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  1. Thank you so much , it was hard to find them on my end.
  2. This will be quite the intimate topic. “Butt” I am really looking for some guidance since there are a lot of talented scriptures out there. So I am trying to make me and my wife our own “slapper”. I am looking for the script that would be in a slapper/rubber where If I drag my mouse on the butt, I will be able to move that it around (rub it). Can someone educate me on the anatomy of making this.
  3. Hello, I wanted to reach out and ask. What or where would be the best place to gain full knowledge and understanding of LSL. I want to be able to master it and I know it may take a long time to do so. Any suggestions, books, videos to look for?
  4. Thank you so much for that info and the band-aid as well dude! Take care
  5. For about a month now, I've been dealing with my firestorm viewer resetting all my settings. This has to be about the 6th time this has happened. After logging back in: -RLV is disable -Tool Buttons Reset -My Interface fully resets to the default setting Firestorm has been a real bummer. Can anyone help me with this problem or give me a better alternative viewer?
  6. I think I'm almost done with this project. I'm trying to see if there is a way I can have an animesh avatar shoot projectiles at me and my customers. Is there something on marketplace or a script I can plug into it. I was able to configure damage. Now I'm trying to get them to throw the damage as a projectile.
  7. In other words, I have a spider, its a single prim, no extra linksets. I'm trying to do a single prim alpha animation with its legs, to make it appear like its walking? If that makes sense? like old school breedables. Cant seem to figure it out, any suggestions?
  8. I have a spider that is single prim, I'm trying to make it appear that it is walking and having trouble with the Animated Textures. Firestorm-Releasex64 - Gloverflo (gyazo.com) Here is what we have so far.
  9. Thank you so much for helping! Are you available for hire? @Quistess Alpha
  10. Me and my wife are looking for some help with scripting. We are looking for a script that we can be drop inside a prim giving that prim the ability to be dealt damage once hit/touched. Example: An avatar holding a baseball bat that can give physical damage to a prim. Once prim is hit, the prim is disappears.
  11. I can't see it, other residents can't see it. I'm thinking it could need a restart from the linden staff, but I wanted to know if any other residents who've been here longer know anything about this issue.
  12. What does it mean when you can not see a parcel at all?
  13. Has anybody seen this house. I am looking for a friend and she won't stop until she finds it. https://gyazo.com/1972849d74c67b8c1ea015f2279f7a36
  14. Where to please, I'm new to blog post. PS- Thanks for the comment
  15. Ohana Farms is a beYou farmer’s market and community that gives beYou residents amazing experiences, events, and services while maintaining the value of family. But this Halloween, things have been very Strange at Ohana. They are now in Hawkins, Indiana! Blood-thirsty Demogorgons have engulfed Ohana and opened a gate to The Upside Down. Come visit to collect some Limited Edition Stranger Things Gachas, shop at the vintage Starcourt Mall from Season Three, or Experience The Upsidedown Escape Room and win a FREE GIFT ....if you survive! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Resol/38/77/1301
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