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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Amazing how changing one word changes the whole meaning, yet the meaning remains the same.
  2. Not to mention the users who would go absolutely stark raving bonkers if FS were to yoink derender from the viewer.
  3. How we dressed was by our choice. Having our clothes derendered without consent is not. That lack of consent part will get you chewed every time.
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_calendar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_calendar 🤔
  5. I am in a minority. You should all be thankful there is only one me.
  6. I don't pay to use the Google translator in SL, I simply open my Google browser and use it from there. [Copy/paste might be a PITA for some but it's what I am used to doing.] I was actually using Google translate before I ever even knew there were free translators in SL. I forget who made it but there was one that most people had, and it translated all the most used in SL languages. That was the one I used until LL got greedy.
  7. I haven't forgotten any of that. It's not relevant to what I meant. When the free translators went the way of the dodo and LL started charging for it, I stopped using everything but the free online translator. I can't afford to be nickel and dimed.
  8. The pages themselves are not the communities. They are an introduction to those communities.
  9. It's kind of obvious when they send you a screencap showing you without your clothes on when you know you are wearing them.
  10. I have a t-shirt that I only wear occasionally on Sundays because I plan on being buried in it. It says, "I'm up and dressed. What more do you want?" 😁 @ValKalAstra Don't know what happened to the quote.
  11. Google doesn't charge for me to use thier translator. Never have. It won't let me snip it because it won't stay open but it is still there under the 9 dot grid menu.
  12. So just toss the introduction for newbies so they have no clue if it's a good "fit" for them. No Newbie Introduction to Communities 101 for you!
  13. I wasn't referring to the internet. There's a reason for using quotation marks on words and it isn't always dialog in a book.
  14. New feature requests are supposed to be filed on the JIRA... ...so they can be ignored.
  15. I don't have a Twit(ter) account, and I don't give a flying flippity doo dah. I give this the same reaction I gave being named in a ridiculous image as an alt of someone on VS. What part of it has zero impact on me and my life do they not understand? Are they still in high school? I mean, come on... maven is supposed to be an insult? LOL
  16. I've already seen some of the first images taken several weeks ago. The calibration images were almost as fantastic.
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