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Dafadilia Wayfarer

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Everything posted by Dafadilia Wayfarer

  1. I met my rl partner in SL, but we took our time building our relationship here before even considering meeting in rl. We have been together since 2019 in sl and June 2021 in rl. Our relationship is stronger than ever. My sl sister and bestfriend who I met thirteen years ago is also my rl bestfriend. So I've been fortunate in that regard. Now my rl ex who was in sl with me decided to stalk me for the longest time after our divorce not only in rl, but in sl. RL stalking stopped after he moved. I had to stop using three accounts, start over in sl once again, stop helping to run my sl sister's rental sim and for the longest time avoid that beloved sim altogether. He kept making alt accounts faster than they could be banned, etc. It was creepy. Sis and I meet at my house in sl now. Things have finally calmed down for the past three years or so thankfully.
  2. Peeve: Cyst infections, needing to go to the A&E late at night and having to be on antibiotics...oh and CFS already making my energy non existent most of the time, but the infection adding to it where I'm just laying here exhausted. Fun times. Cheers. ❤️
  3. So I recently just had to purchase tons of items at the SL Renaissance Festival for my kittycats. Including thrones for them of course! So now I have kitten royalty roaming around my Bellisseria boathouses. It is quite intimidating and adorable all at the same time so had to show off their pretty little hennins. Oh and not to forget the royal thrones! 🥰
  4. I love Halloween. I always decorate hubby's and my house in SL. I also attend a few dances that are costume themed as well as attend my normal lectures and ritual I go to every year.
  5. Much of my self care for a long time took place in SL. It still does at times when rl won't allow me to do my gardening, walks, etc and I'm stuck in bed. My husband will login and we will spend time together in sl when I can't walk in rl. I'll spend time with my sisters, daughter and cats here in sl. Taking photos and sailing. I consider that self care. I've been part of the same spiritual community since 2009. We have weekly events I rarely can attend these days, but I always attend holiday rituals. It helps ground me in real life to reconnect with people I've known for years in SL who share common spiritual beliefs. I consider that self care that is balanced by the self care I do in rl. I've never been comfortable with support groups in sl. They just aren't for me. If they help others, than that's great. If they get help from that type of sl group, I'm happy for them. I would just suggest being very careful what you share and who you trust to share with in sl just as in rl. My therapist in rl is who I go to for my mental well-being. My mental health is too complicated for a support group even in rl. As I always point out, that's just me though. Whatever works for the individual person.
  6. My daughter Verity trying out her new slide...
  7. I've always believed SL is what a person makes of it. You build your existence here. Finding fault in every little thing isn't going make things enjoyable. Quite the opposite I would imagine. We don't always get everything we want. It is part of reality. Nothing is going to be perfect which is comepletely okay. I think SL has improved in many ways over the years. I think it is an awesome place to spend time.
  8. 1. I can do things in SL that I cannot do in RL like be an elf. 2. LL has many nice people who work for them.
  9. We are actually researching it at the moment. From what we can see yes, but a lot more expensive. There may not be a choice though if this keeps happening. The sad thing is we've been patrons of this particular shop since moving into our bungalow over two years ago. They've always been really great. Never had issues before this. The person who normally delivers to us is always on time and pleasant. They have learned that I'm deaf over the last few years and have even learned to sign to me in greeting. Always would tip them well and not sure if they've quit or what. Oh well! 🤷‍♀️
  10. Peeve: When my groceries I ordered to be delivered between 10-12 comes before 8 a.m. Luckily, I was up and around cleaning the house while my husband was still sleeping. Light flashes alerting of the doorbell, and the first thing that is said to me quite rudely, "Yes, I'm delivering it early again." ..... I'm confused at this point so just answered okay before grabbing the bags and shutting the door. Later hubby tells me that the same delivery person was early the last time we ordered groceries when he answered the door. He actually reported them to the shop because again this was almost two hours early. We were lucky that we were home both times they did this. My take is someone must have been feeling a tad guilty to react on the defensive before I even had the chance to speak. No idea, but very annoying. Great way to start the morning. 🙄
  11. Apparently we are all vampires here on the forums. 🤷‍♀️
  12. I'm not even going to respond to the strange accusations of everyone in the forums being a vampire. Just yea... People have been offering you advice throughout the thread. They may have expressed they feel there is an overreaction and suggesting to take a step back, but there was still sound advice. All of it. You not getting the exact response or answer you want doesn't mean people are mocking or being mean. It just means you're not getting the exact feedback you want to get. Respect goes both ways. You cannot expect to receive what you've failed to give. That is simply my perception of course.
  13. Back in 2009 when I first joined second life, I had someone ask to bite me from bloodline. They explained what it was. I let them because it wasn't a big deal to me. I had no interest in the whole vampire thing after that and forgot about it. Years later I had another from bloodlines approach me asking permission to bite since I was on their list. I did the whole garlic necklace thing since it really held no appeal to me. Not once did I ever feel I was being stalked. I just found it more of a nuisance that I easily fixed after doing some research. Everyone here has offered advice and solutions to your issue. You're right. You do have a right to feel how you will feel about your situation. Perhaps remember that others also have a right to have a differing opinion than yours, feel differently than you do and respond to your post on a public forum. It doesn't make people stalking vampires intent on seeking you out. It just means they have a differing outlook than your own and are attempting to help give you solutions. Even perhaps to move past your experience and empower yourself by listening to the suggestions provided. It is always nice to remember respect goes both ways. Try contacting the creator of the progeny hud to see if they will remove your name from their database. That has been a great suggestion given in this thread. Also the old block option as well a great suggestion. Stepping away for awhile to also gather your thoughts yet another great suggestion. People really are trying to help you here so please realize that. Differring opinions doesn't mean not offering help. It just means we all think and react differently. I really hope you can find a way to empower yourself so you're not so upset in future. Take care. Edited to add: I do realize that the suggestions here may not be what you wish to hear. Stepping away from a situation to breathe for awhile when we are upset is some of the best unwanted advice at times though. It helps us come back with a more clear view of a situation that may be skewed when we are upset. Generalized you by the way.
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