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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. OMG, I feel your pain! I am currently on my kitchen laptop which faces the house next door where construction has been going on since one day in March when we were regaled by the sounds of the former mudroom being ripped off the back of that house. A two-story extension has since been built, the house innards gutted, the exterior stripped, and a pool put in the back yard. I have not used my driveway in months since their scaffolding encroaches on it and there were many nails dropped, etc. My bedroom also faces that direction and I was jolted awake one morning at 6 a.m. by construction (a gentle reminder of the hours mandated by local ordinance prevented any recurrence of that!) And on and on and on......... 🔨🛠️
  2. All right, you lot!! Luna, I promise to never send you any Dick Demos, okay? Only wings and tattoos. Bagnu, I am well supplied now and looking forward to getting snowed in this weiner... uh...... winter....... ETA: In case any of you ladies are getting low on certain essential items, my bag of essentials was only L$50 today at Faida: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Eventive/54/212/2180
  3. On a more modest note, but sticking with the floral theme, here is one of my favorite flowery sundresses to remind me that the sun will return and the world will not be dark and damp forever:
  4. I have my clothes back on and all my shopping done. Everything a girl needs for a fun and relaxing evening at home:
  5. /me pats the lion's silly, shaggy head...........
  6. Yes, to me, you are missing flower tattoos, specifically rose tattoos, my current obsession. I photographed these in a pool and I think I avoided showing any naughty body parts. I did my best.
  7. Exactly; my joke about the concert hall just north of a local college is that one can expect to see anything from white tie to pajamas at a concert or opera there.
  8. Nope, I only dress for myself and a successful outfit is one that makes me say, "Oh, yeah, I would f&#k her!!"
  9. At least one of those pumpkins does NOT look happy to be sitting out in the yard!
  10. Sounds like me in RL, still in "Pandemic Mode".......
  11. Lovely, thank you! Was that today? Almost does not look like enough people; I saw 38 there are one point. The music was superb and my legs are tired from dancing. Tiggie is asleep and refuses to dance any more today.
  12. Now you need to visit Port Plunder on Pslande. 😄
  13. Bellisseria Madness Reigns at the Fairgrounds (and then the laser nipples came out):
  14. Your wish = my command. Here we are at the teleporter but it looks like Tiggie has had enough and is about to leave:
  15. We may not have a "YUM" reaction yet, but at least we have YUM emoji 😋 😋 😋 😋
  16. Well, I don't know, personally, yet. I have met some Dinkie couples but have never questioned them about their........ ummmm........... private practices.
  17. First of all: what makes you think Dinkies are innocent?? Second: now I am REALLY looking forward to this exploration!
  18. Thanks for the style info at your Flickr link! Everything except (my constant question of) where this was photographed. 😄 I am hoping to explore being a Dinkie Na'vi later today when my computer chores are done.
  19. We live in the kind of small US town where folks routinely drive in from the countryside on Halloween with a carload of kids to Trick or Treat around town and our block gets 400-500 kids stopping by between late afternoon and 9 p.m. Last year we were all sick with COVID so I wanted to put out yard signs saying "Beware of Plague House!" but my daughter said (quite wisely) that would be more inducement than deterrent to the kids. So I had to settle for some totally anodyne signs saying we were not partipating, sigh. My daughter is no fun............
  20. This year I will be embracing Dinkie Horror for Halloween. Yes, it's a thing........ I think......... 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️ and my sweet little Tiggie goes along everywhere in memory of his adorable RL self who crossed that bridge in 2020.
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