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Dafadilia Wayfarer

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Everything posted by Dafadilia Wayfarer

  1. I was talking about the water texture and surroundings seems like something Van Gogh would of enjoyed capturing. I always thought it was Manet and Monet who both did water lily paintings? Well, the background is still absolutely beautiful no matter.
  2. The background reminds me of a scene that Van Gogh would love to capture.
  3. Trick or Treating with the family around Belli before wrapping up our day here. Wishing everyone a wonderful evening.
  4. I'm on the second book of The Witcher series, The Witcher: Sword of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski. So far the series has been interesting and well written.
  5. Just wanting to wish everyone a Happy Halloween or Blessed Samhain ahead if you celebrate it. If not, please have a wonderful day! Needing to get this in early because it is going to be a hectic time. Take care everyone!
  6. I don't mind giving people information about my outfits, shoes, hair, etc. If they ask nicely, I even will provide a landmark where they can get the item or items. If it still available. There have been times I've been asked about my shape. LIke many others it is my own personal shape I created to my specifications so that is just a plain no to anyone who asks.
  7. Getting ready to go to the shop n hop with my husband at 2 a.m. cause we can't sleep. 😊
  8. Baby girl and I hanging out at home in Belli...
  9. I met my rl partner in SL, but we took our time building our relationship here before even considering meeting in rl. We have been together since 2019 in sl and June 2021 in rl. Our relationship is stronger than ever. My sl sister and bestfriend who I met thirteen years ago is also my rl bestfriend. So I've been fortunate in that regard. Now my rl ex who was in sl with me decided to stalk me for the longest time after our divorce not only in rl, but in sl. RL stalking stopped after he moved. I had to stop using three accounts, start over in sl once again, stop helping to run my sl sister's rental sim and for the longest time avoid that beloved sim altogether. He kept making alt accounts faster than they could be banned, etc. It was creepy. Sis and I meet at my house in sl now. Things have finally calmed down for the past three years or so thankfully.
  10. Peeve: Cyst infections, needing to go to the A&E late at night and having to be on antibiotics...oh and CFS already making my energy non existent most of the time, but the infection adding to it where I'm just laying here exhausted. Fun times. Cheers. ❤️
  11. So I recently just had to purchase tons of items at the SL Renaissance Festival for my kittycats. Including thrones for them of course! So now I have kitten royalty roaming around my Bellisseria boathouses. It is quite intimidating and adorable all at the same time so had to show off their pretty little hennins. Oh and not to forget the royal thrones! 🥰
  12. I love Halloween. I always decorate hubby's and my house in SL. I also attend a few dances that are costume themed as well as attend my normal lectures and ritual I go to every year.
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