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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. So interesting.......... Caitlin is lovely but AI is weird............. amazing to me how much trouble AI still has with the concept of "fingers", LOL.
  2. The Boss gets to take a break from home furnishing......... and so do I!
  3. Today I am starting to be happy with how the Pslande parcel is coming along. I turned the cave hill around 180 degrees to put the cave entrance on a more private side and I like this arrangement better. Only one crashed sailboat to send home today. ⛵ 😄 One question: I have not yet been able to determine from where the name Pslande comes and what it means; Google search claims total ignorance. Any ideas??
  4. I feel ya........... several long hours of building on my Blake Sea parcel but taking a break now. I have almost 1600 LI to play with so will enjoy that. Today was buying landscaping stuff, placing chunks of rock, and building walkways and stairs. I ended up choosing Scarlet Creative's Tulum Resort for the main house; it does not seem to photograph all that well from this distance but I will take close-ups as work progresses. [Condolences to Bill on the houseboat poofing! Any chance that it will reappear if you log out and back in again? I hope it is not lost forever!]
  5. I am sure that topics both weighty and weightless were discussed and resolved!
  6. I hope the forum will forgive me but we really need an excursion through Ginger Tabby Land today to lift our spirits, so here goes. The True Tale of Tiggie: And a few pics of a typical evening in the SL Life of Tiggie:
  7. Yes, a house is not a home without an orange tabby!! Such a cozy cabin!
  8. Brilliant, I am SOOOOO stealing that idea!!
  9. Me too and have for years and years and years. I rezzed and deleted at least five SC houses on top of my cave today or pondered setting them up instead of the cave. Decisions are the pits.............
  10. Nightfall over my Blake Sea parcel. The pirates of Port Plunder upped anchor and moved on so I am trying to decide what to do with the parcel. Paid my rent till the end of the year so I would have time to ponder. Many thanks @BillFletcher for help when I managed to completely unlink my house, LOL.
  11. Gorgeous! How can I not visit if there is a subway AND a zen garden!!
  12. Thank you all! I have fistfulls of demos now so will retire to my dressing room to try stuff on (and I had forgotten about Sintiklia, ty!) This is fun actually and makes me really appreciate the brands that have the hairline thing perfected. And thanks for the neck tip; no matter how old I get in SL I will never get this figured out once and for all!
  13. Thanks for the suggestions, guys; nothing is coming close enough yet. Most styles are just too "civilized" and not punk enough but I will keep looking tomorrow. I have Truth's Rogue but some older styles seem to have been made before designers got good at making natural hairlines, unfortunately. Meanwhile, I reduced the size of my b**bs to correct that part of the fitting problem, lol.
  14. My lovely forumites, I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction here. I dug up this old Rezology hairstyle that I like quite a bit but it does not fit perfectly any more and the store seems to be gone from SL and the MP. I tried editing for fit but no dice. Any ideas welcome and thanks!
  15. Lovely! I would enjoy seeing more photos from that RP if it is possible.
  16. LOL, I think you are both gorgeous but I totally understand what you mean about alts! I seriously think one of mine has a secret life she will not share with me.........
  17. I LOVE what everyone is doing with the Treehouses! Maybe there will be a Treehouse House Tour in our future?? 🤗
  18. I and many others have encountered this as well. First, try touching and holding the house controller out at the parcel edge for at least 10 seconds. Often this corrects the problem; if it does not, then contact Quartz Mole or submit a support ticket.
  19. Yes, I wonder if it is more common in newly updated regions? I was just filling in a support ticket over this issue the other day when I remembered, "Hey, I already know how to fix this!"
  20. I assume you mean Tiggie and not that human partially obscuring our view of his orange magnificence??
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