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Everything posted by Modulated

  1. Maybe not a good reason to you, but those are the rules, full stop. If someone is paying for land in SL they can disallow anyone they choose for whatever reason they choose. Ya know, kinda like your home in RL..lol
  2. Also minor one this morning near Caruthersville TN...alotta activity today! Just wanted to add that minor ones in the New Madrid line are normal-ish, what worries me if this thing wakes up fully..One of the worst quakes in U.S. history happened along this fault waaaaaaaaaaaay back when.
  3. If I had to wager, it's Amara Beauty, it looks like one of their skins to me.
  4. It's nice she's soaking up the spilled gas..lol
  5. Have to agree, Jake doesn't cost much and there is a ton of stuff for it, even if it went away and it's a decent body.
  6. There was that nearly week long issue where you couldn't log in because the asset server swallowed its tongue. 2008ish or so....It was a big deal because really in my mind that was the golden era of SL and people went cray cray.
  7. The gist, easier content creation has created competition (which you don't seem to like) and a whole lot of choice for consumers, are you anti-consumer? Sure seems like it. You either compete with your product or you don't , that is all there is to it. The part that is really glaring for me is the opinion parading as insight, do us all a favor and just stop. Thank you.
  8. How much of your profit are you giving to someone else? Thought so, zero.
  9. Why wouldn't they ? This is beyond......................
  10. And in return you get access to their customer base for your potential profit, big or small, and that is fair.
  11. I'm looking to the future too, and to keep my bank account at a level I want and am comfortable with, SL does not factor into it at all for dependency on income. You gotta have some hustle or you're not gonna make it.
  12. You are still not an employee while making and selling as a resident. They have bills to pay and a bottom line , they let you use the platform for arguably very little to sell goods and services. Just because it doesn't operate the way you think it should and you're not pulling down the money you think you're entitled to does not mean something is wrong here. I have seen no documentation that says they are a charity, if you have please show me.
  13. No _one_who_makes_stuff_as_a_resident_is_employed_by_LL. Do you not get that? They owe you zilch, nada. You know how it works and choose to make stuff here and sell it ANYWAY. Cry me a river already, jesus.
  14. Sure just detour the topic at hand with this stuff....I can't say what I want to say because I will get in trouble lol. But this gif says it all.
  15. This argument makes no sense. You are CHOOSING this , no one is forcing you to do any of that, and it's not necessity either-it's a choice. Choose something else that pays better.
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