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Everything posted by brodiac90

  1. I didn't need to check, it was an experiment to see how people would react and whether they would be serious or not. Call it a litmus test.
  2. It's reasurring that of 24 reactons so far, 22 have hit like. I'm not counting the laughing emojis since not everyone will take the thread (or my picture) seriously but at least no one has been stupid enough to hit thanks or unsure.
  3. I posted my picture just for fun. Hopefully should only see likes. Can we put anyone who reacts any other way on a list?
  4. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone. Please don't respond to individual posts with written comments just use the reaction icons. Figured we needed a control sample 😂
  5. Exactly, we clarified this in the main thread. Child avatars must always wear the modesty layer. If they're not wearing any mesh clothing, then the modesty layer will be visible and they won't be nude. If they're wearing mesh clothing, then the modesty layer may potentially be alpha'd out but will still be there - no one is going to know though because the kid will obviously be fully clothed and not nude. So long as child avatars wear the modesty layers and aren't nude then whether the modesty layers are visible or not is somewhat mute. LL's main message is 'don't be nude.' If no one ever sees a modesty layer but kids have clothes on then LL will see that as mission achomplished.
  6. It's very old now and hasn't been supported for a long time but child avatar dolls do exist. It was called COCO DOLL KID AVATAR.
  7. It isn't. I mean, if the boy was wearing a pony tail, had a female shape, was in a dress and also happened to have a unisex name then maybe people might be confused, but otherwise no. I have somewhat long and feminine hair, my display name is James. Do you think if you saw me like the picture below with the name James you'd think I was a girl?
  8. LL really does not care about borderline cases where someone who is 16-17 could be 18-19, and if they do it's not their primary concern. Someone previously mentioned they have worked in the legal system and that prosecution only takes cases forward where a jury could look at an image of a child and go - yep no one in their right mind could think they're 18. What LL is rightfully terrified about is avatars my age appearing in images. Pictures where it is very obvious that it is a child. If I go into adult land, and or don't wear a modesty layer and or put myself in a situation where nudity is present and expected, then I'm going to get AR'ed and banned - rightfully so. Go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect £200. Older teens / shorter adults will not face the same sort of consequences, if they're AR'ed at all. LL have already mentioned they use a severity tree to determine what the right action should be. In those circumstances I very much suspect it would be education, not perm bans with no warning.
  9. I have a similiar question. I have never bought land before but I'm thinking about buying some G land and making somewhere for kids to go. What is the best way to start going about doing this?
  10. Modesty layers 😂 - please take that with the humour that it's inteded with.
  11. 12 random people whose average intelligence is already low, and half the popultion are lower than that, does not compare to an expert. In fact, decisions by committee can often be worse in a risk averse environment when sometimes you just need 1 sensibble person to go. Err no, this is obiously not a child avatar etc. In fact, if this thread and the main one have proven anything, it's that you don't want peers deciding this stuff.
  12. It's why I said 'more likely,' but I agree context is key.
  13. I agree but would also add 3 things. 1. Profile content including things like their profile picture, description, picks and groups. 2. How they talk and act. 3. The sorts of accessories they have or are wearing - children are more likely to be holding things like toys, teddy bears, games, candy and anything else usually associated with children.
  14. I use Lelutka Avalon. Shape really is the most important followed by the skin / hair etc.
  15. Thank you, is there an in world group or is that just the title of the assembly? Also, I'm SLT+8, what time is PT?
  16. I change outfits so often my SL Mom bought me my own washing machine. I don't use it though! Laundry is for grownups! I made her a number of coupons for Christmas, one of them was titlted Washy Wash. Pay attention to the date....
  17. 196 pages to go! We could have another plague(sic) award given out. No @Madi Melodious I'm not going to let you forget that 😂 😂😛
  18. LL recently released examples of the modesty layers. Content is not yet available but hopefully now that creators know what is expected it will be forthcoming. There is an entire thread dedicated to this which recently got locked at 251 pages. As for Furry child avatars, LL has not stated what their position on them is but as many agreed in the thread, we don't see how it is possible for LL to ignore them.
  19. Side one might be more contentious depending on how developed the avatar is. No need for the back one though.
  20. I honestly feared they might be as drastic as shorts which would break way more content than they already do.
  21. I must be a girl at heart then because my favourite activity is shopping and I have so many outfits it is unbelievable. I already said I agree the back part is uncessary, but I also stated I don't think LL are going to change their minds. Yes it's rubbish, and no, the kid communuity in general being deminished is not good for me.
  22. LL didn't really address that with the latest FAQ so now I think it's more you can't remove it or else you're breaking TOS. If that weren't the case I would expect them to address it since large portion of the thread was dedicated to that topic.
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