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Everything posted by CaithLynnSayes

  1. Laughing at your mistakes can lengthen your life. Laughing at your wife's mistakes can shorten it.
  2. The play on words they were going for is actually Second LifeTime. Just saying.
  3. I completely misunderstood pride month. Who wants to buy 15 lions?
  4. So i should clarify. The reason i pointed out that using that clip in this trailer isn't the best idea is because it mocks SL. Maybe it's out of ignorance, but there is some truth to it and it's a very famous clip from The Office. All i'm saying is that they should have known that, and i think they did, because it was edited so that the mocking part wasn't in it, but everyone knows how the entire clip goes. I am not calling anyone a loser here, just to be clear.
  5. Christ on a bike, that was cringe. @Linden Lab You took that clip from The Office but i don't think you realize that that full clip is actually to muck Second Life. You do know that, right? It goes further like so: "It doesn't have winners or losers. - Oh, it has a lot of losers". The Office has a sort of cult following still and everyone knows that clip and knows it was to mock Second Life. Do you really want to use that in this trailer? Do you honestly not see this? Also, read all the comments in this thread and tell me you did a good job. Please do. I know you probably will delete this comment and do it if you must, but i beg of you, please learn to listen to your actual userbase, the people in these forums for example. How many times have they gone against things you done? It baffles me how you think this monstrosity is going to promote SL. Do better, do way better.
  6. I've also had that when I told truths. It must be a bug though, it must be.
  7. Because Moderate gives you more "freedom" then General would. Adult would just restrict potential visitors that don't visit Adult content and have not set their viewer to visit Adult regions. So basically both General and Adult are restrictive. More info:
  8. Bob forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was mad. She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE!!!" The next morning she saw a big gift wrapped box in their driveway. She rushed out, opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale. Bob has been missing since Friday.
  9. I want a new mouse. Thank you for giving me the perfect excuse to get one now!
  10. I never saw that version and i love it!
  11. I understand the concerns with Google itself but i just can't but help appreciate the technology behind it
  12. Could this new Google feature be the solution to the phishing that seems to be happening a lot in SL?
  13. June is just around the corner... HERE IT COMES!
  14. Why would you alter your original post and title even if you found a fix for the issue you had? Why not just leave it as is and post the solution in how you've fixed it. It can help people in the future looking for a solution to the exact same thing you've just experienced. Now we don't know what happened to your avatar and how you fixed it. Chances are that someone may run into the same issue and have to ask all over again. Slightly selfish imo. PS: your avatar looks like it walked in front of a school projector.
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