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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Peeve: Long term residents leaving SL because of LL's willful blindness. Yes, I know they can only do so much but it's really bad when they rarely even do the bare minimum to protect the residents.
  2. I'm going to miss the only real teddy bear in SL. 😢
  3. I never said it was an either/or situation. I never said Shoutcast or comparable wasn't needed in conjunction with SAM. There was a time when I didn't even believe HIM that he could see IPs until he showed it to me on his screen while DJing. Next people will be trying to tell me most DJs didn't use SAM back in the day when that is what I said to begin with. Not once did I ever say I was referring to what they use NOW. I even used the expression "first started" meaning "in the past". Just more evidence that most people don't really read, they just skim and then miss all the important tiny details.
  4. I emphazied what it said in red just for you. I've read the text many many times over the past 18 years. It's not on me that English isn't your native language. I'm not interested in slinging poo and nothing you sling at me is going to stick. Immediately after the red part is the part that says landowners do have to stay within the bounds of the TOS: Nowhere in the TOS does it state IPs cannot be used to ban. It DOES say your agreement to allow or disallow others on your land cannot violate LL's TOS agreement. If you only have one computer going online, you do not need a router. You do need a modem to go online.
  5. On Chrome, sometimes the images load, sometimes they don't. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Almond Joy's got nuts, Mounds don't.
  6. I don't need to ask. I live with someone in RL who not only has worked as a DJ in RL radio stations, he also DJs in SL. He's only been DJing in SL for over 15 years.
  7. Unless FS changed it back, FS media has been turned off by default since RZ.
  8. It should have been opt-in to begin with. Now I have to go through all of my accounts AGAIN just to opt out of something I never would have opted in for in the first place. SL is fast becoming an unfun place to be.
  9. If you are volunteering, I know a few people who have around 100 accounts each. 🤭 No, not me. lol I only have 4 active accounts and one that's been in limbo for years. 😁
  10. Sorry no. DJs and performers have always provided their own streams since the beginning. Some venues offered their own but most traditional DJs used their own stream. Nice to see things going back to the way they were since that usually worked the best.
  11. I was the opposite. I could wear a long sleeve sweatshirt in the middle of summer and not break a sweat. Years later I'm dealing with hot flashes and night sweats. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. Peeve: waking up from a long overdue nap (we're talking days overdue) and finding the thread I was having a civil, on topic discussion in has been closed, yet AGAIN. I don't think they understood I wasn't using LL's definition as the be all and end all of bot defining but as a means of trying to explain why the rest of the world disagrees with LL's definition of what does and does not make a bot, a bot. All I have wanted for the past 18 years has been a bot to do those tasks I don't always have the time to do, and bots are perfectly capable of doing without supervision. I wish I could create one for myself. Then I would be the only one in SL with a bot that can terraform, be a security orb and a chat bot all rolled into one. 🤪
  13. It's still a bot. The agent is scripted. Again, my point has been it is not the form it takes that determines if something is or isn't a bot, it's the scripts/scripting.
  14. It isn't the representation that makes the bot, it's the scripts.
  15. They are. That's part of the problem. They can also be considered scripted objects since an avatar is an object. Most people think of bots as an object that has been scripted to do certain tasks or things. Bots can come in the form of an object or the form of an avatar. It's not the form that makes a bot, it's the scripting.
  16. Only public numbers were listed in the phonebook. Private numbers weren't listed. 😋
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