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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. I am not saying that it is a problem, I am just stating that both sides are hypocritical about stuff like this.
  2. Another big one, and I am against banning of any book. Sure restrict for certain age groups, but don't ban it all together. But both sides think that teaching a certain topic is not okay in schools. But then will go and teach those topics. IE right teaching religions in schools and the left teaching about the LGBTQ+ in schools. To be honest with you, I think they need to teach those at a certain age, but in an unbiased manner.
  3. See this is where I see hypocrisy, people will say that. But then get mad at say a church, for flying a pride flag or having a more LGBTQ-centric congregation
  4. I didn't choose to have Gender Dysphoria, I mean do I wish I didn't have the mental issues that come with it? Yes. But I am making the best of a bad situation, how I choose.
  5. You clearly didn't read my post correctly, I said that both sides are bad for going crazy over differences opinion. Both sides use buzzwords to invalidate the other person's opinion. That is what bugs me, and that is why I left twitter. I mean good god, I see a lot of people on both sides taking their Political commentator on YT as gospel. The problem I have, is the fact that a lot of people really can't think critically or even for themselves. They let media think for them.
  6. And this is why I quit twitter and basically am just stayin with FB and Insta. All this back and forth and being at each others throats, really does a number to your mental health. Especially if you get involved and either side doesn't agree with you. Good god!!! You get lambasted and attacked.
  7. Okies well this is getting to be too much, and yeah I have other things to do. So you guys argue amongst yourself. Toodleoo.
  8. I mean I generally don't see people who throw religion in my face either. And if someone talks about it, I generally excuse myself from the conversation. But then again, if someone goes on about politics, I will generally leave the conversation. I tried to avoid both all together.
  9. I did not see that, but then again. I am trans, and I don't find that word offensive at all. I mean she could have not used it in a derogatory way. @BilliJo Aldrin you do really need to stop putting all trans people in one singular box, like we are all the bad guys. I truly don't appreciate it. Like if you read how I talk, I have said on many occasions. That I dislike radicals.
  10. But my point is, I am trans. And if I had a problem with what she said, I would call her out. Please do not talk over me or act like I can't fight my own battles.
  11. Who was I name-calling? I said both are guilty for it. I literally said there are some in the LGBTQ community that are like that, not all. And then I added that the right likes to magnify the outliers, like the ones I stated. How is that making fun of anyone?
  12. Actually it's really a problem on both sides. Where you see a few people on social media, acting like that. But then again, I just roll my eyes and scroll on by. But then you have someone on the right, who magnifies it and makes it worse than it is and it puts a huge target on our heads.
  13. I would actually agree with you on that one, but then again it seems like the internet has done it with both sides. I don't actively go looking for LGBTQ stuff or even straight or religious stuff. I mean when it pops up on my wall on FB, I just scroll by all of it.
  14. See this is why I have separated myself with the modern trans community, I mean prior to 2010. It was pretty quiet and people accepted it. But then again, I am one of those transpeople who want to be left alone and just live my life. Without all this negative press on both sides making me look bad.
  15. I mean it really doesn't help that people and I am not saying all. But some people in the community, are very openly sexual. If they want to do their kinks and fetishes, that is fine and I am all for people exploring that side of themselves. But some people have made it a very public affair, which can give people the wrong idea.
  16. But the thing is, it wasn't thrown in this person's face. From what I gather, this was explicitly explained in a notice. So she could have chosen not to go.
  17. See I wouldn't, I would realize that it's just an opinion and that yeah I may not like the opinion or even agree with it. But they have a right to it. But beyond that, I would just move on and let my presentation keep going. As I know there are others who enjoy it. But the thing is, you made it about your presentation. If I were trying to create a forum post like yours. I would pose a question, not go off on a rant about how something for me was ruined. I mean you could have said it in a reply to yourself and even talked about your other experiences with pride in SL.
  18. I mean if someone didn't like my presentation, I wouldn't let it ruin my day. As I know there are gonna be people who like it. And knowing that makes me happy.
  19. But this is not like your normal everyday class. Lol. Its Yoga.
  20. I honestly don't, I only know of the whole Silvervale/other streamers and the Hogwart's Legacy dilemma. I felt so bad for the people they went after, just for playing a game.
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