly, I don't understand why sex is an issue. SL is setup so we have the choice.
  10. I was just going to say, you two weren't dressed like that when I got there. But then I read your caption!!!
  11. I always love your pics. You can safely assume that If I don't give one a like, it's because I missed it!!!
  12. Anyone who comes though with an AV that looks underage will be immediately ejected and banned. My Island is not Disneyland.
  13. I don't prevent anyone from coming to the Island based on AV age.
  14. I never ran into that when I first started. But if that's the case, I agree. Whether a person wants to be a part of the "Adult" scene or not, it would be a good meeting ground.
  15. Yes, they are bad for your health. I don't argue that. It's a personal decision to wear them or not, and for how long.
  16. Caitlin at Ayeleeon and Lintel's wedding
  17. Caitlin at Ayeleeon and Lintel's wedding
  18. True. I do know some ladies who don't have that issue for a lot longer though.
  19. Caitlin and I at the wedding. We both wish them all the best!!!
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