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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Why did you have to remind me of the horror, that is this Canadian PSA? Lol
  2. So they want an androgynous gender expression body type. They could have said that instead of saying Non-Binary, which is someone's gender identity. Not their Gender.
  3. What is a Non-Binary shape to be exact? Could you maybe explain? I mean a non binary person could be femme or masculine presenting or androgynous. So what is a Non Binary body type to be exact?
  4. And let me add to this. That PSA with the house hippo, that had to do with not believing everything you see and to talk about false advertisement. Had people falling for it anyways, and people were like. I want a house hippo. It was an interesting times, in Canada in the 90s. Lol
  5. Sure, my last statement still stands. It is okay to not know what a word means. And to even ask someone to help explain it to you.
  6. Here in Canada, I don't know what the people who made the PSAs were smoking. We had a house hippo video to talk about false advertising and then the one with puppets going don't you put in your mouth. The Canadian PSAs were so trippy. Lol
  7. Yes, that is what Google is for. But you can't say you know what it means, and then state word for word what the definition of it is. It's okay to not know what a word means.
  8. But you really can't expect everyone to see Anime as you do.
  9. No I really don't. But I do think that had these few behaved and followed the rules. Than the rules would have not changed. And yes the needs of the many will always outweigh the few, good example. So you have a million people starving and thirsty and 1 person who is just thirsty. Who you gonna serve first, the 1 or the many? That is my point. That one who is just thirsty, is probably gonna be looked over, as there are way more that are hungry and thirsty.
  10. Okay but can you please relay your opinion, on why you disagree with my sentiment.
  11. Well in Canadian and America Justice Systems. It's innocent until proven guilty.
  12. Well, you do only have the power to change your life. And how would you go and change someone else's life?
  13. I don't know, I am not the other people. But people felt it imperative for change to happen.
  14. Yeah life is what you make it, means your life. Do you play the victim or do you just not give a crap about certain things? Do you choose to be positive or negative? That is what it means. Not changing life for others around you, to a point where they have to see it your way or they are wrong.
  15. That is part of life, as unfair as it is. That is just part of life.
  16. How is this cancel culture? People voiced their distaste with the current rules and how they were worded, and LL changed it. That isn't cancel culture. That is called listening to your customer base.
  17. The point means, that they want to make the majority of users in SL happy. As if they lose them, that could mean catastrophe. That is literally how a business runs.
  18. I mean you were the one who said Alternate facts are valid. So I mean you have been pretty unreliable in what you said. Lol
  19. Off-topic, but I love that Leonard Nimoy quote. I do however agree with this sentiment.
  20. Oh I totally get that, but there are so many other regions out there that you can choose from. Clearly they don't want you or your money, and you can just support the place that actually wants you ♥
  21. Okay so you are wanting a reeducation system, to teach them how they think is wrong? Not taking into consideration of them maybe being uncomfortable with actual child avatars or even cautious who they let in
  22. I never understood the reason to complain, I mean if the owner doesn't want that person there. They need to find another place. That is what I would do.
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