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Pony Waifu

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Everything posted by Pony Waifu

  1. So I'm having trouble with a typing AO I want to use - It has an option to turn the AO off, but it just doesn't work because no matter how much I press the button, it keeps the AO enabled anyways. It's no mod so I can't delete the typing animation which would make everything easier buuuut, oh well. It clashes with my avatar and overrides my typical all-around AO (poses, deformer and stuff) and I was wondering if there was any way I can basically do anything about this? I really like the typing AOs effects, just not the animation. I'm kind of a noob when it comes to SL but I can figure things out typically, but I've been playing around with this and no luck
  2. Hey there! So, while I know how to make textures on my own, I'm not really happy with what I've created. I intend on practicing with time, but in the meantime I wanted to support and pay someone who might be looking for work ^.^ It's actually very simple, as far as the pattern goes, I just don't like shading too much. But an un-shaded skin texture just looks a bit off and pasty. What I am looking for is a texture for the head, body, and ears (I already own the parts I want, so I can send whatever texture files you'd need). If you're interested, please IM me in-world with my username, Nyahrou. In return I can offer $L (let me know what you'd charge) or if you aren't interested in that, I can offer my artwork as a trade (I do art/furry art). For some information, the skin I'm looking for is a pink and white cow. There's already some on the marketplace but don't use the parts I want/doesn't "look right". Thank you ! ^.^
  3. What about doing commissions? Sell custom artwork (for much more than 50 to 100L) and sell it as a texture and they can put it on whatever frame or thing they want? I have a feeling you'd make more with custom art vs. work you've already done, you know?
  4. Hey there! I just got my own land a few days ago and I'm loving it. Big noob here though but Im trying my best, and it's lots of fun! Problem is, I can't get my parcel windlight to prop up the notification override... I read the article and put this in my description as it instructed, /*Windlight Sky: "pinkpurple" Water: "[NB] Sparkling Depths"RegionOverride*/ But still, no luck. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong and how I could manage to fix this? I was planning on making a sign to say "Hey switch your WL to this for best viewing", but still, I wish I could get the popup to work to at least ask - thanks so much!
  5. Very nice thread. Honestly, some people think I'm a man because of how sexy and cute my avatar is. But the truth is I'm just a bisexual girl and I can really appreciate a beautiful girl with big *****, you know? But everyone assumes I'm DTF and will flirt with me in my IMs (I usually ignore them, just don't respond at all. I don't care enough tbh haha). But, I don't know. A lot of men still think that girls dress up for them (and some do, and that's totally fine if that's what you wanna do) but many women just wanna be sexy for ourselves. It's a powerful thing to be able to just look and dress how you want. ❤️
  6. Omg! Another pony friend! We should take a picture together sometime ^-^
  7. You're such a sweetie!! Thank you so very much ; A ; I will pay more attention to choosing the better windlights for my surroundings~ Omg I didn't even consider this!!! I've been too busy trying to copy everyone else that I didn't even try to change up my M.O. Thank you so so much! I'll try to find places that better suit anime avatars ^^ Ahh, I see! Yeah I'm super obsessed with pastels so like... shadows? What are those? I'm kidding, haha - and yes! Good poses, and cheap ones can go a long way you're absolutely correct. Thank you very much! Hey, thank you so much for giving me specific examples and your feedback on them! It's nice to hear from someone else wh is learning, too! Thank youuuu ^^ Thanks to everyone who replied. I'm going to keep all of yur comments in mind for future photos. Y'all made me really happy and I truly appreciate it!
  8. Hey there! So recently I discovered that I could ACTUALLY update my graphics card (I'm...dumb an d not a computer person, LOL, sorry) and so I can run SL on Ultra in Firestorm, and Ultra in Black Dragon (BD is slow as hell but if I just log on, take a pic, and get out, it's manageable). I want to really get better at taking pictures of people. So far I've just been practicing on myself until I get a good understanding. Still, with better graphics, I feel like my pics are a bit boring, or 'flat', if that makes sense. So I'm looking for genuine constructive criticism to help me improve! Here's the link to my Flickr. Also, if youy check it out, can you let me know what you think some of my "best" pics are, so far and why you think that? That way I can try to work around those because I honestly have no idea what looks good LOL. I know for a fact I need to learn how to use the depth of field better (having some issues) but anything else that'd help me I'd really appreciate. I want to be able to take pictures of people someday because there are so many opportunities in SL with pretty people, and pretty locations! Thank you!
  9. Hi there! Just a legitimate question... So, I really want to learn how to dance. I know there's videos on YouTube (I actually have a particular style I want to learn specifically, and found the perfect tuber who does tutorials) but I was wondering, does SL have any way for fullbody tracking to become possible? I say this because I've seen videos of people in VRchat using the tracking to dance in real life, making their avatar copy their movements and dance, also. I wanted to try this, but with SL... I think it would be very cool for me to practice, learn, and get comfortable with people watching. Some of you might think, "Why not just do this in VRchat then? Why do you need SL to do this at all?" Well, for one, VRchat isn't the best community, and I don't like it as much. To answer the second question, I don't neeeeeed SL in order to teach myself how to dance, I just think that it would make the learning process more fun for me. Plus I'd actually have a reason to go out and dance, like putting on shows for people in-world and such, or perhaps learning from another player - like dance classes here could have so much potential, I think. But yeah, that's pretty much it! Thank you in advance to anyone who's able to give their input (:
  10. I managed to make a non-anime avatar and something normal :,) Still need to individualize it more since I feel like she's still too basic, but off to a good start.
  11. Usually a poorly constructed roleplay from some random that YOU CAN TELL just wants to bump pixels. A for effort, but no thanks. There was one time this "fake dom" insulted me in DMs (but tried to make it in a way that would supposedly '''turn me on''') I guess, which didn't work. I'm like...y'know, you can't just approach someone like that. I hate fakedoms LOL. That's now how the bond is supposed to work you gotta earn that trust, earn that respect. Also, I was at a beach just minding my own business. What a weirdo.
  12. i got a new head! i think i look way better!
  13. Basically it's just clothing I'd wear IRL. My clothing choices are always youthful, pink and bubbly. Really into 80s fashions as well. I don't really go out anywhere, just work, home, and my boyfriend's house. When you go out for fun...you waste money, and I'm saving by staying in. So I don't get to dress up much. My SL wardrobe is just a reflection of clowns I already own (similar & not exact, obvs.)
  14. LOL yep you're so right! I remember doing the "cheat" to invite the entire town over to a household. If they wouldn't go to the wedding I invited to, then I'd just have to forcefully bring them there myself.
  15. Not sure, but the other night I had my first SL-related dream; I went to my SL apartment and there were 50 people in there for some reason. I wanted them out of my apartment, but they wouldn't budge! Woke up very confused.
  16. omg i cant!!! this is one of my most favourite outfits ive seen in this thread so far. lovely!
  17. decided to make my look a bit darker !! shes an oversized doll now
  18. i thought this looked pretty on its own, so i didnt bother editing it!
  19. No, it's a gacha. I'm looking for the specific rare item on there; nobody has it, just the headset pieces Thank you, though but I checked already sadly
  20. Hi there! Recently I found an item from a 2016 gacha I reaaaaally want; but I haven't been able to find much about it. I've checked the MP for a reseller and no like for the particular item I want. I was wondering if there was some sort of in-world trading post, or shop I could use to find someone with this (that perhaps didn't list it on this website)? The item is from this particular gacha, the Rare pastel/light pink variant. I think if I had the actual name of it, I'd have better luck but I can't seem to locate it;;; Basically, I'm asking for ways to find possibly hard-to-come-by items, such as this Thank you!
  21. i think with each passing day i get better and better at making my character (*´ω`*) i finally got around to using my maitreya body (got it when i started then never used it) and wow...i was missing out. this body has everything AND its got an easy way to apply tattoos! im very happy with that! sadly most the clothing for the body seems too mature/grown for me, but still lovely
  22. Sorry to have a discussion in a pic form (your looks are always super cute) but if someone derenders your clothing, are you naked just to them? Or do you become naked to everyone? That's so gross either way... People are nasty
  23. Sounds really accurate to real-life LOL. It always seems like human men are starting conversations with girls - any girls. I'll start a convo with anyone but I usually ignore IMs from human men that are just "hey :)" not because of what they are, but because conversations that start like that are, always boring. That or they're looking for "something" I have no problems starting convos with men (I'm sorry yours gets ignored!) but it's how I approach anyone; usually if I like their outfit or something and I ask to take a picture. Now with furries (male and female) they will IM me and always have something to say! Whether it's a question, joke, or some sort of comment on what I'm wearing (if it's a funny bumper, or a compliment on an item). I always love talking to people with furry avis because they uuuuuusually talk a lot like me so we can keep a good conversation rolling haha. People like to make fun of furries a lot (I haven't seen it here, but in other online spaces for sure) but the experiences I've had have been only pleasant and fun :3
  24. isnt she cuuuuute :3 im so happy of this one ❤️
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