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Dafadilia Wayfarer

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Everything posted by Dafadilia Wayfarer

  1. The forums are the first place I go to when my hubby or I have a question regarding anything in SL. Upcoming changes and events, advice on an issue we are having with a particular part of our avatars. Anything. I know I can find the answer here. I never even had to post the question to find the answer to it. These forums are a font of invaluable information when it comes to SL. I mostly read as of late and post very little. When I do post it is to share photos in the avatar photo threads or even the Bellisseria threads at times. I really love sharing my photos on the forums because the people have such passion for photography and their photos in SL that is often greatly lacking in places like Flickr. It is more of a feeling of camraderie than the strange popularity contests that take place on Flickr. At least that is my take on it. I don't really know the people here on the forums although I've been part of the community for a long time. On three different avatars in the span of years I've lurked and taken part. There are also topics that I enjoy reading through to see the feedback given. I will only post these days when I actually feel I can contribute something of interest.
  2. I feel so silly because I will admit something. I never thought of it in this perspective and you're right. I even had posts disappear of mine after these new rules came about. My posts have never been controversial. I've always been extremely careful of that, but you are right. It is one of the reasons I began to take long breaks from the forums. My memory isn't great at the moment. I just...forgot. 😑
  3. I've never really considered any forum regulars rude, mean, etc. Whatever way one wishes to word it. They are blunt, they have differing views at times and aren't afraid to state those views. That isn't' being rude or mean. It just seems that people have forgotten that people aren't always going to agree with them and that's perfectly okay. It is okay to express differing views and to discuss them without either party completely shutting down. At least that is how it should be. I'm a sensitive person. Very sensitive. The great thing about this community is we all have freedom of choice to partake or not. I stick to threads that hold my interest and take part where I feel comfortable to do so. When I find myself getting a bit too emotionally invested in these forums, I take a break from them. It happens. Of course it is your choice whether you leave or not, but the forums are still a huge source of valuable information so perhaps use it as the tool it is meant to be. You don't have to take part in the forums if you are uncomfortable, but it would be a shame to throw away an entire site of information that actually helps more than it hinders. Most of the regulars here offer so much help to others and one another. I've gotten tons of help here over the years I've been part of this community. I guess I just see things differently. Of course there have been a few bad apples in the bunch over the years, but I find they are very few and far between. You don't have to be bestfriends with us in the forum community to use the forums for your benefit. Just saying. I wish you well.
  4. I apologize ahead of time if I'm sharing too much. This is just becoming an interesting project I get happy to share progress on since it has become my mission to make this girl at the least cute...🤣 On a serious note, I will admit that one of the reasons I've become rather fond of this new alt is the fact she isn't perfect. I like that she has imperfections and room for improvement. I think it makes her unique here in sl. Today I started working on the shape again to get it close to my other avis. She is wearing a system swimsuit I got off the marketplace. Day by day, little by little, she seems to be improving. So far, I think she is living her "best second life" I will end here by adding that I have been enjoying seeing how others have made their Senra avis look.
  5. This is my new alt after starting to reshape the face. Her skin is from Reed Skins. I first tried the genus head BOM skin and although it was a slight improvement, I didn't like it. It really blurred the detail of the nose and mouth. So I went back today and tried the Catwa option in the same skin tone. It worked so much better. I'm starting to really like this new alt at this point. I really wish that I could find some BOM lashes that didn't look hideous on her, but this at least is a positive start from where she was yesterday! I just wished to add that the bom skins from Reed align with the hands and feet perfectly so no need for the skin fix.
  6. At this point I'm not sure what I think about them. The first photo was my newly rezzed alt and the second is after working with the shape, getting a different skin and hair, etc. I don't know if I made her worse or better. I've not even worked on the head shape yet, just the body. I just finally logged out after wanting to cry in frustration. I will come back to this new project of mine after I've had a few days to breathe. 🤣 I will say this though. I have been blogging about fashion in SL for over ten years and I love it. I love putting low cost avis together and walking through the details of what I find to readers who may find it helpful. I can't even begin to imagine how these will be for new users. I'm hoping that I can do something with my new little alt here because this this is the kind of project I enjoy. I would like to incorporate the Jamie and Blake body both in my blog in future. I'm just not certain if these avatars are going to be appealing to new comers giving them incentive to stay beyond a few days. They aren't exactly bad from my perspective, but there is definately room for improvement. I know they are in beta so I'm really trying to keep that fact in mind. Plus, they need elf ears! Just saying!
  7. A few of my earlier photos to where I started SL as a red head and finally went to my natural rl blonde.
  8. Wasabi has a hair called Hanami that may work. If not, they also have other hairstyles that adjust to look like a falling effect.
  9. I'm glad there are so many who are finding enjoyment in the new ranch theme. It is well done and the areas are pretty. Sadly, it is just not the style my husband and I were hoping for so we will be staying in our houseboats.
  10. I'm truly sorry you're experiencing the pain of losing a dear friend. It's never easy. I've experienced this type of loss a few times. About 9 years ago one of my closest SL friends passed away quite suddenly in rl. One month before she would of been making a trip to come for a visit. We had been friends since I joined SL in 2009. It hit me extremely hard. I also felt guilt because my beautiful friend had asked me several times to dance and I had declined each time due to extreme shyness and anxiety around others. I didn't dance with anyone in those days and she always said she understood. That she was never hurt by me saying no. I regretted that decision though. After her passing I created a private ballroom in my home. I put out different types of dances. A plaque with her SL name was put up in the ballroom. I found myself every now and again hopping onto a dance just waiting as I watched my avatar move hoping perhaps she would come join me in spirit for the dance. This is the way I grieved and honored her. I did this for several years. It may sound completely bonkers to some and that is completely okay. How I grieved was okay too because that is what I needed to do at the time to remember my dear friend. I had so many great moments with my friend that I will always cherish. I hope you find ways in which to honor and remember your friend. Ways that bring you comfort and joy in moments of pain.
  11. Enjoying a Saturday afternoon out on the water.
  12. Hubby and I hanging out at the public pool this afternoon in Hartnell near our very first home in Belli. Decided to take a stroll down memory lane a bit today together.
  13. Thank you! You're so sweet to say. I did have to reset the skeleton to get rid of the strange face too. 🤣
  14. Hubby and I went to have a quick look around and absolutely fell in love with the area. Well done Moles and Lindens!
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