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Milk Pixelmaid

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Everything posted by Milk Pixelmaid

  1. I’m a snob enough to not want to live in a clone stamped area. I liked that each region in Bellisseria was unique enough where you could guess which region a home is on, based on the surroundings. I would love a houseboat connected to land, near homes and community areas. It is a bit overwhelming around the HB pickle area because if all looks the same.
  2. Wow! Some prime waterfront land just got blocked by houseboats now.. same for the HBs, their perfect water view ruined by houses being so close by. How low of a draw distance does LL want us to use in SL? When I have it set at 72m, most of my neighbors roofs disappears.
  3. Great view! Looks just like a seaside village.. wish I were home!
  4. Last time, I’m not even sure the winner(s) knew what they were bidding on, so LL got creative.
  5. I looked on the Expo website and it didn’t say a time limit, so I assume you can keep it forever. The 6 months is extra premium added to your account. It also does not say that you can’t already own a Linden Home, so I’ll assume winner gets TWO, if they had any before the auction. Is there any info on this inworld?
  6. What you see now is a showcase sim, so the real live release will have loads more home and not as spaced out. I think 20 homes to a sim is quite a lot
  7. Thank you for the pics! They look huge, not very cute. They look just like the add-ons all of the residents have added to their current homes. They do look too large for 1024 plots. I’m definitely not as interested now.
  8. Yesterday there was a Linden Reveal region above the expo ones. Is it still there?
  9. It’s the exact same process, but due to limited inventory at the moment, it can be a process of limited success haha! Your best bet to get on Bellisseria right now is to read this forum and try the auto-refresh method. Or wait until December 5th, after the 4th new theme is revealed, there should be plenty of houses available.
  10. Have you ever had a Linden Home before? Try to claim a style that shows up on the land page right now to see the process. You can abandon right away (up to 5 abandons in a 24hr period). Trying this will give you an idea of how to get a home and understand the random process.
  11. Unless you see an actual rental box, this is a wild assumption. Many many people have land in land group because they have a lot of friends or alts, or just a habit to keep all land in one group. I’m sure someone somewhere is enough to rent but we don’t want to have innocent people AR’d because their group happened to sound like a land group.
  12. I can’t believe people are giving up this beautiful unblockable waterfront hb with sand!! That’s super rare and beautiful. who cares about the neighbor! Just look out at your ocean.
  13. This is so relatable! I hate hedges with a passion, that’s why I wanted a houseboat. Something about the hedges really freaks me out when they’re rezzing, like giant gray boxes.
  14. I wanted a boat but now that there may be Victorians? I want that even more.
  15. That is an awesome name! If I were in the market for a house, I would get that and do a fairytale cottage. I do wish it were houseboats after 3pm SLT LOL!
  16. It would be great if you abandon a plot, your avatar can’t get it back for one month.
  17. No way of knowing, but does it matter if it’s an abandon or a new release? An awesome spot is an awesome spot...
  18. Most companies remain closed on the Friday after thanksgiving so staff can travel, rest, etc. I wouldn’t expect some poor LL soul to release virtual homes even though it’s the only day I’m off work! Everyone deserves the day off.
  19. Unrelated, but what type of computer are you running? Your pics are amazing.
  20. If it’s tastefully done and within the rules of the covenant, go for it! I flew by a Home last night with full bright square prim snow, full bright trees, full bright everything. I don’t know how those neighbors are coping, lol!
  21. Can’t wait for an official update about the snow, or any terrain prim covering the entire parcel that is out of theme for the region. The problem isn’t Christmas or any holiday decorations, the problem is people trying to make snow on lush green grass, and that is awkward and unsightly. Oh, can we talk about these ridiculous color/brick shells too??
  22. A Linden is reading the forum is definitely teasing us by releasing all of the sims according to your predictions. Leora, you’re amazing! Will you predict some weekend releases, LOL!
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