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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. Careful that you are not infringing on any copyrights.
  2. Let's play a game Paul Harvey style (if you don't know who Paul Harvey is look him up) Tell a story about something that has happened to you in Second Life BUT instead of telling us what really happened make up something totally different. Make it believable, or not but the outcome has to be totally made up. The ending sentence should be "Now you know the rest of the story". Since this was just an idea off the top of my head I'll let people start. Edit: As requested by Billie, you can tell the real ending but only if someone quotes your post and asks. Since this is not in the adult forum, keep it as clean as possible. P.S. This is meant to be a fun hearted thread. NO negative baiting please.
  3. I never heard a rule that you can't discuss past forum shenanigans. I mean, it is SL related. Give us a little taste.
  4. But that is the whole premise of AA. That taking control was not working for them. BUT, if you've never worked an AA program or had an addiction or have been married to one it might be hard to comprehend. Not saying you don't but AA isn't built on that.
  5. See though AA isn't meant to be followed by the book. Take what you need and leave the rest. So no need to modify it at all. Even Step 9 where you make amends attributes what that means to each person. It isn't an absolute.
  6. Venting is good. It isn't probably a good idea to vent about a person while the person is standing next to you. i.e. other forum members.
  7. For the record when I commented on your posting style I wasn't trying to attack you (If you thought that) I was just saying that, for me, it can get overwhelming sometime...like rapid fire bullets. LOL. There are plenty of times when I appreciate it and some I don't. In no way was that meant to silence you or get you to change in any way. YOU do YOU and don't worry what people think. They are all opinions anyway, not facts.
  8. The thing is that Second Life is set up to have transactional relationships by simply having an IM system that allows you to send an IM to someone that is offline for them to read later. I actually have a few "transactional" friends that I've never even see in-world, in-person.
  9. This is accurate. While I have come to appreciate your posts more now as the humor you intend @Love Zhaoying reading the forum in the last few months has been like being hit with a blizzard and tornado all at once. You rapid fire off responses and comments so fast no one really can get a discussion going in-between your "jokes". It does sometimes get tiresome.
  10. I find it kinda sad that someone didn't have anything better to do today than to crap on a couple of people for no reason. That's really it.
  11. So you purposely post a topic to incite drama and then have the GALL to threaten to report it for closure? Are you feeling lonely today?
  12. I'm really not sure why this thread even IS open. It was openly admitted that they created the thread to call out specific individuals wrapped up in a pretty little title. There is no "Original Topic".
  13. I laugh when people get upset when posts are "reported". If it isn't a post that shouldn't be n the forums then why worry about it? Just because you report something doesn't mean anything will be done about it. Trust me, I've reported many a post where that report was simply ignored. Also, you have no idea if the post was reported or the mod just happened to read it and take action. You bring this up a lot. Are many of your posts removed? I'm curious now.
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