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Pony Waifu

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Everything posted by Pony Waifu

  1. tried making a more mature look for when my anime avatar doesnt fit
  2. Oh seriously? Do you have a store in the MP? I love supporting friends so I'd love to check out what you've got for sale! And haha, same; I've only given out my address to two people online but it was to swap letters/gifts for holidays and we had established our friendships before that came about. And omg, yes I love the original ones but out of convenience, I've been playing Reignited. I admit that I 100% prefer the original music, even though the differences are soooo subtle I was able to notice it and go "wait, isn't this a bit different?" haha. Oh and I TOTALLY feel you on how empty 1 was feeling. Ripto's Rage was definitely a big step up. Gotta love them old games Omg you MADE Steven's house?! I gotta see this, seriously!!!!!!
  3. Oh my goodness you are SO incredibly helpful. Thank you so much for all the help! Yeah land ownership has always scared me; in FFXIV (an mmorpg) I had a house, but I forgot to log on in about a month and everything I worked hard to get was taken from me - my house, my furniture, I'm like really! You kidding me? I was so upset but it gives me so much comfort knowing my things would be safely returned to me. Oh yes, the place is small and cozy (just how I prefer; makes decorating simple) so I can't wait to start getting things for my apartment! ^^ ❤️ I'm, going to begin looking for furniture now, I believe. I want to keep things simple so I won't go too crazy but I will definitely keep the land impact thing in mind I really appreciate all this knowledge you're dropping for me! Oh and I see; thank you very much! Yeah I went to one furry sandbox and it seemed very nice, they were having a deep convo though so I decided to sit that one out but I plan on returning Ah, and this is my main 'sona! She's feral here, but the important details for an anthro avi would be her ears, the curly tail, and the tongue hanging out (it's her thing; she can't keep her tongue inside her mouth haha). She's pretty simple! I like the Kemono body for her but I can't decide on a suitable head...I found good cheek fluffs too, because she's supposed to be a white-pink ombre Pomeranian. Haven't had any luck trying to make her in game yet, though I did find a REALLY nice collar that suits my aesthetic! I think if I knew how to make my own fur/textures, I could accomplish this but I'm not sure if I'm ready yet but she's pretty simple overall! Any item ideas you have to help me recreate her would be so amazing, haha XD
  4. ***if this topic is in the wrong section please let me know, I saw other posts similar to this one so I figured I'm correct, not sure Hey there! I'm pretty new to SL and seeing as you can make pretty much anything here, I'm looking to recreate one of my characters but her hair seems difficult to make. I'm looking A) to see if this is doable and B) if so, for how much? I know there are many talented creators out there and I've gotten custom items before in different games, so I'd love to commission someone for custom work. I take art commissions myself (digtal art) so I know the amount of work that goes into things (especially what I'm asking)but I'm just curious if what I want is even possible, haha. I don't have any talent with 3d work (and honestly, it's not something I want to learn) so I figured I'd just support any local people taking up commissions for it! Price will be in Linden since I'm pretty sure how that goes, but this is pretty much a "name your price' type of deal. It's not an issue for me, and when you're putting in so much work I'll make sure you're paid well1 Basically I'm looking for, what would be *almost* floor-length hair on my character, and I'd like it to have...momentum? I think it's called bento on here but I'm not too familiar yet, but basically hair that'll react with my character's movements, would be great. I'd also pay for a texture to go along with it, and *if* possible* an HUD that allows color changing? Not for me, but for anyone else who wishes to also buy the product when you put it in your store after, perhaps? I'll probably only keep it in white, but color changing is always a nice feature to have! Aah, also I think it's safe to mention my goal is for it to look more anime/cartoony (so less detail?) like. If anyone possibly thinks they could take me up on this, please don't hesitate to contact me! I set IMs off to non-friends so if you could reply to me here that'd be great! I'll give more details about the style itself but if my description didn't paint a good enough picture, this image below is to give an ideaaaa of what I'm aiming (again, not exactly) but yeah!
  5. Personal preference of mine, personally. I think in terms of roleplay I wouldn't mind it, but it'd have to work similar to my real-world presence in that, my character would have to be on that level, emotionally, with another person's character before escalating it to that. Nothing against people who use SL for more adult-themed content, it's just not my cup of tea but I think it's great how diverse t Hey, thank you so much for all your help! And thanks for letting me know the difference, this actually really, really saved me from possibly buying a place, haha! I really appreciate it There's actually a place within a friend's world I want to rent ($55L a week seems like a good price to me), but I wasn't sure how you place furniture and such, like if you decide to move do you have to manually pick up the items or does the land owner keep them, etc. I'm a bit nervous to rent my own place there so soon because I don't want to mess anything up. I also wasn't sure if you could rezz items within your own room? Hey, thank you so much! And the age difference doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you. Most of my coworkers are 20+ years older than me. Most of them started when I was a newborn baby, haha. And hey, thank you so much!! Un(?)fortunately I only do anime and furry artwork,. so I'm not sure how popular that is here but I found you can upload images! That's amazing. Maybe people with furry or anime-themed avatars would likke that? Thank you so much! SO far I am loving SL but I've ran into two annoying people I blocked (I suspect the "second person" is the first person's alt, or whatever) but I've learned with Firestorm I can disable IMs from people not on my friends list, I think? So that's probably what I'm gonna set up today, haha.Other than that, having a great time! Thank you so much!! I have a furry avi myself but it's a bit more difficult for me to grasp than normal avis. Plus there's so many parts, but when trying to put together *oddly specific* items for my 'sona, I find trouble And ooh, we sound similar! Good point, yeah it's been difficult for me to tell when people are taking their second life literally, or if they're being themselves. I think I'm going to put it in my bio, letting them know they are addressing me, the person, and not some character. Good idea! I'm not shy about IRL details as well, though I'm choosing to leave most of that out from strangers until I get to know someone to avoid stalking. I've had problems with stalking IRL and god, I really don't need it here too, lol. That's the same reason I didn't put my RL profile pic up; like, I'm not shy about showing my face but I don't need people creeping on me And same, I only PC game for convenience; I love Overwatch but I haven't played in a while, and I'm also playing Spyro Reignited! My favourite was Ripto's Rage as a kid and it still is lel.Thank you so much for inviting me! Maybe I could ask you for some tips on how to make a better furry avi :,3 (also nice icon, peridot's the best!)
  6. oooh, i found something in firestorm that let me send an auto-message. I just kept it as the default; if they try to IM it'll say I have them blocked. Thank you!
  7. Can they see your character, what's the message they get when they try to IM you, etc.? I had to block this annoying dude the other day and I'm just curious as to what he sees if he tries to IM me, can he see my avi, etc.?
  8. i learned how to take pretty photos :3 so i got a new outfit! i still have a lot to learn and practice for but i wanna be a photographer in this game someday :O
  9. Oooh I see, thank you. Yes I will keep that in mind when I make a realistic avi then. I try to make my avis reflect my real style...unfortunately as I mentioned I'm 22 but get mistaken for 15-17 a lot and while my characters are all presumed adults unless stated otherwise (for RP instance) I always maintain a youthful aesthetic because that's just what I like, how I enjoy dressing IRL. I think I'll add that to my bio. Though it shouldn't matter because I do not like the nsfw/adult scene of SL anyways, hopefully I'll be good. Thank you for explaining!
  10. On SL I haven't noticed anything but then again I am new! I play both anime and furry characters, and at first I was worried I would be bullied for being one or the other... haven't ran into that on SL (yet) so I'm very pleased! I've been able to make friends with people of any avi type but I tend to shy away from/am intimidated by normie/regular-looking human avis. Just bad experience from say, IMVU where they would be rude to anyone different. But all of the ones on here have been 100% incredibly nice to me so that fear is going away ❤️ Also, could I ask what the paranoia about child avatars is? I don't have any child avis, though the anime one *does* look young, but then again it's a reflection of myself. I'm 22 irl and am usually confused with looking 15-17 and that happens a lot, very annoying
  11. I only use the MP unless I *have* to go inworld to get the item. I just like how MP gives quick easy description of how to use the product. And I am too lazy to look around inworld!
  12. I just go up to people who look cute nd say I like their outfit If theyre not busy they stick around and the convo goes on People see I'm new and have been telling me welcome, or that they like my look and I think it's very nice
  13. You're absolutely right! It IS my new addiction, lol. I've met so many nice people. And ooh thank you a lot for the offer; I'll definitely think about it, that's really really sweet of you!!! I'm afraid of messing housing up, so I think I'll wait a little bit before I mess around x3 I don't wanna wreck anything! Thank you so much fir all your help!
  14. Yes I've been there!I think that was one of my first rooms. They were very, very sweet ^^ Thank you!
  15. Today's my third day on SL! The first day I was having troubles because there was random maintenance going on, and I was confused, but yesterday I found a great world & some friends! People keep commenting on how I don't *seem* or look like a noob, but honestly I just know how to look stuff up on Google LOL, so any questions I usually figure out that way; I'm a pretty fast learner! I want to have at least one complete of every avatar type; so far my anime is complete, but I also want a standard furry and realistic-looking avatars too. SecondLife is fun and while I'm pretty happy in my real life, this seems like a fun place to relax, socialize, and dress-up. So that's why I'm here. Overall, I'm mostly looking for friends! I'm not big into NSFW content and all so I try to avoid anything of the like... but just by browsing the forums and the few rooms I've been to yesterday, I'm very pleased with the community. Everyone seems very nice. The only negativity I'm seeing is sparking from a place when I teleport home (I don't even know where it is, honestly) and there's always arguing in voice chat. I just ignore it though lol... though I do want to voice chat, it's too difficult to recognize people's voices if there's so many of them. As for me, I'm trying to keep personal details of my real life out of here, save from interests. Oh, and the basics; I'm a girl and 22 years of age! I'm a pretty private person though I've got nothing to hide. But personality-wise, my character will always be me, just in a different setting. With a different body...uh, so it's basically me, but if I were 100x cuter and with some unhuman characteristics. I like cosplay, video games (I'm bad at all of them tho), and furbies. I like to draw sometime and if possible I'd like to try extending my commissions work to here. I don't know how but I'll figure it out along the way! Anyways sorry for rambling, just wanted to say I'm here!
  16. My first complete avi! Not bad for my 2nd day? I would like something more realistic and less anime in the future, but this was easy and cheap enough to put together so I'll deal
  17. I'm pretty much looking for the same styles you are, but I hav a question; Everyone keeps mentioning "Genus Project Baby Face" head, but I can't find it anywhere. Could someone throw me a link or explain to me what these are about, possibly? Thank you!
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