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Pony Waifu

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Everything posted by Pony Waifu

  1. This is essentially it. But I wouldn't call people "weirdos" or "misfits". I explained my reasoning for wanting to do this, and that is because the only current videos I see about SL are trolling videos. They are very negative. I wanted to do an interview to show people in SL in a different light. I honestly didn't expect people to be so offended over my post, I'm not sure if everyone here is very guarded or just....strange. Ah well.
  2. I do apologize for that, but this is going do be a voice-based interview. Being offensive isn't my goal but...think of it as an interview for a show. If you could have an interpreter with you, that would be totally fine. My father is deaf in one ear and hard-of hearing, so I know this experience. It's important that this isn't made to "exclude" people, but it IS an interview for a video where verbal communication is required. If you can use a TTS program that is actually just as valid.
  3. Of course! And again, if anyone is uncomfortable during the process they can simply ask to not answer a question. It will be skipped.
  4. I have no idea why you'd assume this. I am happily dating a partner in real life. Sorry you had thought this way, but I'm happily taken. I didn't intend on coming off as creepy. I just have a feeling you didn't read my whole post.
  5. Hey there, not sure if this is allowed, but figured I will try it. I hope this isn't too weird! Please read the entire post before any assumptions and feel free to ask any questions. I am looking for SL-lifers of varying types and communities (normal, anime, furry, etc.) to interview. Men, women, others, of all ages (18+ is a requirement). The purpose: I have been on SL for roughly 3-4 years. The account I'm posting from is my first. SL still seems pretty underground and I find it really fascinating. Many people on the outside have no idea what it is, other than the extremely popular trolling videos that exist on YouTube. When I first joined I ventured out a lot and met all kinds of people from different communities, though now I'm mostly in my own friend bubble. I want to interview different kinds of people, who might be interested. Requirements: Voice is required. If you must use a voice changer for your safety that's 100% valid and will not be judged. Usernames will be hidden. The only identifying factors would be your avatar and voice. Your privacy is important, but of course you should only express your interest if you understand the risk. On the "off chance" someone recognizes your voice, etc. If you are extremely worried about any such discovery, please do not enter for your safety. The chance is small, but still. Must be 18+. The content is not inappropriate, but I personally do not want minors involved - Just seems odd. Details: I will be reading questions from a script I've prepared, and let you mostly do the talking. We will be meeting in-world; I will have an area set up on my parcel. A 'duo-interview' might be interesting if you would like your partner or a friend to join you. Occasionally I may ask more questions to have you elaborate. You are allowed to say "I'd like to skip this question" and it will be edited out of the video. Before compiling all aspects of different peoples' interviews together, you will be shown your own, for approval. Anything you've said that you might want taken out (maybe you said it impulsively, or feel it's too personal and you're uncomfortable, etc.) will be removed at your request. I need to make sure you're comfortable before I post anything. Why I'm doing This: I kind of explained it before, but I just find SL fascinating and there are so many interesting folks inside this crazy virtual world. I want to hear people's stories, feelings, and experiences. This is not really to gain "clout" and moreso just a miniature passion project and something new, for me. I am a streamer with a humble following across twitch and twitter, and my YouTube presence is basically nonexistent. I have also never done interviews before, so this is just for fun and curiosity. If you're interested please DM me in-world (alienaisha). I do not really check these forums much. I am looking for 5 people to start - remember, any community, and adult age, any gender. However if for example, too many females with normal human avatars apply I will prioritize having diversity from other types of people. Please let me know if you have any questions! I'm excited to work on this passion project.
  6. Budget: Open, just let me know the cost. I've never comm'd a building before, only avatar pieces so I don't have a price to go off of. I can pay in L$ or PayPal. Deadline: None! Theme: Cafe, cute, one-story, three rooms (?) Hi there! I'm looking for a custom-made mesh building that will be used for a cute-themed cafe. I'm willing to pay good for quality, as well as open to the artist (you) having creative freedom. I do not have a great eye for buildings honestly but I do have several in-world examples of non-cafe buildings I would like, if that helps you to go off of. Please IM me if you are able to create something, in-world, my user is ALIENAISHA. I have a parcel I've been decorating and would like to have a cute, "maid cafe" vibe. I can invite you to my land and show you what I'm looking for, as well as show you photos of several examples (in SL) of what I'm trying to go for. ♥ Thanks for listening!
  7. Riiiiight? And I'm a people pleaser and I try to be so nice to these weirdos, who don't deserve it. My patience is wearing thinner and thinner and I'm getting more aggressive with them. What a world it is when you can't even VIRTUALLY dance with people without the majority of them making it weird. That's when I bust out my deformed shape I have saved that makes me look like an eldritch monster.
  8. Bruh this happened to me...whenever I FIRST find a new game, I have an addictive phase that eventually wears off. One day I woke up to my annooooooying alarm, and I was trying to do hand motions to "right click" my phone and delete the object. ...Yeah, was really weirded out when my phone didn't just magically disappear.
  9. People I don't know asking me to cuddle, going "*nuzzles :3c*", or just being overly flirty or "cuddly" when ya just met. I state numerous times in my profile to respect my boundaries, and to specifically not flirt with me. My avatar is an extension of my real self, I know that's probably less common on SL, I guess, but. Like I wouldn't do that with someone I don't know, no judgement against everyone else, I'm just up to my ***** with this nonsense... Pardon the vent but how hard is it to literally read my profile? You don't even HAVE to read my super-lengthy picks, just...the little description box in my profile. I broke it down real simple.
  10. Never happened to me but I'd probably just reply lazily and half-assed. "Thanks I guess?" is all I can think of that shows I really don't care without being too mean.
  11. Absolutely. Guns are a lot eeasier to get in SL than in RL, in SL I can own a rocket launcher. Problem solved.
  12. That's true!! I tell people to only share with me what they are comfortable with. However, for me, because I share so much of myself here (I state in my bio at one point, I am myself whether I am in SL or not), there is a certain point where I could not progress anymore in a relationship (friend/platonic) with someone if they are too closed off. It's nothing against them, it's just that to avoid myself being hurt I cannot get too close to someone who is too secretive, yknow? Which, I think is fair. Both parties have different needs. Only things I'll keep secret are a matter of personal safety, such as approximate location, real name , place of work which I think is common sense. Those things I have to be vague about; my first name I'll share with people I get close with but only one person had been told it so far in my time here. i still wanna do that interview with you, but I don't find myself on same time as you 😧 I thought about making some vieos with a similar goal.
  13. I love BodyLanguage. I bought a few and I customize them with animations from other AOs, usually to my preferred walking and running animations.
  14. wow identical!! girl, same almost. my hair is either pink or blonde, i change it so often.
  15. Y'all are awesome. I came here to meme and got a mix of funny and real answers. Stay sweet ♥
  16. Damn girl you dummy thick. You poop with that ass???? 😍
  17. Loving it!! Styling. We should go shopping together sometime.~ My current avatar actually looks like me, but I'd only ever get that question when I had my big titty small-waisted impossible-proportion'd anime avatar.
  18. my avatar: [image description: a pair of huge boobs. i mean some serious honkers. a real set of badonkers. some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big ol' tonhongerekoogers. bonkhonagahoogs. humongous hungolomghononoloughongous boobs photoshopped onto the zodiac killer.]
  19. Pretty much this, I don't get it I only own slink hg and mait, and as much as i love slink's shape i just stick with mait because of the clothing options available by rendering, is that an issue that could be fixed by the creators updating the current bodies or is it more complicated than that? i don't use sl too much, i kinda just come and go in waves
  20. Maybe I'm just a noob but I don't get why there's need for so many bodies...most everything is made for maitreya anyways.
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