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Everything posted by CaithLynnSayes

  1. These kids are about to learn so many new words
  2. Three wireless doorbells sitting on their chargers
  3. My mind followed these instructions perfectly. - Somehow I feel used.
  4. The IRS when they find out about that nickel you swallowed as a kid
  5. Fun fact. That cat's head is actually particles, or I should say, a particle. That is why it seems like it is following your camera. I've seen that effect done before and yes, I occasionally came across that cat too, years ago. So it's been around for some time and chances are the original creator isn't active anymore.
  6. They should make an alarm clock that sounds like a dog about to puke. Nothing gets you out of bed faster!
  7. Fart when someone hugs you. It makes them feel strong.
  8. A small toddler is the closest thing you can have to a Pokémon. It follows you around, you love it dearly, no one else can understand what it's saying, and its obedient only when it wants to be. The main difference is that training it to fight other toddlers is frowned upon.
  9. When I was little, I didn't care what I wore. I just went along with what my parents chose. When I look in old photo albums, I realize that they didn't care either.
  10. Today my daughter said something to me that I didn't think was the most polite, so I told her she needed to say it again in a nicer way. She repeated it with a British accent.
  11. Zombies and toddlers are the same thing. Unlimited energy, they sneak up on you, they bite things they shouldn't, they both carry bacteria from an unknown source that we're never gonna find out...
  12. What's the craziest excuse your man ever told you for not coming home at night? * He said he was cleaning his house and mopped himself into a corner. He had to wait for the floors to dry and fell asleep.
  13. Accordering to status.secondlifegrid.net : Update - We’re still working on a complete fix, but wanted to share a work around for online friends not showing correctly. 1. Log in to Second Life and use the World/World Map and enter the search term Sandbox to locate a sparsely populated Sandbox region. 2. Teleport to that region and once you land, log out. 3. Log back in to your last location. The status of friends online should appear correctly now. If it does not, try another lightly occupied region and repeat the same steps.
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